Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 Honorable Judge Leland Davis III              August 10, 2020  

San Mateo County Superior Court

400 County Center

Redwood City, CA  94063

RE: 20 CIV03178

Lukaszewicz v. Petrovich

Dear Hon. Judge Davis III,

I hope you are very well.

I would appreciate having this serve as my answer to the false and baseless TRO served upon me for having done nothing wrong. It was made as a preemptive strike for what I “might do” as per Mike Guasco. Everything that Mr. Guasco had in court documents was fictitious, made from the mind of Mike Guasco and his associates.

1).This case should be called Guasco and Moayeri v. Petrovich. It was not Dr. Lukaszewicz’s case now, or ever. What it should also be called is harassment and abuse of a handicapped senior with MS and diagnosed with breast cancer!

2). I had just ended a 5 year, torment filled false restraining order that was the creation of Kaiser hired attorney, Mike Guasco, Dr. N. Moayeri, Marija M. Petrovic, Edward Souza, Emanuel de Guzman and a few other helpers. It increased in intensity as the years rolled by and as I managed to survive the numerous attacks launched against me, many of which had no regard for my ability to survive their psychological and physically 

debilitating aspects. Elaborate and costly plans were carried out against me, using Kaiser deep pockets and  “helpful cooperation”.


3). Mr. Guasco has become infamous for his filing frivolous lawsuits. He seems to primarily attack the weaker patients and the financially challenged. I believe, from appearances and reputation, his favorite means of disabling and blindside attack is the TRO. It hobbles the defendant and unless a victim has enough money to hire an attorney, the chances of a lone defendant prevailing are slim to none. Thank goodness, the quadriplegic patient who was accused of spitting at his nurse was able to find an attorney who makes his fees affordable. I believe he was able to win the case. It is my opinion that Mr. Guasco uses TROs as a preemptive strike against Kaiser patients who have legitimate complaints, or those who may  somehow be perceived as being a drain on the Kaiser finances. After all, Kaiser “only” has around 28 billion in “petty cash”! So, as one might expect, Mr. Guasco has become an invaluable part of the “Guasco/Kaiser sausage factory”, wherein Kaiser doesn't like the how’s and why’s, it is all accomplished, but admires the “tasty results:” a big pile of money in savings.

4). Mr. Guasco has, no doubt, been able to pave his way through legal matters with Kaiser’s deep pockets in my case(s) as well as those of many others. When the dust settles, Guasco may have rid Kaiser of many an annoying problem, but it is down right dirty at most times. They seem to feel that “the ends justify the means”.....for Kaiser and Guasco, that is!

5). I have not been to Kaiser SSF for many years. The last time I was there was in 2016, picketing for my rights on the sidewalk in front of the building. I had asked Dave Pine where I should legally be able to stand, so I seemed to be in the right. The Security guard, Edward Souza (now, supervisor in Kaiser SSF Janitorial as payment for his role in the plan to get me jailed), which he did, with his list of fantasy contempt charges and lies he told on the witness stand along with an intrusive recitation of my private health chart information. (I guess he hacks as well as lies.) In answer to my question , Edward Souza said to me, “yes, Marija Petrovic was hired specifically to get rid of you!” I said, “well she got rid of me by getting me a restraining order, which means it is invalid.” He seemed to panic, so he wrote up some false contempt charges and gave them to Guasco, who quickly served them up to me. My life is merely a game to Guasco. He did not understand how much it hurt me when he did that to me….or he DID! Outside the courtroom he would get very close to my face and scream at me and say, “He doesn’t like you, he doesn’t want to have a relationship with you!” and then, “I wish you were dead!” and would run away. He was such a coward he could not even wait for my reply. 

6). Mr. Guasco’s REAL client, the jealous Dr. Moayeri, who was upset that Dr. Lukaszewicz accepted my gifts to him with a gratefulness, a phone call and an email, or two and then, as a piece de resistance, he came to my surgery, at my request, to keep me safe. He was always so kind and protective of me, because of my conditions and because other doctors merely brushed me off as fat, not a victim of lymphedema/lipedema. He took on more responsibility for me than a specialist would, because he has a kind, caring heart and the true attitude/spirit of a doctor. I had dropped him as my doctor, because he asked if I wanted to become friends, but could not be friends with a patient. 

