Wednesday, July 24, 2019

This waiting seems absurd. I am tired of draconian rules, they are made by people who only have THEIR own best interests at heart! It always comes down to money, they are afraid of lawsuits, not human emotion, or how it affects people. They expect people to give up after a certain amount of time; it is like insurance algorithms. To the rule makers, we are nothing more than stats and chess pieces!
Also, in this situation, the people using predictability are not allowing to let human nature run its course, they are throwing their own spin in to make the outcome skewed in their own favor. They must think it is pretty funny to seem like they allow free will, but they aren't. They hold all the cards. We will never win if they are allowed to do as they please.

I think that people who are in higher positions at that place are restricted for the company's OWN (paranoid) protection. They are worried about how things affect THEM, not you! YOU are a piece of the machinery, Mr. Luddite!

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