Friday, December 31, 2021


 What can I say? I have been so frustrated by not being able to see you all this time, that I have had pent up feelings that have been festering and wanting to be released. I know I write and say things to myself on my blog, that I might not be able to express otherwise, but I would rather have had the delight of seeing your face and going along in a public manner, but as much as I love being open, being near you tops anything else. Seeing your astonishingly beautiful, dark, expressive eyes that took me in and made me feel like nothing  else in life could ever be better, or passionate. I never expressed those feelings out loud, but it felt as if my heart was saying it for me by pounding loudly. Of course, the person being so sneaky hiring someone to interrogate me under the guise of being a trusted counselor was as low as a person could go; that is a person who feels they have the right to break all rules of the AMA and decency. We have both been treated without respect.


 When the clock strikes midnight, 

I may not have the thrill of holding you in my arms, 


I will be holding you warmly in my


and lovingly 


forever in my 


I will hold a positive spirit,

but carry a heavily weighted heart


sadness and despair

are an awful


to carry

alone in pain


 I don't know what it is, but even after all this time, all I want to think about is you. I think, "I want to know if he is okay, but then I think; someone would twist that caring into stalking"; I am sure that the difference must be what one would want as an end result of that thinking.  I know very well that if someone wants that person's good health, freedom and fulfillment of their dreams, that is a good and decent thing, but the person, or people who claim and take control over someone's every aspect of life forcefully and keep them from happiness and freedom , THEY are in actuality, the very ones they rail against as being someone/those who are the bad person. It is merely a matter of power and who thinks they know "what is best" for the caged individual as if they are their parent and have the right to keep them restricted as if they are a child and not a grown adult with the right to the control over their own actions and desires. If that is not the case, they should not live in the world of a child disguised as an adult. It is not the controlled individual's problem; it is the problem of the person who refuses to allow them to grow up and be the adult they have the right to be. Of course, they want to have every aspect of that person's life to be their own; especially the fruits of their labors, which they feel is their right, but under normal circumstances is not true; it is actually a hostage type situation and the person in question has every right to be emancipated and living under under their own power. It would be like marriage vows; "does anyone know why these two should not be joined together as husband and wife, or why this person should not have control over his own life?" Something is very wrong in this, because everyone but one person thinks the person is the master of his own destiny, while the other does not.

I think you are in control of your own life; she does not; who is correct? She sounds delusional, not me. Who should be restrained?

You need to get away, so major decisions can be made and others can get mental help; especially if your life is at risk and a predator is going to take advantage of the situation and seeks to harm both of you.

Get away and figure things out away from them. I love you, but any decision outcome must be your own.

I want to see you so much, but not have the restrictive feeling that had always been a part of knowing you.


 I want you to have your freedom. 



            You 💖 !

🥂 New Year's Eve .🎆

 I wish I could spend the coming of the New Year with you. I have not kissed anyone for New Year's Eve for so many years; I cannot remember when it was; perhaps 1999 awhile before my husband drowned. Any other New Year's parties were spent with gay men either my business partners in SF, or my room mate's good friends (one of whom gave me his deceased mother's dog, Bella) he, Greg, flew up from LA to bring her to me and go check on his drag restaurant, Asia SF  (I need to Google it and see if it is still going). I would like to go and see it, if it hasn't been destroyed by the pandemic. I used to like Hamburger Mary's too and a bar near there called "The Stud". I took off my jacket there and did not see that I had draped it over a burning candle and it caught on fire. It too a chunk out of an area in the front and a man said to me, "I would just put a nice brooch over it!"  Then there was the "White Swallow" where I briefly went with my business partners, or whom I only barely keep up with one, or two. One wanted me to move to his home in the Philippines , but it was like thinking of going to Taiwan as that doctor at the conference asked me, but I have a hard time thinking of moving to sweaty countries, Texas was bad enough. There were nice areas in Dallas, but the bugs were as big as birds and people drove trucks with gun racks in the back and too many people seemed to have a lot of road rage. 

I was too in love with someone to go to Taiwan, but if I had; this mess would have been avoided, but that woman is so crazy, she probably would have gone insane on me there too. She just needs revenge, no matter who, but she sure hates the fuck out of me. If she had any guts, she should talk to me to my face, but she is a coward, so she can only abuse me through other people.  I did not create her abusive, narcissistic personality. I think her parents had a role in that. They must have only accepted her as perfect. I am sure they would not accept her as herself, so she became crazy. She desperately needs help and her negative opportunistic enabler is only making her worse and will turn on her and take more from her and you too; is my theory. I also think that I was, or perhaps still figure into some murder suicide thing for me as the culprit, but now I am so far away, maybe he will have a home invasion set for you as he did the guy with the son who is brain damaged. I do not trust him as far as he could throw her or win a case without K money to bribe everyone.  He has two settings: crooked and crookeder. For sh*t sake get away!

