Thursday, August 20, 2020

The gall

The person who purposely worked on harming me has the gall to try and make me feel guilty for interrupting your work day, saying I was making you have to cancel your patients and then rescheduling them. He just cannot resist even small cruelties. I was out there looking for ways to get there while I was in extreme pain. Does he think I would not have done almost anything to be there? I could not drive and my driver was so tired, I had no right to push him, like I would have done for myself. 

I think my license went unrenewed due to the warrant for my arrest, since the attorney put my old address on the PD complaint.....the one I do not believe for a moment that you filed. Messing with addresses is his M.O. He is a cheap thug, not a learned lawyer.

I said I wanted to have another court hearing asap.

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