Saturday, July 27, 2019

added info.

Haviva von Martinitz

11:23 AM (3 hours ago)
to RichardPDjwadeEricMarkDave
Dear Inspectors, etc;
It has become clear that what
to me with the false restraining
order, was
that when it was noticed that
I had a
completely above board, friendly
with Dr. LukaszewiczMarija
was brought to Kaiser SSF,
(end of May,
2015) she had the mission of
intimidating me
so much that I would no longer
want to be
his patient. She had staff at
Kaiser SSF
treat me badly and tell me various
things to
make it seem like the people there
hated me.
She even got doctors to
participate as well
as nurses and technicians of
departments. I believe that some
even left
that Kaiser because they did not
like their
role in it. I basically know who
The security guards were used as
co-conspirators and instigators
(and even
looked into my medical record, as
per the
testimony of Edward Souza,
then security
guard, now in Janitorial). Those
two guards
were rewarded with permanent
jobs at
Kaiser, instead of their contracted
with a security company. They
harassed me
and played key roles in setting
up situations
to make me upset/fearful and cause
me to react. Marija M. Petrovic made
the plans and
they (and others) carried them out.
I was
treated harshly for no reason and
endured a
"whisper campaign" by most of the
staff around Dr. Lukaszewicz
I believe that Marija M. Petrovic
is well known to Dr. Lukaszewicz 
and his domestic partner, Dr. Moayeri
she had previously had an office on 
the 3rd floor of the SSF
medical bldg. Marija Petrovic's
brother,Marko, works at Kaiser in 
an area of Neurology, which is also 
Dr. Moayeri's field,but she as a 
neurosurgeon and he in some
kind of rehabilitation. I believe
that they perhaps worked at the 
same Kaiser facilities at the same 
Marko has worked in both
Southern CA, as well as San Francisco,
as had Dr. Moayeri. I believe that it was
suggested to incorporate Marija M.
Petrovic to come back to Kaiser 
Northern CA, and work at the Daly City 
psychiatric facility,
which is a quick trip back to the South
San Francisco Kaiser, so she could set 
her plans against me into motion. 
I am sure she used threats and 
intimidation to make Kaiser
employees to participate. It was all
completely covert and I was deemed
enemy by those working at the
South San
Francisco facility, but it was also
at Dr. Lukaszewicz's San Rafael
office too.
The bad treatment and whisper
were utilized by staff there also. 
I was yelled at, intimidated and
told to "go find other friends" and 
had people sneer
at me about the clothes I wore.
Prior to Marija M. Petrovic's arrival
back at Kaiser
from Comprehensive Psychiatric
the people who worked at Kaiser 
SSF were 
congenial. People said odd things to 
me about Dr. Lukaszewicz and messed 
up tests I had 
done, even an MRI and jabbing 
needles in my 
arm so hard, that my arm felt 
electric shocks
and my hand went numb. Doctors 
in the ER 
treated me badly and accused 
me of being 
there to acquire drugs.
After I asked Dr. Lukaszewicz,
through the
ER doc to observe my gallbladder
surgery and he did so, I was
delivered a TRO
to my home in Millbrae. Michael
C. Guasco,
Kaiser attorney through their
hired law firm, Buty & Curliano 
was the attorney "for" Dr.
in a restraining order against
me. It made no sense to me. One
week AFTER
I asked Dr. Lukaszewicz attended 
my surgery 
at MY request, he suddenly 
decided to hit me 
with a TRO with complaints that 
could ONLY have come 
97 days PRIOR? He supposedly 
gave me a 
restraining order for giving him 
gifts, for which 
he thanked me and kept and for 
some supposed 
suggestive remarks I was to have 
made. Why 
wait until after coming to my 
surgery, which was a 
personal act of kindness toward 
me, would he want 
to eradicate that kindness, by 
making my life hell? 
Well, after I dropped
Dr. Lukaszewicz as my doctor,
to begin on a path to becoming
friends, I was told I could
not see him. No time frame had
been set, no
guidelines, nothing. It had been
over 3 months since
seeing him. Some requirements
of becoming friends
with your doctor are as little as
3-6 months, or perhaps a year. 
Anyway, I never saw him at my
surgery, but I was told he had
been there. I was
so grateful he had observed my
surgery, because I
was frightened and I trusted him
with my life
(I still do).
If anything, I believe that
Dr. Lukaszewicz was
told that I should have a
restraining order done,
so that I would not be able to
weaken and come and try to see him.