If you need my help, fine, if not fine, but come to me and I will help you as much, or as little as you need. Wherever I am; you are home. Such as it is, but it will be safe and cozy and a nice room with a big bathroom and a Jacuzzi tub. (I just need to take some overflow belongings from Millbrae storage out.)

My request is that I never have to see anyone who had any part of this thing here. I admit it; I hate them. They hurt me, but worse, they hurt you.


   🎆  Happy New Year to you; to the one I will love forever🎆 



Thursday, December 30, 2021


 I love you unequivocally but I understand that I may not have that same standard in return; that does not matter to me. I want to help you and take care of you anyway. (No matter what; my love has not diminished) 



 I guess I am having trouble with certain aspects of my poetic ambitions is because I was so very hurt and I am having trouble getting over it. It basically traumatized me; I don't want to feel hurt, but when it happened it nearly destroyed me; I know it was supposed to do it. I want nothing to do with anything they want; just as I will fight what they want for the one I love too. I will never stop trying to rescue him.


 If honest/nice people do not stick together, then they have nothing, because dishonest ones will provide a foundation that is only quicksand. 


 Throw me a treat every so often, if you will/can. Any little bit brightens my life. Things can be dismal.


 I hope he still wants me around to be ready to help; it is all I could ever want in life, even though I feel I have much more to learn about in life and experience, but if I can help him live a free and enjoyable life; I would care about nothing else.

 It is more of a challenge for me to be a heroine, since I have been defamed so strongly. I had envisioned a much different outcome to the one that was reality. It takes love, stamina and a lot of faith to hang in there, especially if any return is whittled away to nearly nothing. is it to be chalked up to the extreme power of love, or allowing love to make a fool of me to my detriment? But, if I can do some good, there is NO loser, except my yearning heart, but that is selfish and that is not a virtue. Emotions do not come with a guarantee, so either be prepared for disappointment or become mentally removed from humanity by not being a fully sentient being.

The black album-The beatles

A World Without Love - Home Demo by Paul McCartney


 Hi, I wish I had awakened before now. I took a 10 mg Melatonin and I guess it did the trick to keep me asleep and hopefully is restoring that necessary chemical to my brain that is said to be draining away as one ages. ( I need every bit of help I can get......) 😏 

Have a lovely day and know you are firmly in my heart and always on my mind.

The important thing to keep in mind, is be true to yourself. Helping them only helps them. You only help them look more innocuous and you agreeable to it all by keeping the status quo. What is interesting is that someone in your profession has always been toeing the line and trained to be subservient to rules, not being rogue and departing what is known as law to you. In this case, you need to be a survivalist. Going along will only get you so far. They will never free you. It would be too large a gamble for them that they won't be turned in. If you want to sacrifice your life for criminals, then I need to know, because I do not plan that kind of future for myself. I will do anything to save you, but in a safe manner for all. If I never am given the call to arms, then what can I do? Those people are murderers, they have done it before; they WILL and actually MUST do it again. Leaving a witness alive is an extremely risky thing for them. Don't let them mentally imprison you. You are a wonderful gift to the world. Do not deprive anyone of your beauty.

Sending love.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Should I call for a consult? I need to understand how you are falsely imprisoned. I need to ask you a series of questions. 




California Penal Code 236 PC describes the crime of false imprisonment as unlawfully depriving another person of their personal liberty.

Put simply, it's a crime to detain, restrain, or confine someone without their consent and not allow them to leave when they want. PC 236 can be violated with or without the use of force.

False Imprisonment Laws in California – Penal Code 236 PC
The crime of PC 236 false imprisonment is described as the unlawful violation of another person's liberty.

False imprisonment is similar to more serious Penal Code 207 kidnapping charges that require moving a victim a substantial distance.

Under PC 236, there is no requirement that the victim is moved to another location. Rather, simply holding or restraining somebody against their will is considered false imprisonment.


A common example of false imprisonment occurs during domestic violence incidents.

For instance, during a boyfriend/girlfriend argument, the man grabs and holds her arms when she makes an attempt to leave the home.

