Sunday, April 18, 2021


 Very sunny today. Besides the cheese, I will work on the deck. 

I bought some wood hardener to prevent rotting and termites.  The HOA puts on some wood protection, but it is so thin, it doesn't even look like they have done anything and before, they said I had termite rot and said they knew of repair people who would do it for around $1,500, or $2,000. I just took out the rotted bits filled it with rocks and wood hardener and cement and wood putty and painted it. I wrote to them, "why not just put wood hardener on it in the first place?" I was ignored. I think they want the wood to rot, so they can make money off of it, especially since they said I needed approval before I could put it on mine. I already had put more on the bottom deck and I am going to do it on the top too. No approval. We shall see.....

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