But the many forgeries in the court
documents and the lies, his not going
to court sessions,etc, were a pretty 
clear indication that it was not 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's idea. My opinion is 
that it was
actually Dr. Lukaszewicz who was
being punished for coming to my 
surgery, because he is a very
caring, dedicated person. I believe
that Mr. Guasco gave me the 
restraining order on behalf of a
"shadow" client, who was worried
about the fact that Dr. Lukaszewicz 
defied an order and came to
my surgery and was fearful of
what those
implications meant. Neither Kaiser,
nor the shadow
client wanted their names on the
TRO, so they roped in 
Dr. Lukaszewicz and put his 
name on it. Mr. Guasco frequently 
uses Kaiser staff to
participate in his restraining order
schemes against
innocent patients, for whatever
purpose he needs to
weaken, or smear his opponent.
He appears to use that tactic 
routinely to put a bad image of 
the victim in the mind of the court 
and to narrow down the attorneys 
who would take the case. In fact, 
it became apparent that my name 
was used against me in such a 
manner, so that I could not find an
attorney to help me. I sincerely
believe that I was blacklisted.
It appears that Mr. Guasco cuts
off as many avenues available to 
his opposition as possible,with 
smear tactics. I believe that it 
is the only way Mr. Guasco wins, 
with lies, bribery, intimidation 
and tampering with expert 
witnesses. He most likely uses 
Kaiser's deep pockets to open 
certain doors and close certain 
others.....all ILLEGAL behavior. 
Mr. Guasco has a reputation for 
his tactics that proceeds him. 
People in the legal world are 
getting wise to his maneuvers 
and are shutting them down.
What I have noticed is that Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic
are a cruel,cold-blooded team, 
who have no concern what-so-
ever for the welfare of their
victims. They knew of my having
been a cancer survivor with MS
and a possibly dangerous lesion on 
my brain, yet they pulled out most 
of the stops and had me brutalized,
humiliated, terrorized and 
denigrated, by having a judge go 
radically off on me, throw me in jail, 
thrust an attorney on me and pay 
off another....just to keep me quiet 
and ineffectively/inadequately 
represented.....all under 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's name. 
They were so COWARDLY!
My witness heard Edward Souza say
that Marija M.Petrovic was brought 
back to Kaiser for the purpose of, 
"Getting rid of you as Dr.
Lukaszewicz's patient." It was all a
set-up to brutalize me to the point 
of giving in and dropping Dr. 
Lukaszewicz as my doctor. She and 
Guasco and the rest, masterminded 
the entire "case"against me.
I believe they expected me to die.
As I mentioned prior, Marija M. 
Petrovic piled on the false
diagnoses in my chart, so if I died
by my own hand,or made to look 
like it. 
This was an expensive, elaborate,
time consuming plan. It was 
NOT a part of a normal waiting period.
Why would anyone get so actively
involved? Waiting to become a friend 
of a doctor, should be a nice
thing, not open season to
brutalize them!
This has gone on entirely too long,
it is criminal and it needs to be 
investigated with all conspirators
put in jail. It is a serious and
dangerous game they played 
(and are still). Guasco and 
Petrovic abused
the court and the innocent people
involved. They also abused and 
took advantage Kaiser and their
employees. It has been a
reprehensible and heinous
matter! Leaving it uninvestigated,
is tantamount to encouraging
crime, perpetuating it and corruption
and allowing their terrible
effects to be the ruin of true
justice and law itself. 
The innocent parties in this,
myself and Dr. Lukaszewicz need to 
have the travesty stopped
now.  It is NOT right, nor decent to
allow it to keep going. Any kind of
agreement made to have it last
longer has been invalidated by the 
aspect of brutality!
The criminals who devised and
wanted this plan to work, should not 
prevail with their wishes.   
It is a slap in the face of the very
foundation of law that keeps this 
country from chaos. None of the 
people involved in perpetrating this 
should go free.
Dr. Lukaszawicz and I, are the
only two people in this who are 
innocent and need to be given 

It is a crime to make it last any
I will answer any questions and
take lie detection,but this needs 
to end. It has harmed me, and my
Cheryl Petrovich

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