Since she is being detained and confined, even for a short time, the boyfriend could be charged with PC 236 false imprisonment.

False imprisonment is a “wobbler” that can be filed as either a misdemeanor or felony crime and penalized under Penal Code 237 PC.

For additional information, our Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers are providing a review of the law below.


California law, under PC 236, defines this crime as follows:

  • “False imprisonment is the unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another person.”

In order to violate someone's “personal liberty,” there must a sustained restriction of their freedom by use of violence, duress, fraud, deceit, or a threat of unlawful injury that victim reasonably believes.

Elements of the crime 

In order for a prosecutor to convict a defendant of Penal Code 236 PC false imprisonment, they must be able to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, several different factors.

These are known as the “elements of the crime,” which are listed under CALCRIM 1242 criminal jury instructions for misdemeanor cases and CALCRIM 1240 for felony false imprisonment cases, that a defendant:

  • intentionally detained, restrained, or confined another person;
  • the restraint made the victim stay or go somewhere for a period of time;
  • victim did not give their consent and was harmed;
  • the conduct was a significant factor in causing victim's harm.

On the crucial issue of “restraint, detention, or confinement,” it's not required that a victim be locked up in a room or closet.

Rather, it's considered false imprisonment when someone is simply detained or confined by use of force, fraud, or threat of force. This could include the use of physical barriers, such as furniture, to prevent them from leaving.

General intent crime 

Penal Code 236 PC is considered a “general intent” crime, meaning a defendant doesn't have to literally have the intent to falsely imprison someone, but rather only that their deliberate conduct caused it

What does that mean? Put simply, a defendant does not have to actually physically hold and restrain someone to be found guilty of false imprisonment.

Further, someone can be charged with a felony false imprisonment even if they didn't use any actual violence against the victim, but rather only caused the victim fear of potential violence if they attempted to leave..


Under California Penal Code 237 PC, false imprisonment can be filed as a misdemeanor or felony offense.

False imprisonment is normally a misdemeanor crime that carries:

  • up to one year in a county jail, and
  • a fine up to $1,000.

If convicted of a felony false imprisonment case, which normally means the crime included violence, fraud, menace, or deceit, then you are facing:

  • 16 months, two, or three years in county jail,
  • A fine up to $10,000.

The term “menace” means there was a threat of violence, but it doesn't have to be communicated verbally, rather simply implied be defendant's conduct.

 What are the Penalties for a False Imprisonment Conviction?
False imprisonment charges can be filed by the prosecutor as either a misdemeanor or felony.

Sentencing enhancements 

If the false imprisonment victim was elderly or dependent, then the county jail sentence could be increase to up to four years.

If the elderly victim suffered a great bodily injury, then the sentence can increase based on their specific age either above or below 70 years old.

If the false imprisonment was for the benefit of a criminal street gang, then the defendant is facing a 15 years to life enhancement under California Penal Code Section 186.22.

In a false imprisonment case where a gun was used, then an additional ten years can be added to the sentence. If the gun was actually discharged, then 25 years could be added to the jail sentence.


Penal Code 210.5 PC – false imprisonment of hostage to avoid arrest,

Penal Code 207/209 PC – kidnapping,

Penal Code 215 PC - carjacking,

Penal Code 209.5 PC – kidnapping during a carjacking,

Penal Code 278 PC – child abduction.


If you were accused of violating Penal Code 236 PC false imprisonment laws, we might be able to get the charges reduced or dismissed.

Our criminal defense lawyers can use different strategies in an effort to obtain the best possible outcome on the case.

No force or fear - We might be able to argue the victim was at the location voluntarily and you didn't use force or fear to get them to stay.

Further, they were not restrained against their will and were free to leave at any time. If we can create reasonable doubt on this crucial element, then you have a good chance at avoiding a conviction.

Good faith belief - It might be possible to make an argument the defendant's actions were in good faith, meaning their restraint of the victim was due to a reasonable belief the victim could endanger themselves or others.

What are the Best Defenses for False Imprisonment Charges?
Contact our law firm to discuss potential defenses.

For example, perhaps the victim was their spouse who had been making threats to commit suicide for harm themselves during an earlier argument.

False allegation - We might be able to argue the false imprisonment allegations are false and were made by an alleged victim who was motivated by jealously or revenge.

Self-Defense - In some false imprisonment cases, it might be possible to make a self-defense argument. Perhaps restraint of the victim was necessary and simply an act of self-defense or defense of others and the force used was reasonable under the circumstances.

