Friday, July 26, 2019

If they just drop the thing, I will stay away. No one has to worry about me. The person who didn't do anything, wrong is treated like a monster and the actual monsters are treated like gold.

Yes, it IS the "Twilight Zone!" (I remember you talking about it from all that time ago) Those two and their crew have turned that place into a nightmare. They really look at you as their big prize. If it were from caring, I would not be worried, but those people would not know love, or caring, if it kicked them in the face. :-)

You are Loved by me.

I don't feel well, but I will be okay, I guess. I am not sure how long. I will be great when this is over and I could see you.....if you want anyway, even if for just a visit. I have been so unbearably sad. I even forgot to pray last night. The heart irregularity had me feeling strange, but better now, except for a headache. I always panic and want to make sure to say good-bye to you. You know I do not live a normal life. For some reason, I exiled myself; I basically shut down from the sadness and shock of it all. I know if I had been treated kindly, I would not have reacted so badly, but their intention was to harm and destroy. It is covert, insidious, professional destruction inflicted. I live far away, but carry the aftershocks and scars. But, I am someone who always bounces back. I just hit very low points at times. I am so surprised that those people are not in jail (prison). It is where they belong. Karma is not running on a very fast schedule
(Too busy in D.C., I guess....!)

Have a restful and lovely weekend! Take good care of yourself! Look north and say hi to me sometime. I will hear you and feel the kindness. I always knew when you were there for me.


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