Thursday, August 27, 2020


 I was able to get a suite to be able to stay overnight before the date down there. The hotels must be hurting, because it was even less than a normal room. I still have a driver, since they still won't renew my driver license! I keep sending them the money they want, but they just sent everything back and said I must go to an office. I told them that would be too dangerous for my health. Seems like everything runs"between a rock and a hard place." It is something that Attorney did, it must be so. He and his mob come up with the most cruel, f'd up stuff! I wish you would stay away from them to be safe. I am seriously worried for you. They have done so much evil. A happy person is not a caged person! Be alert! Get away and be strong! No place of business should condone this! It should be something that should be like a Congressional hearing! You have become a commodity, not a human being. I love you so much that I want you free to live how you want. If I can fill a roll of happiness for you, then my life will be complete. I can see that someone might hope you would stay in their life, because you are so wonderful, but it seems like they are all just using you for their happiness and do not give back. That can kill someone. I only want your happiness, it seriously makes me feel so damn good! 

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