Thursday, August 20, 2020


I guess I was on my way to blood poisoning. I think they are going to give me more IV antibiotics tomorrow and other things. It still hurts very much. I went to sleep and when I awoke was confused thinking it was the next day. Strange feeling. 

This morning, someone slashed the hose next to the house. There were slash marks in both hoses that were for irrigating. Seems odd that both hoses would have cut marks in them and spraying out water.  I don't know if I pay for that water, or  the HOA. I called the water co. Thinking that if my bill were higher, I would know who was paying that water. A couple of years ago an irrigation hose in front of my house was also slashed the same way! My front door area was flooded. I suspected the gardener who thought my little car with rainbow flag on it belonged to Michael, my renter, and he called Michael "whatever you are" after he said he was glad that car with the rainbow flag on it had been towed away, (along with my Range Rover).

I think he also stole my great aunt's foo dog I had next to the front door here. Never in a million years did I think it would be stolen, but so many things were done to cause me trouble and expense and heartache. It hurts me since my great aunt and uncle had it at least since before I was a child, next to the front door in Millbrae. I have no trouble knowing where to lay the blame for things done to me. It was the hitman, MP. If I went on about things were done to attack me, I would sound like a conspiracy theorist. It makes me wonder how much you suffered under the thumb of those people. They are determined, it is so childish. That is what binds them together, that they wanted to hurt me by destroying things. What people like that do not understand, is that things being taken, or destroyed is bad, but as long as loved ones are still around, I am happy. I guess they like to be sneaky, but they know I can put 2+2 together very easily. They knew I would figure it out and make me hate the person I so love.  Not a chance. Being attacked on a more serious level, in a medical facility, made me understand to what depths they would go, but the cowardly method used and what was said to me, gave it away.  They don't care who they hurt, so my worry was for you.  

That CHP officer this morning, was so shaken up by the fire, he seemed to take comfort in talking to us. He was very young. The weird lightening the other night is what set the fires, from what they said. The lightning seemed to be in multiples. 


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