Saturday, August 8, 2020


 I wonder how much that a-hole attorney and his sycophants, while pretending to "protect" you from me, the one who genuinely cares about you, actually shares with strangers about you personally, with abandon? Under the guise of "keeping you safe" from ME he spreads gossip about you to create hate for me. He's so disgusting! People have reviled me and I could not understand why, but one attorney kind of have me a clue. The K attorney painted me into a corner. I would absolutely love, it if we hugged in front of everyone, so it would just stop this absurdity in its tracks. He has been libeling and slandering me to everyone. I can tell. Plus one judge acted like I was filth and another nearly called an end to it, until there was a meeting called. Would you have a mutual hug, or some other sign of caring and not hate between us? What has been done to us both has been illegal and it has hurt us both. If you had an attorney of your own, it would be awesome. If I am shut down again, it could get me jail time. For what? The people who really belong in jail are running things. The narcissist just digs herself in deeper. The truth is hard to find. I has your name on this, you should be able to put an end to it. What can they do? Fire you? No! Truth needs to get some air, so it can breathe.

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