Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Updated refuted PD report

This illegal/legal matter!

Re: Discovery Refuting Police report


  • RE: case 19-1477                                                                    03/31/2020

  • "Suspect" response to the inaccuracies and lies in the Police Report.


  • 1) The police report was taken, supposedly at Kaiser SSF by Officer Evans using a body cam for the phone call recording, but I am not certain about if it shows the person doing the complaint, or their voice, or just the alleged phone call. (I want to see a copy of that camera recording and hear the audio.) From the information Officer Evans has in this report, he could not have been speaking with Dr. Lukaszewicz. Also, the DL information could have been taken prior, for the restraining order, job, etc, but obviously the picture was not shown, because my suspicion is that Kaiser attorney Mike Guasco was behind it and he looks nothing like Dr. Lukaszewicz! Too much of the report is just weir myd and confused and it sounds like all Mike Guasco, the attorney for Kaiser, but there is no way that Dr. Lukaszewicz had anything to do with that confused, insult ridden mess.


  • 2). I cannot speculate about Officer Evan's participation in it, but it is a false report. I left Officer Evans several voicemails after he called me, because it was a serious charge and with the short voicemail message capability that he has, I could leave, it necessitated numerous messages to be left to clear up the situation and give my side. I did, refute it very well, but I was ignored and not given any credience for my explanation, just a negative reporting of it, which was seriously lacking in veracity. Why cannot an innocent victim's side of a false police report be also considered? That brings up questionable character of the officer and favoritism and why. This report was obviously contrived and written and handed to Officer Evans. Dr. Lukaszewicz's name is spelled wrong throughout the report, even though it is spelled correctly in the DL information. It does not scream out to an observer, that a MENSA candidate wrote it.

  • 3). My former father-in-law was a Lt. with the LAPD and he was honest and fair and I admired him for being an example of a true police officer. Now, I am seriously reconsidering that view of the police and it is disheartening. This entire travesty against me, has revealed the seamy side of the professions I had trusted and admired. I know we are all weak to some degree, but when it comes to hurting innocent people, morality and ethics should kick in. Guess not. 

    4). For one thing my doctor would have never used the term "obese" for me, since he knows my weight is a medical condition I have, called lipedema/lymphedema which is caused by vascular insufficiency induced by a year of experimental, strong chemo I endured for a year, right after my husband drowned while out sailing. Dr. Lukaszewicz had even said he wished "obese" could be removed from being used in medical descriptions. It is pure Guasco to slide in insults about me whenever possible.

  • 5). My doctor/patient relationship did NOT END in 2014. I dropped Dr. Lukaszewicz as my specialist on 10/9/2015. Dr. Lukaszewicz would know dates in regard to my time as his patient. Also, there was no "end" to my treatment, it is an ongoing medical condition. There is no cure at this time, only management. Dr. Lukaszewicz knows that. He would also know from hospital records, that I have not lived at 1 Millbrae circle, Millbrae, CA 94030, for about 3.5 years. I also mentioned it in court that I moved to Mendocino County. It is my contention that it was done purposely, so that I would not get the paperwork from the DA's office before a warrant would be issued for me and if I were stopped while driving, I would be arrested and my car impounded. I can only imagine the glee it would create in Kaiser Attorney, Mike C. Guasco, who is actually co-author of the false restraining order against me along with former Kaiser Psy. Marija M. Petrovic, who gaslighted me and called me with abusive, humiliating comments and made plans to create stress, confusion and possibly my demise. She was the "brains" behind the whole thing, except it was easy to refute nearly everything she did, but when people want to believe someone and that someone also has pretty deep Kaiser pockets to do the important "influencing", a surfeit of helpers will "magically" appear. It also buys fierce loyalty.  Marija M. Petrovic put 5 false diagnoses in my chart, laughed about it and then had my online account closed down. All she ever did in my four visits with her was ask about Dr. Lukaszewicz. She also said that he was mentally ill. One cannot get much more unethical than that! Also, she is full of it. I know she was saying it to make me afraid. Actually, it made me feel like he was being maligned like me and I felt bad for him. Anyway, I don't run away from people I like merely because they might have an issue. Who IS perfect? Real psychiatrists do not behave like a trained spy, as she seemed to expansively exhibit. She also asked me when I was going to Prague so she could go with me. It was unprofessional behavior and completely out of bounds.

    6). Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic were/are a team: she forges signatures, makes plans against the innocent victim(s) and tries to get them to kill themselves using mind control methods, which is a pretty common technique in Marija Petrovic's native Serbia. Mr. Guasco files false, forged documents with the court. That is abuse of court. The Court is like an attorney's extended family, Guasco treats it like a drug addict who steals from his own family to get money for his next "fix."

    7). BTW, Guasco has been arrested 2 times (that we know about) and was married to a drug dealer who was arrested so many times, it would give the strongest person severe carpal tunnel scrolling through all of the arrests. She also forged doctor's signatures on prescriptions. It seems like Mr. Guasco was used to associating with real "class" people. I am sure he was amongst his peers, perhaps it was a family business.

