Thursday, April 1, 2021


 I had always wanted to be upbeat and positive, but sometimes, it is just too much to ask of myself. It has been outrageous, what has been done to me. I know I am not the only one suffering, but why should anyone? I mean, when people's lives are at stake, it has gone too insanely far. People are not toys. When the people perpetrating it never come to their senses, or reality, or compassion, then drastic measures need to be taken, or forever cower under their dominion as their prisoners. That goes against my grain. I have been fighting not only against the assault against my human rights, but against my very life and various components of it as well. I am in pain most of the time and live in fear for my life and for yours as well, because one has a great impact on the other. The gaslighting also takes a huge toll emotionally as does being devastatingly blindsided. 

Cruelty becomes the expected way of life, but NOT the accepted way of life! NEVER will I accept that behavior as normal! I know demons from angels and no one can confuse me as to who is who; even if they are talented actors. I just do not accept the status quo they are trying to sell me.

 Sometimes the heart sees more clearly than what is presented to the eye.

I'd rather die believing my heart anyway.

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