Thursday, April 22, 2021

Criminal Minds more thoughts

 So, when the attorney is the criminal, and the accused is not, then what? 

It seems like it should mean nothing is true, so why follow anything the crook attorney wants? Why not bust the attorney and not keep up the pretense? Where is the gravitas?

I mean is it law that has power, or is it the person, because every law has been broken by the person representing law, so it is false law. It is only people who bow down to that person's lies who give him/her power. Why not say, "you have been lying for your own benefit, breaking the law, but pretending you are not; that is exactly what criminals do, therefore you are the criminal, not me!" It isn't the law that keeps people in line, it is the people who believe in them that matters.

Even in law, it says that if you never believed that you were being correctly held under a law in the first place, you cannot be in contempt, because you need to purposely break the law to be in contempt. In my case, it was false from the beginning and I knew it. The attorney had to lie to judges, or bribe them, to get them to the point where judges on down the line just assumed it was all correct and the Defendant on down the line who seemed to be in contempt of court, was not! The only person who was EVER in contempt of court was the attorney!

I think that means they stopped being an attorney at that point, and became a criminal! As soon as anyone breaks the law as an attorney, they stop having the right to represent the law and are merely another crook getting their way. They are gaming the system and are merely crooks who have gotten away with their criminal behavior and spitting in the face of their own Justice family and their home, the court. That is when they have taken the law into their own hands. 

To me, the attorney has always been a criminal. He is the Defendant, not me. He is nothing more than a thug holding people under his own law, not real law.

Why is ANYONE following what he says at all? It must be that he is mixed in with work and can hang that over people's heads.

More criminal behavior. That attorney holding law over people's heads, is just a crook, not an attorney.

The attorney is a coward by implicating the innocent person he has put as the Plaintiff. He is doing that to help himself. He does not give a damn about anyone but himself. I am sure he would not care if the person he has put as Plaintiff, went to jail, or prison, as long as he saved his own skin. He should never have taken a case that was against the law in the first place. I am sure he is extorting money from her.

He would throw anyone under the bus to escape problems at any time. He has no loyalty.

I don't feel sorry for her; she doesn't care if people are murdered just to get what she wants. She is vile and disgusting.

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