Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Dear ******   ********

Mr Guasco JUST served me with TRO papers today! 
He twisted facts in them and outright lied. I left Dr. Lukaszewicz 3 
voicemails and there was no reason I could not; the R.O. was over July
12, a Sunday. 
I believe Mr. Guasco was ready to pounce, since he knew I had been 
waiting to ask Dr. Lukaszewicz if he would observe my breast cancer 
I called after the end and asked the person who answered the
phone to let Dr. Lukaszewicz know that the R.O. was over
(I called it the "project") and he could call me, if he wanted.
I got a call back saying that Dr. Lukaszewicz said he could not
legally speak with me and I was not supposed to leave email
messages with the staff. She said twice, "email".
I said the legal order was over, she said "no, it's not." I said,
"yes, it is, I emailed (chatted) with someone at Family court!"
She said, "Dr. Lukaszewicz said he was going to call his attorney."
I said why would he do that?" I said I would rather die than go
through that again.  (I really don't think Dr. Lukaszewicz was at work.) 
They sent a Deputy to my house to check on me. The TRO papers say 
I left him 5 voice mails. I left 3 voice mails that were nothing but 
encouraging and supportive of him (he is a sensitive person). I asked 
also if he could observe my breast  cancer surgery, like he did with my 
gallbladder surgery.  Guasco knew he was going to look for a reason to 
hit me again. He had said he would after his false extension. 
(With no plaintiff, but lies forgeries and false evidence coming from 
My voice mails were cited as a reason for the TRO, but my
voice mails were AFTER the staff told me the legal matter
was not over....very psychic of them! They added them in because 
de Guzman had informed Guasco that I had called, they were not 
the reason for the TRO, but they were ready for me to call, since 
the R.O. was over and Dr. Moayeri knew I needed the surgery asap 
and that I would not do it W/O Dr. Lukaszewicz observing. The TRO 
is weak and illegal! Mr. Guasco also said I live in the SAME county! 
I do NOT and he KNOWS IT! I am sure he told Officer Evans the 
wrong address for the illegal contempt charge, so I would not know 
about it and I would get a warrant! I believe it is why the DMV would 
not renew my driver's license! (They SILL won't!) Mr. Guasco thinks of all the implications 
of all his evil actions to make life Hell for others.Cheating is all he 
knows to win cases. He is also trying to set me up to make me look 
bad for the contempt charge in December. Guasco's law is purely TROs.
I was Dr. Lukaszewicz's patient and friend. He wanted 
to make it official, so the last day I saw him, he asked me if I wanted 
to become friends. I said I thought it would be nice. He said that he 
could not be friends with patients. So, I dropped him as my doctor, but 
I was sent a mean sounding email making it sound like he dropped 
me and was upset with me. Marija Petrovic was always hacking his 
and my emails and FB page, then got it closed down. I believe that 
email was just one more instance of her handiwork. She also had my 
Kaiser online account closed down because she did not want me to 
have proof that she had already been at Kaiser before 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother died. She changed her date of hire from 
June to August on a site I saw. She used Dr, Koa's name to shut it 
down. He was blindsided by the news when I called him and denied 
having done it, but refused to open it back up. Mr. Guasco has turned 
Kaiser SSF into a snake pit, with spying and monitoring devices and 
using doctors in humiliating situations. There is no respect. It is so 
sad the way they treat Dr. Lukaszewicz and use other doctors as 
support cast. They can....get away with murder!  
Dr. Moayeri and Guasco want me to die; they 
are stretching out the court date, so I could be in very bad shape from 
cancer by then. They are monsters! I had no restrictions at all! The 
R.O. was over! The original and the extension were invalid!
I leave some lengthy voicemails because I am not always succinct 
in my case the whole thing was INVALID from the start. I have MS, 
it has gotten worse. I was diagnosed with cancer, but these 
monsters speak for Dr. Lukaszewicz, forge his signature and 
think they are good people? He has been basically bypassed for the 
entire matter, except when he spoke the truth in court and blew R.O.out 
of the water ! I am tired, I am beaten down. I am very angry! I also 
wonder if he is drugged too.
I would not have to worry as much about having surgery, except that 
Dr. Moayeri's co-worker, Dr. Moon terrorized me and treated me 
brutally and terrorized me during biopsy, while removing chunks of 
breast tissue from my right breast.She said that I was selfish, only 
thought of myself, did not care about what other people want, on 
and on with that tirade! I had never even met her! She said I was cold 
and unfeeling! I cried, because I wish I had someone there to make 
her stop! She saw me cry and said, "oh at least you have some feeling!"
She sent me to have a mammogram. It was 
horribly painful and I screamed out and the blood flowed to the 
floor. It was threatening,so how can I go back? I only wanted to 
be safe during surgery and Dr. Lukaszewicz is the only person I trust. 