When I went to the ER, it was found that I had an infected gallbladder and needed surgery. I asked if Dr. Lukaszewicz could be there to observe. My surgeon, Dr. Le, told me Dr. Lukaszewicz had been to my surgery. I had waited from Tuesday night to Friday afternoon for the “emergency” surgery without a morsel of food. I did not mind. It was Dr. Lukaszewicz’s half day at work and used it to keep me safe and cared over. He was always going out of the way for me, even behind the scenes. He would call a new doctor I was going to see and tell them how to treat me and what embarrassed me, or that the electric sphygmomanometer hurt the lumps from lipedema in my arms. One annoyed doctor told me Dr. Lukaszewicz had called, but I am glad he did, or I would not have known of his special care of me. 

7). After my surgery, I used a phone number given to me by the Patient Relations manager, Bertha Ponse. She said it was Dr. Lukaszewicz’s personal message line….but it wasn’t; it was a set up. I called the number and left a message of gratitude and thanks….a week later, I was served a TRO, while I was still recovering from the surgery. I was astounded! It had his name on it! The man who risked reprimand for taking care to see I was safe and then checking on me after, while I was still asleep, but the desk nurse told me she had seen him leaving my room, “unless there is another tall, thin vascular surgeon, I don’t know about!”  It had made me feel so happy, but suddenly a TRO? I had not seen Dr. Lukaszewicz for at least 97 days! Why out of the blue would he be upset about books and some antique medical memorabilia after thanking me so profusely and then give me a TRO? It is because HE DIDN’T!

8). Mr. Guasco was also spreading false rumors about me saying I was prejudiced against people of alternate lifestyles. I have no prejudice against people at all. Every one of my business partners was gay and one even owned half of a nightclub called Asia SF, a drag club and I took his dog after he said he could not keep her, because he was so busy. I still have her. One of my longtime female friends was married to another woman. And she gave me her car. People should find out facts about a person before smearing them! (Not that Mr. Guasco has even that amount of ethical behavior!) It is very strange that after the “psychiatrist” Marija M. Petrovic, Dr. Moayeri’s friend was hired (back to Kaiser) to get rid of me and I was funneled into an appointment with her, she only asked me questioned about Dr. Lukaszewicz and she also asked me if I preferred men, or women. I said “it doesn’t matter, I love someone for how they resonate with me.” She also asked me if I would ever hurt Dr. Lukaszewicz. I said, “why would I? I love him!” She said in a very odd way, “SOME would!” It frightened me that she might think I would hurt him somehow, so I had a lie detection report done. I will include a copy. 

9). After Dr. Lukaszewicz called me one time, sounding terrified and quickly hung up, I wanted to call him back, but the number was restricted. I called the police to ask what they thought about having a welfare check done on him. I was nervous about doing it, because I was afraid I would embarrass him. An officer asked me if the woman who lived there was a powerful woman. I said, “yes.” He said, “I know of the woman who lives there.” He said, “you know, men aren’t the only abusers; women can be abusers too.” That said a lot. Then he said, “better to be safe than sorry!” So I had it done. Mr. Guasco twisted that situation into an ugly lie and said it was my way of stalking Dr. Lukaszewicz! That was astonishing! Who would even think that way? Dr. Moayeri must have called her attorney, Guasco and told him what I had done and he formulated the most bizarre meaning to my genuine concern for him. It has haunted me since. I know that Guasco is fighting against me to protect Dr. Moayeri’s “interests,” but I was not the one who asked him to be my friend, he asked me and as far as I was told, he was with her for investment reasons and children, like a business deal. I believe she had a surrogate as was indicated to me by her friend, Marija Petrovic. I was told by a PI that they were not married. 

10). As far as I have witnessed, in my case, Mr. Guasco has more lies fly from his mouth and pen, than truth. I also believe that Dr. Lukaszewicz has been under guard and watched much of the time and under threat by Guasco. I have seen his threatening side and I am sure he has threatened Dr. Lukaszewicz’s job, etc. I think Guasco is so desperate to keep Dr. Moayeri happy, because she must be paying him a LOT of money! I think they want to make Dr. Lukaszewicz’s life miserable to make him hate me. I have never heard of such an insane situation in my entire life!  Mr. Guasco should have never indulged Dr. Moayeri’s plan to force Dr. Lukaszewicz to stay with her. A person has free will, unless they live in Russia, or a block country. For some reason, Dr. Moayeri seems to feel she can own a human being and then abuse them.

