Wednesday, July 31, 2019

I am just weary. You know how it is when you just feel so beaten down, that everything seems bleak? Too much seems overwhelming.

People carelessly sabotaged and attacked and just left me to pick up the pieces on my own. I did nothing wrong. I hurt so much. I get tired and then sad, with a touch of anger, then I just wait and feel subdued with an undercurrent of sadness. I was attacked from mid 2015. It was a long, drawn out process. Then, a plan was made to make me panic from a false accusation, so I would respond from fear I would be arrested for something I did not do. No one would help me, so I wrote emails to a faux email address (I did not know it was fake) that I suppose was set up as a dummy to collect my phone messages and emails, to be used as future "evidence". It was a trap. "Someone" hired that insane psy to attack me and the evidence points to someone in the field of neurology. Wonder who? I don't wonder, because I know. It was a cruel, narcissistic control freak who did not want to have her world disrupted and decided I should be the scapegoat for her emotional inadequacies. It seems she uses people for her own goals and does not give a second thought to how much harm she causes to others, as long as she is unaffected. The fallout from the false accusation against me stimulated the faux legal stuff, which began with a forged letter (by the "psy") from an attorney. My problem was that I assumed mistakes/misunderstanding caused it all, but it was not so. I never thought any of those professionals would purposely harm someone and lie. Misplaced trust.

None of this has been real, but they got judges to go along with them. They all ignored what I presented as evidence and the attorney lied and said the plaintiff was present, when he was not as well as forging the plaintiff's signature. No one cared. Even the judges ignored my evidence.

I am left to relive the frustration and terror alone.  Why are people so evil? They could not handle my little gifts of gratitude to someone they were afraid they would lose, yet they think I should survive such an ordeal that was thrown at me? No. They did not. They fully expected me to die, one way, or another. I fear for anyone who must must be under their control. Those people do not have a sense of remorse, or a conscience. Cold blooded criminals!

They are why I worry.

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