Monday, April 26, 2021


 I saw a show about aliens and it has gotten me feeling down for some reason. 

I am so tired, though too, of the meanness that has been such a pervasive force in my life and it is wearing me down.

I am seriously looking for help. More than the appeal. I am looking to go on the offensive and take people down.

I think that may be a large part of my depression; I don't enjoy being mean. I just wish mean people would stop and act like  sentient beings instead. I don't want to hurt anyone.

I am getting a throbbing headache across the top of my head. Is that stress?

I just want to get a snazzy RV and go to Canada, or somewhere. I do like Quebec, but they were not all friendly. I ran into friendlier people in France. Surprise! I tried speaking French to someone in Quebec and I was answered in English! How is that for a slap in the face? In France a woman was speaking to me and picked up a tiny American flag and waved it to me. But then again, the house where I was staying while going to school, the woman was really nasty. She tried to charge me $100 for a rip in the curtain that she said I did. I didn't even know about it. Word got around and the other student families jumped on her ass and basically accused her of extortion.

People are such opportunists....some anyway. That is my problem with people, they love to take advantage of a 

I really resent it.

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