Mr. Guasco refused my requests for mediation without hesitation each time. He always said “Dr. Lukaszewicz doesn’t want to see you!”


11). Mr. Guasco had a wall and a buzzer door put around Dr. Lukaszewicz’s office. I believe it was to create more of a mental impression than for valid safety reasons. Did Mr. Guasco think I was going to come in and gift him to death? All I ever did was give Dr. Lukaszewicz a few gifts of thanks and ask him to observe my surgery. That is IT! Dr. Lukaszewicz had known I was a woman who had gone  through many hardships in life, including being kidnapped as a 5 year old child, but escaped. My husband drowned while out sailing, shortly after, I was diagnosed with a very rare cancer. I was on chemo for a year. I lost my home. Dr. Lukaszewicz is a very kind, compassionate person. He took amazing care of me and he kept me from despair. He was never and has never been a person to go from extreme kindness to erratic cruelty. It was a travesty and an insult to him to have those people, Dr. Moayeri and Guasco denigrate his name and humiliate him by having to see his former patient suffer as if it were himself doing it. That is mob mentality.

11). Dr. Lukaszewicz and I had a friendship. He did lovely things for me and made me feel special and as if someone cared what happened to me. He risked his job safety, cleared the path for me, helped me from behind the scenes. He has been my guardian angel. I would give my life to save his. I have been worried about him for the entire 5 years. I have begged various places of authority to please keep him safe. The Hillsborough police said they would do an extra watch over his home. Guasco had that stopped and told them not to listen to me. It made me wonder why. It frightened me. They had been forging his signature with abandon. It is also known as identity theft. The stress might be why MS worsened, and the reason I have been given a breast cancer diagnosis. 

12). Last Feb. 24, 2020, I was to go in for a breast biopsy at Kaiser Daly City. I did go in and a Dr. Moon was going to perform the removal of core samples of tissue from my right breast. I was lying on the table and Dr. Moon suddenly began acting strange. She waved a very long needle menacingly in front of my eyes as if she were planning to stab me with it. She began calling me cold and unemotional, she said I did not care about anyone else’s feelings, only my own. She said I took things that belonged to other people and I did not care who I hurt, on and on. When I cried, because I wanted her tirade to stop, “she said, “at least you have SOME feeling, even if it is only for yourself!” People had been holding my arms and later I saw a fading bruise, so I took a picture of it. She sent me for a mammogram, although blood was streaming down my arm. I was placed into the machine and it was clamped down so hard, I screamed out in agony and I saw blood pooling on the floor. My MS was getting to me and I nearly fell off the machine. Someone caught me.  I saw the ultrasound tech leaving for the evening and I said, “thank you, good night” she kept looking down and kept walking. I think she was ashamed about what had been done to me.

13). I knew it had been orchestrated by Dr. Moayeri. I had never met Dr. Moon and what she had been saying was what I would have said about Dr. Moayeri, because it would be true for her. I am an eggshell victim. Twice Dr. Moayeri hired people to attack me and tried to frighten me to death, but one tried to use mind control to get me to kill myself. Fortunately, Dr. Lukaszewicz had a feeling she would try and harm me over the phone. Marija M. Petrovic was Dr. Moayeri’s friend, “hired to get rid” of me. She is from Serbia and seems more like a spy, than psychiatrist.  She put 5 false psychiatric diagnoses in my chart, so as to discredit me, or as I think, to point to if I died by my own hand, or made to look like I died that way. She gaslighted me and had others at Kaiser participate. I was sick and went to the ER and a doctor came at me with a strongly belligerent attitude! She asked, “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, DRUGS? I said, “what I want is another doctor!” I don’t know how it was done, but my name sounded the alarm for doctors and staff to pour on the abuse. 

I don't want to go into all the details now, but at some point, I will. I have gone through so much for so many years, I am tired. I am sick and I am just done.

14). Now, Mr. Guasco comes along and gives me a false TRO for doing absolutely NOTHING WRONG! I wanted to let Dr. Lukaszewicz know that he could call me if he wanted. The staff had been told that I was not legally able to leave them messages for him. I told them that the restraining order was over and they kept saying it was not. It finished July 12, 2020. I had even spoken to someone in family court who verified what I already knew.  They said that Dr. Lukaszewicz said he was going to call the attorney and find out. If it had truly been his TRO, I don’t think he would have had to call the attorney to “find out.” I believe that if he had truly been there, he was trying to tell me that he had nothing to do with it. He never did, for any of it. They would have had no need to forge his signature, or lie in court papers saying he was present at a hearing, when he was not.

