Saturday, August 15, 2020

Damning words

 Mr. Guasco,

1. Bring to court recordings (and player) of the 5 messages you say I left for Dr. Lukaszewicz in his VM. Not transcripts, but actual recordings, unaltered, with time and date stamps. Include statement from Mr. De Guzman on what alerted him to my alleged voice mails. Do they get flagged and then he listens to them? Or is it bugging? How exactly does he listen in on doctor's voice mails? After he snoops on the doctor's voicemails, does he then alert you? Does Dr. Lukaszewicz ever even hear them? How did De Guzman acquire a job in Kaiser SSF Communications from security guard? What were his qualifications? Isn't it true that he acquired the job because of the incendiary lie letter that started most of this in the first place? Same with Edward Souza and his lies and obsession with Dr. Lukaszewicz  so he switched his security guard job in SF to follow Dr. Lukaszewicz to SSF Kaiser. He whined at me and said, "why does Dr. Lukaszewicz like you better than me; I have known him longer!" (Question asked and answered.) He love to yell at me and chase me away, if I stopped to rest, even after my gallbladder removal surgery, while waiting for a ride home. He also dramatically changed his appearance from dark hair and doughy to slim and blonde and a blonde goatee. He made up false contempt charges for you to use against me to make up for telling me that "Marija Petrovic was hired specifically to get rid of you!" Yes, and she tried to have me end up dead, like Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother.... Edward Souza went through my online health chart and regaled the court with the contents while sitting on the witness stand.....illegal and illegal. 
Marija Petrovic was hired to be the brains behind it all, not great about it, but it works if people don't care enough to put 2+2 together.   

2.  Put the extension request page back in; you aren't fooling anyone (like the time you were having me send court papers to an address in Sacramento!). I know why you left it out. Put it back in. I have a copy. You know, leaving it out was very telling....makes you look guilty. (Because you ARE!)

3). I want the so called "evidence" you used in the extension case. "Somehow" you managed to forget about one of the basics of law, DISCOVERY! You LIED to Judge Chou and said I wrote those emails to Dr, Lukaszewicz in 2017, just before you illegally had me thrown into jail. You know those 163 emails were written in 2015, when false accusations were made against me by De Guzman, and those emails were in response. You knew that if I saw them, I could refute them. I had my Kaiser online account closed prior to 2017 anyway, by Marija Petrovic, using Dr. Koa's name. He knew nothing about it, but left it as it was. Marija Petrovic closed down my account because she was afraid she would get busted for Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother's death in June, right there at Kaiser SSF. She closed down my online account, because she had forgotten I had an appointment with her in June, so she quickly changed her date of hire to August on another website. At any rate, there was NO WAY, I could have written 163 emails in 2017 at all. I would have been busted so fast by the "bugged system" you have going on there. It is like a covert agent's dream. Is it legal? Doubt it. I had no online account at that time. You know the emails you used were dated 2015. I could also have told by content and emails I have that match. I know that you finally filed them with the court, I saw a black and a white binder that you flashed around, but never let me see. I want them now. They will merely confirm that you lied to me, the judge and the entire court. That makes you an enemy of the court. You are NOT an officer of the court, YOU ARE AN ABUSER OF THE COURT! (And innocent human beings, who do nothing wrong! Just as you do to other innocent Kaiser patients! The quadriplegic man, the father with the son who has a traumatic brain injury! You have not a scintilla of compassion, do you?) And YOU think you, piece of filth, have the RIGHT to smear Dr. Lukaszewicz's good name with your words and cruel attitude and behavior; it doesn't even sound like that caring, compassionate man!! Don't keep him with lies and threats! Is that what you would want for yourself? Your ugliness? How about you and Dr. Moayeri stop keeping him hostage and let him live free. like most people? If she has not done what resonates with him by now, then give up. Leave him alone for God's sake! This is old and you have taken 5 years from my life and from his! It isn't legal! You and Dr. Moayeri are criminals, Dr. Lukaszewicz is NOT! You both are cancer, he is kindness! 

​Many things done prior invalidated the TRO/RO. It was all fiction. Try using "fruit of the poisonous tree" concept and think about when the plotting started. It was false way back before Marija M. Petrovic dragged Dr. Lukaszewicz to the loss prevention meeting with along with my gifts. I got some very nice thank yous from him.....blowing apart the myth that he disliked them. (Even in court, he blew the gift annoyance plot you cooked up, as he looked so sweetly and gently said my name and said to me, "the gifts she gave me were very nice and expensive!" His words were ignored and I went to jail!) You just rely on lack of communication and lies, you always need to maneuver everything. It is so fascistic!

