Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Illegal R.O.


Haviva von Martinitz countessprague@gmail.com

3:24 AM (4 minutes ago)
to me
Mr Guasco JUST served me with TRO papers! He twisted facts
in it and outright lies. I left Dr. Lukaszewicz 3 voicemails and there
was no reason I could not; the R.O. was over July 12, a Sunday.
I called on Tuesday and asked the person who answered the
phone to let Dr. Lukaszewicz know that the R.O. was over
(I called it the "project") and he could call me, if he wanted.
I got a call back saying that Dr. Lukaszewicz said he could not
legally speak with me and I was not supposed to leave email
messages with the staff. She said twice, "email".
I said the legal order was over, she said "no, it's not." I said,
"yes, it is, I emailed (chatted) with someone at Family court!"
She said, "Dr. Lukaszewicz said he was going to call his attorney."
I said why would he do that?" I said I would rather die than go
through that again. They sent a Deputy to my house to check
on me. The TRO papers say I left him 5 voice mails. I left 3
voice mails that were nothing but encouraging and supportive
of him. I asked also if he could observe my breast  cancer
surgery, like he did with my gall bladder surgery. 
My voice mails were cited as a reason for the TRO, but my
voice mails were AFTER the staff told me the legal matter
was not over! They added them in because de Guzman had 
informed Guasco that I had called, they were not the reason for 
the TRO, but were ready for me to call, since the R.O. was over 
and Dr. Moayeri knew I needed the surgery asap and that I would 
not do it W/O Dr. Lukaszewicz observing.  The TRO is weak 
and illegal! I was Dr. Lukaszewicz's patient and friend. He and l wanted
to make it official. Dr. Moayeri and Guasco want me to die; they 
are stretching out the court date, so I could be in very bad shape 
by then. They are monsters! I had no restrictions at all! I leave 
some lengthy voicemails because I am not always succinct and 
in my case the whole thing was bogus from the start. I have MS, 
it has gotten worse. I was diagnosed with cancer, but these 
monsters speak for Dr. Lukaszewicz, forge his signature and 
think they are good people? He has been bypassed for the 
entire matter! I am tired, I am beaten down. I am very angry!
I would not have to worry as much, except that Dr. Moayeri's
co-worker, Dr. Moon terrorized me and treated me brutally.
She said that I was selfish, only thought of myself, did not care 
about what other people want, on and on with that tirade! I 
had never met her! She sent me to have a mammogram. It was 
horribly painful and I screamed out and the blood flowed to the 
floor. It was threatening,so how can I go back? I only wanted to 
be safe. So, I believe this entire situation was all Guasco and 
his workers at Kaiser. Mr. de Guzman works in Communications 
at SSF in repayment for his part in getting me the R.O. so, he 
gets Dr. Lukaszewicz's messages,if I call. He did it before 
when I called to thank Dr. Lukaszewicz for coming to my surgery, 
a week later, I was given a TRO for a few gifts Dr. Lukaszewicz 
thanked me for. The last day I had seen him was approx 97 days 
prior to the TRO. Why? He called and sent me at
least one email. In the email he made light of it and called me,
Denys Finch-Hatton from the movie "Out of Africa", since Denys
loved to give gifts. I never did any familiar boundary line crossing 
and nothing was said about it in court. Dr. Lukaszewicz refuted the 
R.O. in court. Why did no one care when he told the truth in court? 
Now, I was terrorized by Dr. Moayeri, but I was given a TRO for 
3 messages of a medical matter and support of him, AND after the 
R.O. was OVER? That is the WORST excuse for a TRO! I want 
them jailed! Dr. Lukaszewicz had nothing to do with any of it, 
except when he was forced to show up. This is old paperwork 
with new dates and same forgeries! Guasco is incorrigible! 
He spoke of MY pattern of  behavior!? He has a pattern of CRIMINAL 
behavior! Also, this terrible, criminal, abusive treatment of a woman 
with breast cancer and MS is disgusting! Mr. Guasco is doing it for 
a violent narcissist who is important to Kaiser and cannot figure out 
why Dr. Lukaszewicz doesn't want to stay with her, so she uses 
illegal means and threats to keep him so, with the help of an 
unethical attorney. I can give at least 10 instances (probably much 
more) of flagrant criminality in his paperwork. He is just astounding! 
It goes ignored! Most of it doesn't make sense! He and Dr. Moayeri 
belong in prison! Twice, she used/hired hitmen to harm me!

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