Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Illegal TRO

Haviva von Martinitz

Aug 4, 2020, 8:15 PM (18 hours ago)
to Mike
Dear Mr. Guasco,
What you did to me was illegal and you know it. I will 
give you a chance to cancel it before you are brought 
to justice, sooner than later. You have violated
numerous laws, as you are well aware. This one really 
makes you look foolish! But, I have you pegged, you
will gamble with the safety of your legal life as well 
as that of your client, to the very end (and we both 
know who that is; she already gave it away). It 
certainly makes you look like you are trying to harm 
me. That does not go over well with people who are 
not monsters. You have hit a new low with this and 
you LIED right to the judge! It also looks like a child 
put the paperwork together! 
I will abide by Dr. Lukaszewicz's desires, but what
you did with your frivolous order, is not only an insult 
to him, me, the court, but to the entire system of 
justice.  It reeks of desperation. I don't care if you 
say it was ended for compassionate reasons, or what, 
but it just needs to end. You are making 
Dr. Lukaszewicz appear like the monster that YOU 
are! He does NOT deserve to have you and 
Dr. Moayeri messing with his reputation,or his life 
any longer! You both show him zero respect by
your actions, your threats and bullying him! He
deserves MUCH better than to have his life smeared, 
humiliated and threatened! Tell Dr. Moayeri to GROW
 UP and to try and be a mature adult and accept the 
blows life sometimes lands upon us, in a gracious 
manner and not by acting like a spoiled child! YOU 
have nipped her idea of putting Dr. Lukaszewicz's 
name on all the bogus paperwork! YOU have the 
greater responsibility to turn down illegal requests 
by clients! I am the bigger person by offering this to
you! You are too young to be broughtdown by your 
greed and smarmy, desperate, obsequious attitude. I 
hate to see you ruin your client's remaining years, and your career. I am way too nice, but I am a mother and a person who 
believes in redemption (for a limited time only)! I will offer 
you until Monday, August 10, 2020.
This is your only chance, a limited time offer.  Stop while
you still have a shred of dignity left. You left me with my reputation in pieces, but at least I know right from 
wrong, but it seems to be quite a challenge for you. Also 
Dr. Moayeri needs to stop the abuse and stop keeping 
Dr. Lukaszewicz as a prisoner. He deserves respect and 
freedom, not terror and imprisonment! That is 
disgusting! He is a human being, not a pet that is shocked to 
keep from wandering! 
Live by the Golden Rule and you won't go wrong!
Your actions are going to be judged. Do the right thing,
before it is too late! Also, you have turned Kaiser SSF 
into an absolute snakepit! Stop your evil ways, be smart 
and start by reversing the False TRO, now!

Cheryl Petrovich

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