So, I believe this entire situation was all Guasco and his cohorts at 
Kaiser. Mr. de Guzman works in Communications at SSF in payment 
for his part in getting me the R.O. so, he gets Dr. Lukaszewicz's 
messages, if I call. He did it before when I called to thank 
Dr. Lukaszewicz (for coming to my surgery, and keeping me safe)
a week later, I was given a TRO for a few gifts Dr. Lukaszewicz had
thanked me for and some bogus accusation of impropriety that they never 
brought up in court.The last day I had seen him was approx 97 days 
prior to the TRO. 
He called to thank me for gifts and sent me at least one email to thank 
me for my gift. In the email he made light of it and called me,
Denys Finch-Hatton from the movie "Out of Africa", since Denys
loved to give gifts. I never did any familiar boundary line crossing 
and nothing was said about it in court. Dr. Lukaszewicz refuted the 
R.O. in court. Why did no one care when he told the truth in court? 
So, I was terrorized by Dr. Moayeri's hitman, and no big heal, but 
I was given a TRO for 3 messages of a medical matter and 
support of him, AND after the R.O. was OVER? That is the 
WORST excuse for a TRO! I want them played! Dr. Lukaszewicz 
had nothing to do with any of it, except when he was forced to 
show up and when he did, the first thing he did was sweetly say 
my name and, "her gifts to me were very nice and very expensive!"
There was no animosity ar all!" Guasco never brought him back 
to court, not even to the false extension, where Guasco lied in the 
paperwork and said he was present, but was not (my adult son 
wrote a statement saying no plaintiff had been present and 
Dr.  Lukaszewicz's signature had been forged (expert verified). 

This current TRO is the SAME old paperwork with new dates and 
the same forgeries! Guasco is incorrigible! He will do anything to 
please a desperate woman with money and power to hold onto her 
Guasco spoke of MY pattern of  behavior! HA! He has a pattern of 
CRIMINAL behavior! Also, this terrible, criminal, abusive treatment 
of a woman with breast cancer and MS is disgusting! Mr. Guasco is 
doing it for a violent narcissist who is important to Kaiser and cannot 
figure out why Dr. Lukaszewicz might not want to stay with her, 
so she uses illegal means and threats to keep him in her grasp, with the help of an 
unethical attorney as legal muscle. I can give at least 10 instances 
(probably much more) of flagrant criminality in his paperwork. He is 
just astounding! His former wife was such a prolific drug criminal,it would 
seem to be how Guasco learned the finer points of being a crooked attorney.
Most of the TRO doesn't even make sense! He and Dr. Moayeri 
belong in prison! Twice, she used/hired hitmen to harm me! What more 
needs to be said? The rest is merely gravy! I do not trust 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety in their hands at all! Please check and see if 
she has any complaints of abuse with the Hillsborough PD. Also, she is
Guasco's true client, NOT Dr. Lukaszewicz! The police report I filed with 
Hillsborough PD can serve as my complaint against this false TRO, 
which is designed to make the cancer get worse, so I will be too 
far gone for any help at all. I have no way to pay for anywhere else. I
have been up all night upset about this and my anger at Guasco and 
anger at the judge who signed the OBVIOUSLY FAKE TRO! Guasco 
said he could keep me restrained FOREVER, not that Dr. Lukaszewicz
could, but HE could! Yes, because it is HIS TRO, NOT 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's!    

Please, take Guasco, Moayeri, and de Guzman 
to court! They are flagrant criminals and hurt 
people and the sanctity of the Judicial and Legal Systems!

Cheryl Petrovich

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