Prefiling intervention - Depending on the specific details of the case PC 236 false imprisonment case, we might be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to avoid the filing of formal criminal charges before court.

If you are under investigation, or already arrested and charged with Penal Code 236 false imprisonment, our experienced criminal defense lawyers can help you.

Due to the harsh penalties and permanent criminal record for a conviction, you need a legal team with a record of success.

Eisner Gorin LLP is a criminal defense law firm with two office locations in Los Angeles County. Contact our firm for an initial consultation at (877) 781-1570.


 I think that she wants to feel superior to you and wants you to be considered lower than she. She is such a narcissist, which means she is mentally ill and way below you. Don't let her ever get to you. As I said, do anything to get away, because prisoners have a right to anything to get away. I will always back you, should you want. She attacked me, and may do it to you, or have it done to you, because she is a murderer; she just has other people do her dirty work. Stay safe and if you are a prisoner, do ANYTHING TO ESCAPE!


 So, why am I getting less, and less? I feel slighted. You know I am patient. I want you for you and to keep you safe. I am worried about you.

Am I being Obtuse and selfish? 

Please, let me know, then someone can pick you up and I can meet a moment after. 

It doesn't have to be all smushy, just joyous.

But I DO love you with all my heart, otherwise, I would not be so upset about your safety and happiness.


 Please come get me; you are MY hero!


 I want to be with you. I don't care if it is as a friend, or deeper, but I want to be near you for any reason. I just love being near you. (I love you, but I am a friend too....I just could not stand seeing you with a romantic interest, sorry; I only know about my reactions, but I would do anything for you.)


 I adore you. Please be safe and happy. You are always on my mind and in my prayers.


 Being able to say loving things to someone is so cathartic and positive that it actually changes one's outlook on life. It truly is uplifting! I also get that feeling from looking at a sweet looking face that I love. Maybe that is rather obvious, but putting it to the actual test is very gratifying. 

Can cruel people do it too? Of course, I suppose their happiness factors are on a different level. A level that would actually sadden nice people. 

I had these thoughts as I was awakening. They probably seem absurd to those not in a semi-conscience state. Back to sleep. Guess we must do what we must to battle against sadness.

Hugs and love.


 I wish I could celebrate New Year's Eve with you.


 I will do anything to make you happy and keep you safe. That is all that matters to me.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


I love you.


 I don't want to lose you, in ANY WAY! EVER!


 🙏 Please try and go.....! 🏃

Just like pulling off a band aid, or pulling out a baby tooth!🦷 Just takes initiative and "gumption"! 💪

Freedom will be SWEET! 🍬 🙏


And maybe an angel, or two!

 I believe it is true!

84 Best Love Quotes: Romantic, Sweet, and Lovely Sayings


 Sometimes I 👸want to talk with you🤴 so much, I nearly cry.........sometimes I actually do!



 I hope you are doing well, but I hope you are still looking forward to getting away. I want to help you get away from all the impediments you have been facing. No one should have to live in terror, or as a prisoner. Anytime you say, I will have a car waiting for you, when you need, or where you need. Maybe have an appointment for me to be at another K.


 My attorney has not gotten word on the hearing date, so I suppose I will get that done first, then do my personal, if that does not work. As I say, I will write to them personally and try and explain things, so they get an idea of what I (and you) have been up against.

Have a nice lunch-time. I wish I were there with you.




50 Best Love Song Quotes - Romantic Song Lyrics That Say I Love You



60 Deep I Love You Quotes To Show Your True Feelings


 I have been so tired. I hope you are okay.

Sending you love.


 Your daily support means everything to me.

Monday, December 27, 2021


 I hope he isn't having more problems than usual lately. Anything that is causing him more sadness, or pain. I am always hoping that perhaps one of my emails, or phone messages has finally paid off. I am always hoping and praying, plus taking action.

I am so devoted and so loving.


 I would love to see you for New Year's Eve. I have said that every year since this has gone on. I have my lone celebration. 

It is hard to be in love alone. It is terrible to be worried.


 I wish I could actually speak with you. I have been a bit sad, I guess, lately, and anxious, so I am not very up on my writing as anything amusing. I used to get so excited when morning came and I heard from you; it made my day worth anything at all.  It has been that way for a long time, obviously.  You have meant so much to me and are my comfort and my sadness. Your picture is my joy; I don't think I could have gotten this far as well without it. You truly my first and last thought of my day. 