    8). It is amusing that Mr. Guasco points the finger at innocent victims of his and smugly says his creepy "tag line" "You did this to yourself!" and then lies to judges, uses forged signatures and basically takes a dump on the law and the system of justice and certainly appears to think he is justified in doing it. I am sure his Kaiser deep pock of "influence" cash is a big help to clear the way for him. He abuses many innocent people. An attorney in Orange County, John W. Busman told me about Guasco hurting an innocent man with a false TRO.....a quadriplegic man! Any question as to how low Gausco can go? THAT should resolve it for you! He said that poor man spat at a nurse! That is the only lie he could manufacture in such a situation! The man was probably a drain on Kaiser's finances and since money comes before people, it would appear, Guasco went after him to eliminate him from the financial drain on Kaiser by serving him with a false restraining order to create a reason for ejecting the innocent man from the system. Well, Guasco seems to pick on the ill, the weak, the financially tapped patients, you know, the ones who can't easily fight back? From what I have observed and have studied in law, worked in a county law library and worked as a paralegal in a law office, Mike Guasco seems to only win a case, if he uses "smoke and mirrors" and dirty tricks. I have only seen him lie to judges and whoever was in earshot.  He forced an attorney on me by having him claim he was with the Bar Assn. Private Defender Program, but he was not. Infact, I did not qualify, because it was a Civil matter and they only provide attorneys for criminal cases. The attorney, Charles Smith IV, screamed at me 2 inches from my face (a la Guasco) and did nothing to help me. What he did was to help me get sentenced to 5 days in jail. He also cleared the courtroom so Judge Novak could add to the abuse with her words of abject cruelty, disdain, degradation and torment, that I had hives all over my face the next day. It did not matter to her that Dr. Lukaszewicz, from the witness stand, said to the judge, me and the onlookers, "the gifts she gave me were very nice and they were expensive." I was not going to give the most intelligent, supportive and kind person I ever knew, pieces of crap! He saved my life! I feel I still owe him!

    9). Judge Novak ignored his statement, which should have turned the entire thing on its ear and been dropped.....but no, I was sentenced to five days in jail, served 3, but was so nervous, my MS kicked in and I became so dizzy and nauseated, I could barely walk, especially with all the chains I had on "decorating" my body. The way I was treated on the way to the woman's facility and at the facility, was cruel and demeaning and I had a cell that was filthy and had dried blood on the floor. It was cold and other people screamed and pounded on the glass until it seemed to reach middle earth. It was really upsetting! One inmate, kept flushing the toilet at least 18 times per session (yeah, I was bored enough to count). So I called a Deputy Sheriff over and said to him, "somebody needs to stop the toilet flusher, we are in a drought!"  Surprisingly, it stopped.

    10). This entire matter makes no sense, but it makes sense if the actual Plaintiff were revealed as an insecure, selfish, narcissist who shares a home with Dr. Lukaszewicz. Then, yes, it makes sense, especially after Dr. Lukaszewicz voluntarally came to my surgery at my request to make certain all was proper and safe! That must have made the narcissist's blood boil! I got a TRO about a week after I called to thank him on a message line that was given to me by Bertha Ponse, Pt. Relations manager, along with then Security Guard, Emanuel de Guzman who would tell me things that were going on against me, like Mr Guasco's partner in the false restraining order plan, Marija M. Petrovic, a supposed psychiatrist who was most likely hired back to Kaiser by the doctor/surgeon sharing the same home as Dr. Lukaszewicz: Dr. N. N. Moayeri. Dr. Moayeri has several relatives connected with Kaiser, so she obviously has a lot of "pull" with Kaiser and their law firm. So if Guasco put Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on a false TRO against me, she knew that he would not only be caught between "a rock and a hard place" he could risk losing his job, etc if he caused a fuss, BUT, the forgeries seem to indicate very clearly, his protest against it. So, forgeries, nullify a restraining order and it is a serious crime. Hiring a "hitman", Marija M. Petrovic, is a very serious crime and I do not know if there were limitations to the abuse I was to endure, but since Marija Petrovic tried to get me to kill myself using her cruel phone calls and mental manipulation, it sounds unlikely.

    10). Also, Marija M. Petrovic was known to both Dr. Moayeri and Dr. Lukaszewicz. She worked on the same floor (3rd) as Dr. Lukaszewicz a few years back (probably to keep a watchful eye on him for Dr. Moayeri, who seems to feel human ownership is still a thing....someone should inform her that slavery was abolished long ago.) and Dr. Moayeri worked at several of the same Kaiser hospitals as Marija Petrovic's brother Marko and they all work in one form of neurology, or another. Not a stretch to figure they know each other. Marija Petrovic left her job at Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, because they said, "she was offered a job at Kaiser, so she could not turn it down." That was when she came back to Kaiser (May, 2015) and began her brutalization of me for her buddy and managed to get me as a reluctant patient through a confluence of circumstances....

