Thursday, April 22, 2021


 I hope my friend gets that attorney before that attorney throws my friend under the bus to make himself look innocent and my friend look guilty. He is a street fighter. He cares about himself ONLY!

He has a way of twisting intentions, motives and making the innocent look guilty, or mentally impaired. As I said, they like to use that trick. It is easy, because it is nebulous, especially if a so called specialist throws in her two cents. The onus is on the accused to prove they are sane, not the other way around. My advice would be for him to even go as far as bite off his own foot to get out of the trap, it is THAT serious! Time mitigates nothing in this case; it makes it more serious and desperate.

There are so many ways it could go, but if my friend stays as is, it will be hard to say he was not complicit, but there was no real reason for an R.O. but for a lie and the time factor. It becomes harder and harder for him to stay as an innocent victim for them, so if he dies looking like he was on their side, they will look less guilty.

Look how I was attacked! They tried to kill me, so they would have had more of a clear path to harming my friend, if I were dead.

I am not trying to be frightening. I want him to be safe and free and be smart.

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