It is a frustrating situation and also extremely worrying. I am so sad I haven't gotten this resolved. I am a disappointment.

I am not  disappointed about how much I adore you. I just wish there was at least a small hello time. I am angry at people who feel they may run another person's life; it is so disgusting.


I had been thinking of the poem to write for you, but I stopped to write an email about helping you. I need you to be free and safe. I want what you want and will do anything to help you. My fear is gone and I will risk my life for you. 


 I get so frightened, because I was so very damaged by the court thing. I worry that I cannot trust that devious influence will come along with disgusting threats against the person I care about most in the world and the hurt will be so great, that it will destroy me in unknown ways. It is really awful having that hanging over me and feeling guilty that I feel that worry. My prayer is that I will have trust without any reserve. I have never been so moved by anything that made me feel worse. I am in a hurry to get it over, so I can only need to think about making his world happy and safe and loved. If I heard of him running out the back door and off and away into my protection; I would be so thrilled and relieved. That is the mental hang-up I have to worry about that I ordinarily would not even stop to consider; I am the type who just jumps in to save a loved one, but now I fear the alligators at the bottom of the pool waiting to chop off my parts and go to prison; since I came out of the legal business with a criminal record outcome. What was it I did again? Oh yes, a paranoid narcissist decided my gifts were the sole cause of her troubles; not a murderous attitude and a heart full of guilt; that wanted to pass it off to the scapegoat, like a good little narcissist would do out of a sick mind. She had unfair information from someone I was supposed to trust with confidentiality. She got what she deserved for being unethical. I would kept it to myself had I known it would have been so disruptive to him. I was blind by love. Later I found out that she acts so possessive, but abuses him. That is not how someone treats a loved one. After seeing how she treated me and what she wants to do to me; I cannot leave him in her cruel hands. I felt guilty at first, but now I feel like I am saving a dear life, but worried I will do something to be put in prison. I am doing it by the book, but feel the "book" is skewed against me. Money is the root of evil. We both need to be brave and do anything to get to the truth against evil. They are using fear to keep us from helping each other. Fuck them! 

No matter what; you are the love of my life. I may be fearful, but love will conquer it.


 Where are you, one of my dreams; are you okay?

You are missed and so VERY

Loved ❤


 Hi! If you are working today, have a good one. It must be nice to get out and away. Wish I were there with you. Take care of yourself

Please help me to help you.

Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Guess I will go to sleep soon. Sleep well and I will hug you all through the night to keep you loved and protected 🎑


 I barely stop writing emails about the situation. I want to help. I have a terrible time knowing you are suffering. It makes me so angry, but they have taken away my right to be angry, because anger is a part of the abuse that supposedly goes with a R.O., although, that sounds more like someone else than me. I don't hurt; I help. That is what is so frustrating; they made ME into a bad person; that is not me. She just wants to push off her bad reputation on to me. She would need to really prove THAT one!

I love you and would keep you safe and loved forever.


 I may be frightened, but I will do anything to help you to be safe.


 I get chills when I think of you.

I get anxious and restless, wishing I could see you.

I do love you so very much.


 I have been shopping Amazon for amusement and for things for my son's birthday (coming up soon). He did have a community garden, so I like guying him heirloom seeds, or the also call them something like survival seeds, which sounds like they are for people in Idaho compounds or like that, but I just think they are for veg growing hobbyists.  I used to have a community garden in Cupertino and it was wonderful! It has been awhile, but it was such a great place to go and relax and be in nature. There was a creek (Steven's Creek?) that ran through and was fun to splash around in with my son and Godson. There were also trees from an old farm that still grew some figs, etc. I love having places to grow veggies and just enjoying being outdoors and enjoying supplying my own food. There was one house for sale in Oregon that was right next to a river to catch Salmon and big enough property to grow veggies and have chickens, etc. The house was all sophisticated and nice, but had a country enough feel to be cozy and relaxing. I like to meld the two. To be there with a like minded person would be amazing!  Someone to love too: VERY AMAZING!


As soon as I have been noticed, I remove the post. It is nice to see things.  


 So, I left a message again for JS to let her know of the criminal activity of a situation that needs action. I left her more information, like addresses, etc. I am going to work hard on this situation and get it resolved, one way, or another! I just need cooperation, so those involved will be safe.

LDS So, these are good to use? Suppose they couldn't hurt.

  I never heard of lymphatic drainage supps before; wonder which is the best?