15). The entire last hearing for the extension was Guasco’s doing all alone. Dr. Lukaszewicz’s signature had been forged (expert verified), Guasco used false evidence, which were my old emails from 2015, but he never shared them with me (discovery) so that I could refute them, but I knew from the amount what they were. 

16). Guasco lied to Judge Chou and said there was a citation that was “Collins….” that said that evidence could be used over and over to keep a person restrained forever. That is patently absurd! It sounds like anything BUT American law! I called the County Law Library  (I had been a county law librarian in the Palo Alto Courthouse basement, so we had a mutual helpfulness toward each other.) They worked all day for me looking for either a case called Collins, or anything that said old evidence could be used over and over to restrain someone. They said there was no such case. It was a Guasco fabrication. That fabrication is what he is basing this TRO upon. 

17). Once, outside the courtroom, Guasco yelled at me and said, “I can keep you restrained FOREVER!” He said that in front of my adult son, who will testify to it in court. He also witnessed that there had been no Plaintiff EVER during the extension proceedings, although Guasco indicated on court filed paperwork that he had been there. Dr. Lukaszewicz’s signature had been forged on the filed papers for the extension. I had a professional handwriting expert verify it. I was told prior, by another handwriting expert that Dr. Moayeri’s friend, Marija M. Petrovic was most likely the person who had forged Dr. Lukaszewicz’s signature. 

18). I also feel someone has been drugging Dr. Lukaszewicz. He acted very strange in court at the beginning. But he got on the witness stand and told everyone that my gifts to him were, “very nice and expensive!” He had said my name so sweetly, I blushed. I figured that since he had refuted the very essence of the R.O. it was over. No! Judge Novak sentenced me to 5 days in jail, a fine, and community service. I served 3 of the 5 days and Judge Novak waived the community service. The court said I could not pay the fine, because it was a civil case and they did not fine for civil matters. I told that to Judge Novak and she said, “I don’t care just PAY it!!” The clerk called Judge Novak and they worked out that I could pay them $100 to some special account, or something; I was just grateful something worked. I had a new bank account and the court would not take non personalized checks and I did not have my debit card yet, so my son had to come and bail me out of the situation.

19). I live in a remote area, nearly 140 miles from San Mateo County. Last time I went to court, it took me 6 hours and I left at 4:30 am to be there by 9 am. (Why is court always so early for me?) I cannot afford week day hotel rates, so I have tried to sleep in my car (too scary) or sit at Kaiser all night, but now with the virus, that would not be possible. My health is compromised, so I am at risk. I don’t usually leave my house at all anyway. Someone brings my groceries. I have barely left my home for the 5 years of the false R.O. I have been very emotional and frightened. I know Mr. Guasco has gotten involved in my personal life to make my life difficult and spread false rumors far and wide about me. It is disgusting that he would smear a person he does not even know, merely because a narcissistic woman cannot be nice enough to her domestic partner to make him want her as a friend. I have seen Dr. Lukaszewicz’s sadness and it broke my heart. He is sensitive and it makes me worry for him, especially if she is abusing him. He needs to have his say. 

20). Guasco is so desperate for Dr. Lukaszewicz to remain silent.  After he spoke out in court, he was never back in court again, although Guasco lied and said he had been there for the extension hearing. This has all been Guasco’s desperate show. I don’t think there is one part of this that is not fiction. Guasco wants so desperately to please his real client, Dr. Moayeri. She doesn't want to lose another household income, or another person in the house, or for her social climbing. What Dr. Lukaszewicz wants is obviously irrelevant to her, or Mr. Guasco. I have seen him actually move like a puppet on a string at times. They treat him with no respect, or dignity. 