Are you keeping him from his freedom, merely because Dr. Moayeri wants to keep him a prisoner, just as you imply from having the wall and the buzzer door preventing anyone from going in.....or out....?  How much does Dr. Moayeri pay you to help her keep him from his free will? She had me attacked by two hitmen. That's a BIG one! Conspiracy, another BIG one! If she has had him exclusively for 5 years and it still isn't happening for her, maybe giving up and stop hiring smarmy helpers to keep him confined, is the better option. She could have been nice to him, or even a bit kind, but it is obviously too much to ask of her. She had a doctor terrorize gave her away as a monster. Dr. Lukaszewucz is in danger with you and she around him. Did he ever call you when he was sad, or just thought you could use a phone call? Or right after he spent all day in surgery and you were the first person he wanted to talk to? Or how about when he was terrified and he needed comfort? NO? Well HE DID WITH ME! So, stop your crap about him not liking me! YOU wrote the declarations! You LIED to the court! You are besmirching the good name of a wonderful, decent, compassionate human being, and dragging it down to YOUR LEVEL....TO HELL! GIVE UP this absolute NIGHTMARE of a LIE and let good people live their lives without your predatory ways insinuating themselves in! You should NEVER write another word on the behalf of Dr. Lukaszewicz! You are not good enough to lick his boots! You are a low life defender of a drug dealer; your family business! Where did the drugs come from, hmmm?

You abused a senior widow with MS and several health issues, a cancer survivor and now a breast cancer diagnosis. My MS has worsened. I think it is all from 5 years of stress and now this insane TRO for what I "might" do and "past actions"! You are INTENTIONALLY TRYING TO HARM ME with FURTHER FRIVOLOUS LEGAL MATTERS! IT IS ABUSE! If we went by that same premise of past behavior for you, you would have been in prison for 5 years. You are purposely trying to further harm me! You KNEW I wanted to have the person I trust with my life, at my breast cancer surgery, so you were just waiting to pounce to see if I called. You had the staff already aware, but Dr. Lukaszewicz, I was told, had not been informed of that part! Hmmm, the person supposedly fed up with me, didn't even know he was about to hit me again with a bogus TRO again based on the "possibility" I might give him an opening. Guess what? He doesn't think that way, because he is not a devious criminal, like you and Moayeri! I called for a legitimate reason, for a medical request, similar to what he had done for me in the past (you know, past action?) which was to keep me safe during surgery, by observing and checking on me after. Guasco, why not just leave people alone and stop trying to force them to do what YOU WANT? If we went by past behavior for you who was arrested twice, and kept bailing out a serious drug dealing offender (family business?)  then, I'd say that your smell would be pretty rank, along with your reputation! Must be why you keep trying to bring innocent people down to your level! No one is that low! 

You controlled and forced "my" attorneys on me to make it look even....not legal! So many illegal activities! Do you even KNOW how to be an actual attorney? "Collins?" What a joke!  You should be video taped, so you can watch all the lies flood out of your mouth to the judges. 

What you did, with the help of Dr. Moayeri's friend, Serbian "psychiatrist" was to take away the freedom of Dr. Lukaszewicz, spoke for him with massive lies, made life Hell for him, and twisted my motivation for wanting to keep him safe. I sincerely care about what happens to him, but you and Dr. Moayeri terrorize him, keep him prisoner, and show him complete disregard and enormous lack of respect when you have his signature forged, aka, identity theft! Another BIG crime! You put him through this crap and make him worn down to try and keep the status quo and because you threaten him with pretty severe threats. What you do is fulfill the fantasy criminal desires and attempt to make your scapegoats look very guilty to those who do not look closely at facts, figure out time frames, or actually turn a blind eye to things that just do not fit. I am sure deep pockets play a significant role..... Tell Dr. Moayeri that in the USA, we don't keep people as slaves, or hire people to harm others; it is illegal! (Her  attacks against me via two hitmen, who did not appear to have any constraints as to how far they go makes it very serious indeed!)

What you have done is rack up numerous crimes that are very serious and should get you a bright orange jumpsuit as a "reward!".     ​

Cheryl Petrovich

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