Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Each time I hear of a terrible thing happening, the first thing I think is that I would want to hug you and thank God each day that you are alive. It just makes one want to protect the ones we love. I don't know. It feels vulnerable and scary in this world sometimes. You are always caring for others, I just want to do it for you too, if I could. You seem so strong, but I want to take care of the maybe sometimes frightened part of you that could use a hug, or the knowledge that you mean so much to someone that they would die to save you. I have worried about you for the longest time. I worried because you drove so much and in early hours. Maybe it is selfish of me to want you safe, because I know I could not stand it if you were hurt and if you were gone, I could not carry on. My worry for you really made me know how much you meant to me. I will always love you, no matter who we are to each other.

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