Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Re: I was served ANOTHER Illegal TRO, more Guasco harassment!

  • me
    Aug 4 at 12:03 PM
    PS. I left phone messages for Judge Davis lll, asking why he signed off on a TRO that was for something I did that was LEGAL! The R.O. had been over for a couple of days! There was nothing illegal about it AT ALL!
    Guasco and his "helpers" were ready for me, because everyone knew I wanted Dr. Lukaszewicz to observe my breast cancer surgery (after I had been terrorized by Dr. Moon) but also just like he did when I had my gallbladder removed. It infuriated, and worried Dr. Moayeri that he used his 1/2 day off work to keep me safe. I had to wait from Tuesday evening at Kaiser, with no food, until Friday afternoon, to have 
    the surgery. Afterward, I called the message line the Patient Relations manager had given to me as being Dr. Lukaszewicz's message line, but it was merely a trap. I thanked him for observing my surgery and keeping me safe. I got a TRO about a week later while still recovering from surgery. How does that make sense? Now, I got a TRO for nothing wrong again! I called Dr. Lukaszewicz a couple of days after the R.O. was over to ask if he would keep me safe again, by observing my breast cancer surgery.  I also said that I would always be his support and how much I appreciated him and the nice things he always did for me. I cried. I do not believe Dr. Lukaszewicz was even at his office that day at all. It was just another plan by Guasco, because he knew I would call, since Moayeri obviously told him I said I would not have surgery until Dr. Lukaszewicz could be there to observe. She and Guasco want me to wait as long as possible to have the surgery (if at all) so I would be in very bad shape by the end of August. That is disgusting. I have waited 5 tormented years, had my health deteriorate and then they did it to me all over again, right after it was over. All because a jealous, low self-esteem, narcissistic woman and a crooked attorney want to assure she has control over an individual, Dr. Lukaszewicz, because she knows she isn't nice to him, puts him down, and doesn't respect him, but loves his money and having someone there. His feelings seem to hold no importance at all to Dr. Moayeri, or Guasco.
    Now Guasco wants me to pay his Attorney's fees of $5,000, because he wants it to look like he has had it with me. He knows my income now, is very low after mine was stolen from me and I only live on my deceased husband's Social Security and my 
    Disability.....Guasco knows it. He seems to pick those who are low income as targets, like Jeff Lusk with the son who has a severe brain injury. Too much of a drain on Kaiser's finances, so Guasco gave Jeff a false TRO and used an actress in court, and a Kaiser employee Jeff knew, and knew it was not she in court.

    Guasco and his actual client, Moayeri want me to suffer to death. Me, a woman who only gave her doctor a few gifts of thanks!
    They are monsters.


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