Sunday, February 28, 2021


 I set up the ironing board.  I nearly never iron; I am a perfectionist about it, so I hate doing it, but I will give it a shot. 

In case

In case something happens to me and I never get to see you again.....I love you.


 I don't know if my doctor goes to the jury selection tomorrow too.

Friday, February 26, 2021


 So will I be tossed into Hades? No meanness!🤦

I am being punished for trying to protect? They must have taken parts of it out, because I explained everything in my message, but what was played didn't have it. I was worried about identity theft and wanted to warn, because if they took everything they would not leave a witness.


 I keep having to get up. The light went out and I banged my mouth into something. Not sure if it is swelling up.

This is such a farce. Two adults should be able to run their own lives and not have others foist their own wishes off on them. People do not need law to run every aspect of their lives. This has never been morally, or legally right.


 My fantasy would be to just have us walk up to each other and hug! Blow them all away!😀

No matter

 I am scared. My neck is in severe pain and the kidney pain is on and off. I know that I will be so much better when normalcy reigns supreme. I still have to organize papers. 

No matter what, just remember I love you and never think badly about you, ever! (I know I am not attractive, but that can be remedied.)

Thursday, February 25, 2021


 I adore him.

(You know.....)


 I fall in love with a person through how well I engage with them how well we click and have fun. When I want to talk with them without stop is the real sign. That is all that matters to me; anything else is just a matter of passion.


 I rested much of the day. I hope it helps. I want to stay calm and not be in pain.


 The idea of this being a set up was shown clearly to me by their support team. I was attacked and threatened by Dr. Moon, given a false breast cancer diagnosis and lured to have breast cancer surgery. Then given a false R.O. so I could not feel safe. I was given a hormone ceasing medication that gave me terrible symptoms and appears to have rather weakened me. One doctor muttered under her breath, when she was suggesting the medication, "or some people just don't do anything at all". (I thought it was a strange comment.) Then adding on another false 5 year restraining order to keep me from having safety, or a witness. How could I be worth all of this attention? I am being used to help them attain a goal. I also think they want me dead to be able to get my friend's portion of my will. 


 When I feel unsettled and without an anchor, I read about ancestors and spiritual things to feel more stability, support and grounded. It is calming. I also gain strength to some degree. 


 I should have never been used in such a way. Nothing made sense, which is unsettling. He was being trained to be what they wanted, someone with no independent thinking; a trained doggie. A broken spirit.


 It is hard for me not to think that my punishment was meant to be punishment for my doctor. It would be difficult to see someone else suffer because they did something out of gratitude for my kindness to them. It is like they wanted to beat the compassion out of him. I think that is disgusting.


 My friend has been abused by all the people he should have been able to trust. It has to hurt and be confusing. None of it was loving, caring, or even decent, or legal. No one should blame him for walking away and giving himself a chance to heal and make clear assessments. He is important, but they make him seem inferior and should be grateful for anything he gets. It is pure narcissist treatment.

Jerk security guard

 I was accused of some cruel plan to purposely be mean to my doctor by giving  him an orchid called "Zen" from "ah Sam's" florist.

I had no idea what that security guard was on about. I gave an orchid to Mark Barrenchea, when he had leukemia; he didn't take it badly. (But not as expensive as the one for my doctor.) My doctor's was near $200. That was not a joke, or cruelty, it was love and a desire to give a nice gift. I was told it was confiscated. That is the most disgusting place!  That same security guard made a big deal out of the Kwan Yin statue and the signed GS book, "Old Ways". Eventually I got a vague idea of what he was saying. What an asshole! He is a phonominal jerk!

February 23, 2021

New Life for Suzuki Roshi’s Orchids

By Tova Green

Many residents of SFZC’s City Center go up to the roof to get a view of the city, find a quiet place to read, or to work out on the stationary bike. On the roof there are several beehives and a protected area with Suzuki Roshi’s orchids. 

These orchids were originally tended by Shunryu Suzuki, who lived at 300 Page Street from 1967, when San Francisco Zen Center acquired the building, until his death in 1971. We don’t know how many orchids there were initially, or how many times they have been divided and repotted over the last five decades but they have lived on the City Center roof all these years. They have been watered twice a month by a succession of Zen student gardeners, and have absorbed nourishment from the water and the moist air.

When Bran Massey, the current gardener, began working in that role over a year ago, he noticed that the orchids were overflowing their pots and didn’t seem to be thriving. He knew about many other plants, but with orchids he was “starting from scratch.” He consulted with a few staff members who knew about orchids, and learned from the American Orchid Society’s website. He realized that the orchids needed to be repotted, a daunting task, as there were so many. Bran ordered twenty-eight-quart bags of orchid potting soil for the project.

Bran told me that the orchids are Cymbidium, a genus of evergreen flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae. Orchids in this genus are epiphytic; they live on tree branches and take their nourishment from air and water. Epiphytes can also take nutrients from dead plant matter like bark. New potting medium can support the plant up to six months. After that they need orchid food on a regular schedule. 

Cymbidium have pseudobulbs with long tapering leaves. The orchids on the roof are dormant now, but when they bloom they have many flowers arranged on a long stem that arises from the base of the bulb.

Bran was joined in the repotting project by Paula Pietranera, a resident who is a skilled gardener. On a chilly afternoon I watched them remove an orchid from its old pot, revealing a densely packed bundle of intertwined roots. 

Repotting decades-old orchids can be a messy job. They soaked the plant in a bucket of water in order to make the roots more pliable and began the painstaking process of removing dead roots and bulbs and untangling the roots. This was necessary in order to see where to make the separations when they divided the plant into several smaller ones. The last step was inserting the plants into fresh potting medium in their new pots.

Paula and Bran noted with pleasure that from the two plants they have repotted so far, they now have nine smaller ones. Paula commented, “These orchids have seen a lot of things in the time they have lived on the roof.”

Bran and Paula soaking the orchid


Removing dead roots.


Untangling roots.

[Photo credit: Tova Green]

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