21). It is my belief that someone caused his mother to die and that they are using it over his head to cooperate as much as he has. I think they tell him that the same thing that happened to her, could happen to him too.  She died of a “stroke” right after Marija Petrovic arrived on the scene. I mentioned it in a complaint about her to Kaiser.  Suddenly she changed her date of hire to Kaiser (again) to August, from June, when his mother died. But, she forgot I had been basically forced to have an appt. with her in June. I mentioned it to someone at Kaiser and suddenly, Marija Petrovic had my online Kaiser account cut off and she used another doctor’s name to do it. I spoke with him about it, but even though he knew nothing about it, refused to open it up again. I have not had that online privilege for a few years. Marija Petrovic’s actions have been more than suspicious. She tried to get me to kill myself using mind control and nearly succeeded, but Dr. Lukaszewicz knew she was up to no good and had people call me out of the woodwork and snapped me out of it. It was the weirdest thing. She was Dr. Moayeri’s hired hitman and she nearly killed me. It was attempted murder. It is a felony. In my opinion, Dr, Moayeri belongs in prison, not in a patient’s brain, cutting it up! I think her behavior is not only narcissistic, but DANGEROUS! Mr. Guasco has been at least an accomplice! He should never have taken on a case of this type! 

22). They knew I would do anything for Dr. Lukaszewicz, because of what I said in my lie detection report, so they wanted me away from him.

23). They used a flimsy story to get a TRO that could have only taken place at all, nearly a 100 days before, since I had dropped Dr. Lukaszewicz to become a friend, nearly 100 days prior. The premise of the TRO was absurd! Saying he was annoyed by gifts I had given to him 3, or more, months prior and that I crossed personal boundary lines, when we had never been inappropriate at all! We were both the picture of decorum. Nothing about inappropriate behavior was ever brought up in court at all. That would have been the starring attraction to me, had it been true. I think they knew Dr. Lukaszewicz would not have gone along with that. He is by the book.

24). Mr.Guasco has a Hell of a nerve asking for $5,000 in fees or ANY fees AT ALL!! He put me through HELL for 5 years! Now, I have a cancer diagnosis and worsened MS, very likely from the stress I endured. The ONLY thing that Guasco, Moayeri and the rest of the thugs deserve, is time in a correctional facility!

25). I cried each day for over 4 years. Now, it is sporadic. I don’t see my 85 year old mother. I have been too ashamed. I barely see my son. I know he thinks less of me for this. I am not young; time is very precious to me.

It may be even shorter, if this is cancer and it is bad and I don’t survive. Guasco knows about my health and yet what does he think about? Giving me a false TRO using Dr. Lukaszewicz’s name! Guasco is only for himself! He ruins the lives of others without a bat of an eye! He is risking the legal safety of Dr. Lukaszewicz, by implicating him in all kinds of nefarious activity! Dr. Moayeri is the very same! Why do they think they have the right to threaten him, use him in their crooked scheme and then forge their way into his money and assets? Then what? Leave him as a witness? I don’t think so. He will end up with a ”stroke” like his mother and call it family inherited/genetics. Some might buy it, but not me. He has made my life beautiful; I will never let him down. 

26). Dr. Lukaszewicz was always there for me. He saved my life! He was already my friend. He is a beautiful human being. I don’t ever want to see him used as a pawn, or abused ever again. Those people who used him should pay BIG for his suffering! They are criminals, who wanted him to be a criminal too! He never was and never will be! He is as good as people come!  


27). Mr. Guasco had this current illegal assault against me in the form of a preemptive strike TRO waiting for the very moment of my phone call to Dr. Lukaszewicz. Mr. Guasco knew that I was told that I need breast cancer surgery and as last time with my gallbladder surgery, I would ask for him to be present to make certain all would come out well. The stress of trying to deal with Guasco’s abuse of the law and myself, could very well likely have caused my health issues.I have no doubt at all, that Mr. Guasco and Dr. Moayeri would be happy to cause my demise. 

28). Thinking the staff, etc; were mistaken about the restraining order still being in effect, because I had done nothing to garner even a false restraining order, I called Dr. Lukaszewicz’s message line and asked him if he would consider observing my breast cancer surgery. I left 3 messages,because parts of two were garbled because of my bad phone reception out by the ocean, where I live. I did NOT leave 5 messages as was indicated by Guasco (I do not for a minute, believe Dr. Lukaszewicz wrote any of the invalid TRO.)  I also showed my support for Dr. Lukaszewicz and was sorry he had to endure the ridiculous illegal mess that Dr. Moayeri and Guasco had put us through. 

29). I request that Mr. Guasco produce as evidence, any unaltered phone recordings relating to court proceedings. He is using those recordings as his primary reason for his preemptive strike, therefore they should be entered. Not transcripts, the actual recordings. 

