Wednesday, August 5, 2020


(no subject)

Haviva von Martinitz

12:56 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Richard.Isaacsmark.zemelman
Dear Dr. Isaacs,
You allow terrible atrocities to go on at Kaiser, you have been warned, yet you do nothing about it!  You are like the Trump
of CEOs. Like the pandemic, it will not end well.

You allow "attorney" Mike Guasco to run Kaiser with spy
methods and torture, and insane doctors to run rampant
harming innocent people. Where will it end? It won't and you
will go the way of Tyson, but reviled. Guasco needs to be
stopped. Twice now, he has used the Kaiser veil of impunity
and $ to give me a false restraining order and has abused me
for so long now (5 years) I may have cancer from the stress.
When are you going to have some intestinal fortitude and
put an end to his reign of terror? He actually put a (false) restraining order, TRO on me, for basically what I "might do"
based on his perception of my past behavior, which is: I
legally left my doctor some phone messages, but he added
that in only after he had ALREADY begun the R.O. I just
left him a bonus to add in.  He told Dr. Lukaszewicz's office
I was legally unable to speak with him, but I knew the R.O.
was over, but his staff said no. I figured they were just uninformed, so later, I left some messages requesting his
help with my health matter, etc.  I left three, but he boosted
them to 5 to create more of an impression.  As far as I knew I
was legally able to do so. What is NOT legal, is for Guasco to 
do a pre-emptive strike merely because the 5 year restraining order had ended and because he knew I needed 
Dr. Lukaszewicz's help with my cancer surgery, he figured he 
would catch me calling the office at some point, because he 
has the phone lines "bugged" by Mr. De Guzman. If I call, 
Mr. De Guzman, in Communications, is alerted. After hours, 
if I call that department, the system hangs up on me. Guasco 
was SO afraid of my speaking with Dr. Lukaszewicz, that he 
was going to serve me with a false R.O. just to accomplish that. He is so desperate to please his real client, Dr, Moayeri, he will 
violate the law and subject me to false law and torment! He 
also specifically asked for the hearing to be near the end of 
August to give more time to have my cancer further ravage 
my body into a more untenable situation. The man is vile and 
will harm people to get what he wants and I mean physically 
too. He knew all along of my health issues making me an 
eggshell victim. I have never seen such an inhumane individual! Plus he has requested that he have me pay attorney's fees! The 
gall! He told Dr. Lukaszewicz and his staff that I was further restrained, but for what reason? I wonder what he told them! Guasco is out of control! It was a LIE! He had not yet filed the 
restraining order with the court!
I had not spoken to my doctor for 5 years, so three messages asking some questions about my health was not too much,
especially when the R.O. was initially done by Dr. Moayeri
using Dr. Lukaszewicz's name. 

Dr. Lukaszewicz and I have been used as pawns in a selfish
game of insecurity, jealousy, greed and imprisonment. You
allow an obviously unhinged surgeon to continue risking the
lives of patients, while Guasco sets them up for "legal"
torment. He is a subpar attorney who uses tricks, abuse,
threats and Kaiser money to crush his opposition, even putting innocent doctors at legal risk. He is corrupting the system of Justice. When he is finally taken down, who will be the one to
pay, Guasco? No, it will be you, the Cheese in the middle. 
It is a disgrace to take a wonderful person and surgeon like
Dr. Lukaszewicz to be humiliated and treated like a household
pet, rather than a dignified, awarded and highly educated 
doctor (Dartmouth/Harvard graduate) and mentioned by Congresswoman Jackie Speier in the Congressional record 
regarding his excellence as a medical practitioner. Kaiser 
should have placed him in high regard and lauded, not be 
subjected to a low life, street thug attorney, whose ethics 
are derived from years of bailing out his drug dealing wife, 
with a record of arrests for possession of controlled 
substances and forgery of a doctor's prescription that could 
pave the way to the moon and back, and who knows where she
got her supply.....? Now, Guasco uses his "talents" to run down
the quality of Kaiser, who only of recent years provided less salacious tails of horror that I used to find as fascinating 
reading in Jury Verdicts Weekly, in my less busy hours as a 
law librarian at the county law library in Palo Alto. Kaiser took
many steps in cleaning up their reputation, but now, with a 
street thug like Guasco at the helm; it won't be long before it
is back in the john.

I could at this moment be dying of cancer, because you
allowed a doctor (Moayeri) with an unstable mind, have me so terrorized by a fellow doctor (Moon) at Kaiser Daly City, that I could not go back for treatment. I will leave my story as my
legacy to warn future possible members to stay away,
"Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!"   It will have been the
most important gift I could leave to society.
Please have a humane heart, clean up Kaiser, get rid of Guasco
and that unethical law firm, and tell him to drop the absurd
TRO against me and let me have decent treatment outside of
 Kaiser, where I can be assured that I will not die as
satisfaction for a warped mind. Stop allowing Dr. Lukaszewicz
to be a pawn in twisted games of danger. Dr. Moayeri put his
name on a TRO against me and Guasco committed numerous atrocities in Dr. Lukaszewicz's name. The people who so desperately want to keep him away from me, because he
showed me kindness, and I thanked him with a few gifts, are harming him legally with abandon and showing him such
disrespect, it makes me want to cry. No one deserves that
criminal behavior used against them! PUT AN END TO IT,
PLEASE! He doesn't deserve the Hell we have been both put through! Make it mandatory for Dr. Moayeri to have mental
health treatment! I have been through such terrible times,
because she sought revenge against me for being treated
humanely by her domestic partner! PLEASE! Does that say NORMAL to you? Please get some courage and take control!
It is what CEOs do! I know, I was on the board of directors
of a tech start-up with Mark Barrenechea! If anyone knows
how to run a company it is he! Maybe we could set up a video conference and he could give you some pointers. He is a good
guy, I think he would spare some time for you.

I know I am getting sick. Please help me now. Thank you.

Cheryl Petrovich

650 490 6550

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