Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 Okay, my rendition of mozzarella cheese is cooling in the fridge. Not certain about my version. It never seemed to be as stretchy as crumbly. I have curds all over the place. I might have given it too much salt. Funny, since I rarely use salt on a normal basis. I used rennet, maybe it is salty.  I am glad that people say it gets better after doing it a few times.....

My cooking abilities seem to be on the decline lately.

If the cheese comes out even partially decently, I will have some with tomato and see about getting some fresh basil.

Major kitchen cleaning must come next.

How is your day going? Busy? I hate everyone else who gets to see you....instead of me. Damn them! 😢 (Not really that bad, but after all, I have been deprived!) 

I kind of lost track of time in my mind and sped it up, thinking it was Thursday today.

I certainly don't need to speed up time ⏰......I'd rather be like Cher and turn it back. I would certainly do things differently. I would be more surreptitious about many things.

I really am not a good spy, contrary to popular rumor. 🕵️‍♀️🕊️

Just teasing! 

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