Friday, August 21, 2020


 So, no one should be angry with me. I did all I could and my leg and foot are giving me horrible pain. The side of my leg was turning black in a small area. My legs and feet are an embarrassment. I eat very little and fill up on water. But I have my moments, but stay large. 5 years of torment and sadness,doesn't help. All this because a woman wants to control another person's life! I am just collateral damage. Everyone bow and kiss her ring! Slavery did not return! She sounds extremely spoiled.

The women's health expert said she found no breast cancer.I guess I did mention it. But I need another mammogram outside my insurance. They wanted to maim me, or kill me, or make me brain dead. 

All I wanted was to be able to talk with you and know you. And if it worked out, possibly take care of you and make you happy and feel adored.

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