Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I find it extremely humorous that Kaiser hired attorney, Mike Guasco had to pull out all the stops, just so he could beat up a senior handicapped woman over a false restraining order he devised with the help of many extras in his off, off, Broadway production of, "The Magic Show," because all he has is "smoke and mirrors" instead of law. I have never met a such an officious, little mendacious ball of tumor in somewhat human form, ever before! (Actually, he resembles more, combo tumor, hairball bezoare and Tasmanian looks, demeanor and digestibility!)

In my case, Guasco lied, had signatures of his so-called-client forged, said his "client" was present, when he was not, sneaked a troglodyte attorney, Charlie Smith IV on me as my babysitter, who claimed he was with the Private Defender program, when he was not; he just screamed at me to "SHUT UP!" Guasco "magically" had judges buy his load of crap and turn a blind eye to my irrefutable evidence that should have completely exonerated me, since it showed that it was all a premeditated trap to make me look guilty; in police jargon: entrapment!

Mr. Guasco is a relatively young man, but he seems to have all the "tricks of the trade" all firmly under his belt. From my observations I'd say he is a prodigy in the art of pure unadulterated, B.S. in the tradition of the Mafia. Hard to lose when even the judge is on your side. Guasco was shooting fish in a barrel....just call me trout.

Mr. Guasco is so brave that when I tried to speak with him after the bathroom break/hearing, he grabbed his adorable little (manly) cart and hauled his ass through the long corridor of the court in true Tasmanian devil, break neck speed form. He was brave enough to blindside me and lunge in my face and scream at me, but to have a civil conversation about substantive issues, he turned tail and ran.  He made a woman with MS chase him along the lengthy, shiny waxed floors while his cart did a merry tarantella as it bounced and gyrated behind. Fortunately for him he did not drop his load....of false evidence he never bothered to share with me. It was comical. Mr. Guasco was brave and blustery in the courtroom with a judge (Danny Chou) who seemed to enjoy feeding off of Guasco's excremental offerings, but cut me off after saying only a couple of words, and telling me that he "had enough" of me.  Really? Was something hanging out of my nose, or something? It certainly could not have been anything I said, because I merely told him that I live far away and rarely leave home. But, he seemed to think that Guasco's bushel of fetid excreta was Mozart's concerto in A major, when to any unbiased listener knew it was more closely resembling monkeys banging dented metal trash can lids together...complete with remnants of cabbage and soiled condoms clinging precariously by a thin gluey thread to the inner portion of the lid.
That is Guasco in a nutshell: a real "class" act. For a sideshow at a carnival, yes, but for an attorney in the courtroom, no; it/he was a disgrace.
I hope he got big money for the false case against me, because one day, some judge will be pissed off by Guasco's smirky, smarmy, shit eating grin face and the feces that dribbles out, and put his ass in jail.....where it belongs!
(Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was married to a BIG time arrested druggie and he was arrested twice.)
High society!

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