30). When has American law ever recognized as valid law, punishing a person, merely upon the “possibility” of a person breaking it; because in the past, they have been said to have violated something similar before? The preponderance of evidence proves that the entire 5 years of restraining order was false and Mr. Guasco is the perpetrator of a terrible atrocity against me and Dr. Lukaszewicz. Guasco only managed to prevail at all because both our voices (Dr. Lukaszewicz’s and mine) were ignored/silenced and the cases were merely pushed through using deep pockets, trickery, lies, threats, intimidation, forgeries and forcing attorneys on me, who misrepresented themselves as working on my behalf, pretending to be with the Private Defender Program, but were not. Charles Smith IV, said he was with the Private Defender program, but was not. An attorney, Donald Bloom, called me unsolicited and said he had heard I needed an attorney. I had been trying and trying to hire an attorney, but had no luck. I finally asked Mr. Guasco if he had been keeping me from being able to hire one and he merely smiled at me. In law, a non answer is basically considered a positive one. As it turned out, Mr. Bloom was indeed under the direction of Mr. Guasco, although I had paid him $1,000 as a down payment. As was with Mr. Smith IV, he did nothing in my defense and allowed me to be railroaded. At one point Judge Livermore made the pronouncement, after I had spoken up in court, “This may very well likely be an invalid restraining order, I invite you to contest it!” Donald Bloom immediately called for a conference in the judge’s chambers. When the group returned, there was no more talk about it being an invalid restraining order. It did not seem that “my” attorney was on my side. Mr. Bloom dropped me as a “client” and said I could never contact him and that if I did, he would serve me with a restraining order.

31). Mr. Guasco had even accepted my court file from an attorney I was interviewing, named Marc Pelta. To me, Mr. Pelta claimed he accidentally shredded it, another time he said he shredded it purposely to keep it safe, since it had been sitting in his office for 2 weeks. Suspicious, I contacted Mr. Guasco, who admitted to having it and said it was in his safe. He even described the contents. He claimed it had been sent to him by an anonymous sender. Why wouldn’t Mr. Pelta just send it back to me? I think he made money off of it from Guasco. Mr. Pelta has twice been reprimanded by the Bar Assn. He cried when I confronted him on the subject and told me to leave him alone. Mr. Guasco never did send my file back to me. It had my will in it, giving Dr. Lukaszewicz ¼ of my estate, my lie detection report, which truthfully stated I would do nearly anything for Dr. Lukaszewicz, that I could just be his friend and it also had my power of attorney giving Dr. Lukaszewicz every power over me, including the decision to end life support. 

32). What did Dr. Lukaszewicz have to fear from me? Nothing and Mr. Guasco knew it! But, obviously it fueled the flames of jealousy in Dr. Moayeri, or messing up some plans she had for him. It started the ball rolling on the attacks on me. I sent the will, power of attorney and the lie detection report to Dr. Lukaszewicz in October 2015, but Security Guard Edward Souza took them from the mail and kept them away from Dr. Lukaszewicz. I also had him as the person to call if I had an emergency. Kaiser badgered me to take him off the list, but I refused. I believe they did it anyway. It just seems like Dr. Lukaszewicz has no rights at his own place of work and he is walled in like a caged animal. It is frightening and they want me to be blamed. Dr. Lukaszewicz is the target and I am the scapegoat. I believe it is so they can justify keeping him under guard and a possible Stockholm Syndrome victim. They have devious plans for him and need me as a scapegoat and to be kept away, since they know I would help him to keep him safe.          

33). Mr. Guasco’s justification for giving me a preemptive strike TRO for my having done nothing wrong, is my “past behavior”. It is difficult to determine just what that past behavior might be, because Mr. Guasco made everything up. So going by his own “past behavior” rule, Mr. Guasco has violated the law many times over and has been in contempt of court over and over by his disrespect, compromising its integrity, with his unlawful “requests” in his favor, his lies and his disrespect of the rules of court, such as ignoring Discovery, using false evidence, lying in court filed documents and forging the signature of his “client”, Dr. Lukaszewicz, aka, Identity Theft! 

34). Mr. Guasco has forced Dr. Lukaszewicz into this travesty, no doubt by putting his job on the line and other not-so-subtle threats, plus his awkward position with his home life, since it was his domestic partner, Dr. Moayeri, who was behind the entire abuse of law with the enthusiastic assistance of  Mr. Guasco and Dr. Moayeri’s hitman friend, Marija M. Petrovic, a Serbian, spy trained “psychiatrist” who she had hired back to Kaiser to make my life miserable and eventually tried to use mental manipulation to have me take my own life and tried to cover it up by putting 5 false major mental illnesses in my chart, to justify my taking my own life. 

