Saturday, August 29, 2020

Email to Judge and Attorney

 Mr. Guasco,

You know that with your lies and forgeries and the attacks on me and falsely putting me in jail and harming a handicapped senior, false evidence and your spy tactics, I have you dead to rights as guilty of committing crimes against me in the guise of valid law, then hobbling me with attorneys that were not mine, but on your payroll. 

You frightened me, yelled in my face and ran away. You made me confused about why the law, which usually is my comfort and protection, was no longer my friend. You hijacked it and twisted it into an evil stranger. It needs to be allowed to be free to once more find its true calling: being the hope of the downtrodden and the bullied and defenseless. 

You subverted law to bend it to your will by using dirty tricks and weakness of others to make law and Justice disappear, but find a terrible mutation remaining in its place. You made your own version of law that helps only you, no one else. It erodes the basic tenets of this country! It is in danger, don't add to the abuse! It has made me so angry to see you turn the court into your own circus, because it is an INSULT TO MY COUNTRY TOO!  


You have racked up many prison points. That hurts my heart, because you are too young to completely screw up your young life. As I said, I am a mother and I hate all this negativity.

Drop this false case against me and at court, apologise to me and give me and the judge a letter saying that you swear an oath to the court that you will never take a case to harm another person with a false TRO, R.O. or false contempt charge against an innocent person again. Plus, you hurt me so badly for 5 years, for your own monetary gain, that now I have a breast cancer diagnosis and worse MS. I would ask that in return, you donate $5,000 to the Bidon campaign and volunteer legal help for environmental and handicapped causes for 5 years. That is little enough to ask after all the terrors, despair, jailing, humiliation, health compromising situations you caused. Stop this false TRO and never do it ANYONE! Confess to the judge and stipulate to my conditions. You could be disbarred, go to prison and pay hefty fines, then I will get an attorney who will sue you AND Kaiser for all you have done to me with their blessing! Plus, your shadow client, Dr. Moayeri, will be sued for her part in this and she needs mental therapy. If there are DA cases, they will be a separate issue. 
Repent and seek redemption for the horrors you have caused to so many innocent, vulnerable people! It is the only way you can escape so many bundled penalties for your many criminal deeds. Don't compromise, or lie to the Court again; it is your family. If the judge agrees to it, he (Judge Karesh) could work out the fine points. Also apologise to the judge for your insults and disrespect to the Court; it does not deserve to be denigrated as you have done to it. It is the heart of our country. Respect it. 

If I get no reply in the positive, then no holds barred. I have tried to compromise with you even though I am suffering and could even die from your callous and criminal behavior, but I have felt compelled to take pity on you due to your youth. You have obviously had a neglected childhood and that also tugs at my heart. 

Therapy would be a strong requirement for you as well as doctor Moayeri, she obviously has strong problems with control and abuse issues. Dr. Lukaszewicz deserves love and respect and with your terrible treatment of him, by putting him through this cruel charade, just so Dr. Moayeri can keep him on a leash and as prisoner, is just DISGUSTING! You wanted us to hate each other,when we did not! She is terrified to allow him his freedom, obviously to keep his income! She does not even treat him like a partner, or a loved one!  He called me when he was frightened, when he was sad and when he wanted to know if I needed a call to lift me up. He did so many beautiful things for me and needed no fanfare, I just managed to find out later! 

Then, when he came to my surgery to keep me safe,that was the last straw for Dr. Moayeri, she got the freebie Kaiser attorney and put Dr. Lukaszewicz in a tough spot by putting his name on a TRO and whining to Kaiser to keep her happy, so they did nothing when I sent my many complaints! This is revolting! Kaiser needs to stop letting you hurt their patients they are innocent victims! Stop making their lives Hell, just as you have made mine for 5 long years! I know the terrible things you have done! You have been a monster, then you gloat and tell them that, they "brought it on themselves!" Does that cruel comment lessen the guilt that flies transiently through your maniacal mind?

I would also ask that you unsmear my name from everyone and every entity to whom you destroyed my name. That was the lowest blow. My reputation and dignity are all I have. I am not a wealthy person, but I care about how people look at me. I have always been kind to others and tried to help them. You made me feel like the slime you have been. I resent it. My family resents it. The ancestors I revere resent it. You took away so much when you spread lies about me!

If you do not want to do better for yourself, then go ahead and turn down my last offer. But, be aware that my kindness meter runs out at that time. There is so much ruthlessness and attacks on humanity in the country, stop adding to it!

Stay safe, take vit D.

Cheryl Petrovich

cc: Honorable Judge Karesh
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