Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cruel keeper

I get no response to anything, unless I call. I am told nothing, yet I get things happening to me that I don't understand. Some crazy woman with power and money cannot manage to be nice enough to her "partner" to keep him happy. She hires two hit men to terrorize me. She has had complete freedom for 5 years. She cannot stand the thought that I am still alive. She attacks me, yet no reprimand for her. 

I am trying with all my might to get truth and justice out there, but people act like I am the "bad guy"! They have all the power and yet attack me! If Dr. L doesn't want her, he has that right! She can't even manage to be nice to him and most likely abuses him. Shut down the TRO and he is a free man and I am a free woman! We can be free to live our lives as WE want, not what some unhinged woman wants.

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