Sunday, August 2, 2020

I saw an ad for a Prime series called, "Radioactive."  It is, of course, about the discovery of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie. The "stuff" that gave me my rare cancer, pPNET. (20 years after exposure) It is nearly 2 am and I am eating dinner. I am such a free spirit! :-)
I was forever thrown off a "normal" schedule when I spent so much time at K Santa Clara (the old one) and was awake at all hours. I had to drink gallons of water to reach a specific gravity prior to chemo.  It was pretty awful. It seemed like the water jut fell out of me when I got out of bed; I did a lot of hand laundry. I had the room with all my bits of home in it and a sound machine to keep out hospital noises. I stayed a good part of a year (or so) in the hospital. How lovely, had I known you then! Once, you made it sound like you did know me then and I strained my brain over it. I wish I could have known you longer.  So much time has been wasted, in my opinion anyway. I suppose it is a snore to hear me say how much I care about you, but I cannot help it.  I get a little stab in the heart when I think of you. It isn't unpleasant; it's more of a sudden tickle than an actual stab.  I have never experienced it before.  Being in love with you, is the most amazing experience of my life.  Having you away has been the most horrible experience.  I am grateful. 

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