35). It was evident that Marija M. Petrovic had covert, spy training and has a callous and cold demeanor. It is my opinion that she could very well have had a part in the death of Dr. Lukaszewicz’s mother, due to the way she reacted when I mentioned that his mother died soon after Marija Petrovic arrived back to Kaiser to “get rid” of me, by changing the date of her rehire from June 2015, to August 2015. But, she forgot, I had, had an appointment with her in June, so she merely closed my online access to my chart. I have not had access for several years now.

36). This has been a lengthy, complicated and opportunistic attack on me, merely because an insecure domestic partner was jealous and decided rather than speak with her partner, she would hire a couple of hitmen to terrorize and torment me, and if necessary, my death was not out of the question. She may have not wanted to speak to him about anything, because he may have soon been her victim in some way too.  Like good spy activity, they waited for the perfect opportunities to implement the covert plans against me to make it look natural. They were pushing it with the absurd TRO being based on my gift giving. Dr. Lukaszewicz thanked me profusely for them and his happiness made me want to give him more, because he had been going above and beyond to help me. I never showed him any affection, not by word, or action, nor was it discussed in court. Dr. Lukaszewicz expressed his delight of the gifts on the witness stand saying my gifts to him were, “very nice and expensive!” He said it in a very kind manner, not like an annoyed recipient of unwanted items that he had last gotten nearly 100 days prior to the filing of the TRO! 

37). I do not understand why judges sign off on TROs without reasoning them out. Where is the threat of harm in anything that might have happened nearly 100 days before and for such innocuous reasons? A reasonable person would not wait so long to complain, nor would they come to the surgery of the “offender” at their request to keep them safe, then knock them down by giving them a devastating TRO! That is MORE than passive aggressive, it is mentally unstable!  Somehow, Mr. Guasco gets away with things that most normal people could not, or would not even try. He flouts the law with abandon and acts insulted when he is called on it.     

38). Mr. Guasco knows full well of my serious medical condition of a cancer diagnosis, yet he decided his paycheck from Dr. Moayeri was more important than halting further abuse of my health condition, that he most likely caused after 5 years of stress by his false restraining orders and contempt charges. Now, he is exacerbating it further by making me deal with another, even more flagrantly false preemptive strike TRO against me, again under the name of Dr. Lukaszewicz, who, when I called his office seemed to know nothing about it, but his staff seemed to have been apprised in advance. The false restraining order ended on July 12, 2020. I called Dr. Lukaszewicz’s office on July 14, seeking help with a medical matter, where is the crime in that? Past behavior was that Dr. Lukaszewicz helped me with observing my surgery, I was merely asking him to repeat it with my possible breast cancer surgery. It is under the purview of a vascular surgeon. I waited until the false restraining order ended, just so this very thing, another false TRO would not happen. But, Mr. Guasco decided that he would be excessively cruel, when I am at my lowest ebb, fighting for my life, and hit me with another false restraining order, so he could keep his real client happy and his wallet even happier. He is indifferent about my life to enrich his own. That is disgusting. He already stole 5 years of my life and had me tormented during that entire time, to create the health situation I am in now, merely so he can make money and Dr. Moayeri can keep her partner tied to her without the stress and strain of having to be kind to him. I think it would be wise to check with Hillsborough PD to see if there are any complaints against her for abuse, because an officer there seemed to strongly indicate there were.

39). Mr. Guasco’s reign of terror over me and other innocent Kaiser patients needs to end NOW! He should never be allowed to see another client, or cross the threshold of a courthouse again! He treats it like it is his own to use and abuse! He has been in contempt the entire 5 years of my case he created/fabricated and those of any other innocent Kaiser patients/victims he has terrorized!

40). I filed a complaint against Mr. Guasco with the Redwood City Police and provided evidence to the DA’s office. I filed a police complaint against Dr. Moayeri with the Hillsborough PD. I have also given evidence to the DA’s office in regard to her.

41). I trust Dr. Lukaszewicz with my life and I would give mine to save his. That will never change, no matter how much crooked people try and implicate his kind heart in matters against me! They are trying to bring him down to their level, so that he will be just as guilty as they, should their crimes against me be exposed. They are cowardly criminals; he is NOT! 

Thank you!


Cheryl Petrovich

P.O. Box 120 

Gualala, CA  95445

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