Saturday, August 8, 2020


It makes me feel like vomiting when I see my name in a court search and see my friend's name opposite mine as Plaintiff versus mine as Defendant. That POS Attorney Guasco uses Kaiser employees as his own personal property. Then does as he pleases with them. He has turned my life inside out. My health has deteriorated and many times felt like dying, it hurt so badly. This was done to me without provocation. He had the TRO ready to go and had even told office staff that I was restrained before he had even filed the court paperwork. He knew that because of my cancer diagnosis that I would be calling the person I trusted the most to be there for me for any surgery I might need. He did me that favor for me before too, when I needed gallbladder surgery. He even checked on me when I was still asleep in my room. I was told by the nurse at the desk that she had seen him leave my room. It made me feel so grateful, I called his message line numbered given to me by the Patient Relations manager, Bertha Ponse. I called and said thank you and around a week later I was served with a restraining order with my doctor's name on it. It made no sense. I had not seen him for around 97 days prior to the surgery because I dropped him to begin on a path to friendship, yet the complaint was based primarily on gifts I had given my doctor and a false accusation of boundary line crossing. I never said, or did anything inappropriate and it was never brought up in court. It was so ridiculous even for them.

If my doctor goes along with this false law, then it will mean he has no remaining integrity and would sell a good person down the river to save his own skin. I know he is better than that and the court appearance will be the chance to prove it.  He could either knuckle under to a domineering abusive criminal, or allow truth to prevail and become a free, autonamous human being and not a prisoner any longer. My friend needs to speak the truth, or he can never call himself anything good, ever again. My respect for him will sink to nil. That crooked attorney must be disbarred and stop using Kaiser employees as pawns in his evil games to attack innocent patients!

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