Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 I AM going to the Medical Board and the Surgical Board....about her. I will also tell Stanford, Harvard and any other place with whom she is connected and tell of her evil ways.


  1. I will get back into this. I sent one into the Medical Board, but heard nothing back. Sent a few things to Harvard and Stanford, but no response. I will do more.

  2. I think we need to just take control and get you away.

  3. I think I will just sue you to get you there and then you can tell your story and I can tell mine. What do you think? Attorneys are not allowed. Yes, 2.

  4. I think when you are free, you will have more pull. It seems even the MB has their price.........

  5. Schmooze her and get her more friendly and tell her how bad it could be otherwise, but don't make her want to hurt you. Tell her he will turn on her, so he can "take it all!" I wish you would just ask me to get you at lunch. My friend would leave me elsewhere and drive to the back and pick you up. You zooming to the back know the one, the one with 2 letters? Please! IT NEEDS TO GET DONE!

  6. I hurt so much from no numbers, I hope you are okay. I seem to love you even more than I did.I know from the anxiety and pain it is so. But, I am hoping you are not being harmed.You need to take chances if you are. I love you.

  7. I saw your pic. It was rather disguising, but happy to see anything. I miss you down to the bone and it hurts. I never knew love could hurt so badly. The more you love, the more it hurts, when it is gone. Come get me. I want to love you. Anyway you want.

  8. I keep worrying that you might think I meant disgusting picture, but I meant it is disguising your gorgeousness, but I see it, because you look firm, youthful, dignified and relaxed. Very nice.