    11). Something that I found odd was that I was funneled as her patient in early June, 2015, but after I found out that Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother passed away there at Kaiser in June, I mentioned it to people at Kaiser and suddenly Marija Petrovic changed her hire date to August of 2015 at various venues. She forgot I had been her patient in June, so it really made me wonder why she did that. I call her a "hitman" because she makes plans to make people look guilty of something, but could I have been more right than I thought? Now, I see that Marija Petrovic's hire dates are all over the place. Then she had my online Kaiser account shut down, using another doctor's name (Kao) and he doesn't want to "rock the boat" so I am still left with no online account, but she is gone. The closer it got to the extended R.O. and with me still alive, I am guessing she took off for Florida because it got too "hot" for her here. She left her family behind! She has 5 medical licenses! Interesting. She behaves like a spy, so my guess is, she IS a spy! I think she could be impersonating another psy in Virginia. I hope she is caught and booted back to Serbia, with no possibility of return, or she is put in prison for life.

    11). This entire false restraining order appears to be punishment for Dr. Lukaszewicz for expressing free will and kindness. It is also a damning statement of the Kaiser system allowing terrible abuse of not only innocent patients, but a serious abuse of their OWN doctors and twisting morality to follow and allow the opinion of a person who does not appear to have good judgment or morality herself. People are still allowed free will in this country, but perhaps it is lost on someone not born here, I don't know.  As far as I know, it is against the law to file a false restraining order and also hire someone to abuse and torment someone. Psy. Marija M. Petrovic was hired to get rid of me as confessed by security guard, Edward Souza, with my witness hearing him say so. He wrote a statement.

  • 12). Kaiser has been kept fully apprised! I included them in on daming, horrific issues through email to CEO Bernard Tyson and exec VP Mark Zemelman, etc. They did not respond to them, but Guasco said, "stop contacting them!" "Oh yes, lord and master, I bow down to you!" I would only bow down to "His Scum Baggieness" and future prison prom queen, if I fell and hit the floor and he happened to be standing there in front of me! I have never been in the presence of a person before, who seemed to have no apparent redeeming qualities, unless they were being put on for show! I am telling that sincerely. I watched him stand right in front of Judge Chou and saw the lies roll right out of his maw as easily as water flows to the falls.

    13). It also appears that Judge Chou's signature was forged. It looked like Marija M. Petrovic's normal signature. I have no way of getting his signature verified by an expert, but it should be done. I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank as both a currency sorter and special investigation for the Treasury Department. I notice things like similarities and differences, so just as a counterfeit bill jumps out at me, so do signatures that are either different than the other, or when there are similarities.

    14). Since it is a terrible/illegal idea to hit an innocent person with a restraining order under someone else's name (who did not want it) Mr. Guasco was WRONG to have an ILLEGAL idea come to fruition! He should have said to his REAl  free of charge client (but no doubt has gotten a big bonus and will get a bigger one after I am dead) "we cannot do what you suggest, because it is illegal, so let's try a meeting of interested parties, so you can air out your grievances and hope to find common ground" (and then have her visit a licensed therapist to work out control issues and uncontrolled narcissism). People do not own other people any longer. Slavery, you know....? Not good. It's a bad thing.

    15). Dr. Lukaszewicz would also know that I gave him gifts DURING our doctor/patient relationship, not after. They were for my gratitude for his dedication to helping me and for being supportive of me, when other doctors would treat me badly for my weight issues. They did not understand them as being medically related. Dr. Lukaszewicz is a caring person and did not like to see me bullied, or misunderstood, since it hurt my feelings and he knew the other doctors were wrong. He took on some extra responsibilities for me and I was grateful, so I showed him my gratitude with a few gifts from areas I knew interested him. I gave them to him directly and he thanked me for them. At one point he was uncertain as to if he could accept them, but it did not seem to be a problem because I heard nothing further about it, until Kaiser Attorney Mike C. Guasco made it a problem, by filing a TRO with Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on it as plaintiff. Why would Dr. Lukaszewicz have a problem with a few gifts? He did not. Then you have to wonder, who would care? Who would be so desperate? My answer is Dr. Moayeri.  If the gifts didn't matter to Dr. Lukaszewicz, who else would spend all the time, money, effort, cruelty and making plans? Think it could be an insecure partner, who might feel she could lose his income, if he decided he no longer wanted to be treated like a prisoner any longer? No longer having people spy on his patient visits, or tell him what he could, or could not do? I suppose she cried crocodile tears to Kaiser, so they gave their stamp of approval on Guasco's illegal plans against me.

    16). Five years I have suffered this terrible abuse. It has been worrying, terrifying and horribly frustrating. I cried each day, several times per day for well over 3 years. I have worked on shutting down on some crying outbursts, but they will strike me at unexpected times. I've stayed at home and leave only to go to a medical appt. and the insane court sessions, where either I had no representation, or an attorney that was under Guasco's thumb, but they all screamed at me. Guasco enjoyed getting up in my face and yelling, "HE DOESN'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU" over and over and tell me that HE (Guasco) could keep the restraining order going FOREVER! He lied to judge Chou and said he could use the same evidence over and over to keep me restrained forever! He said it was called Collins....I did not catch the rest. Judge Chou looked like he was pretending to be interested. Guasco must have been looking in a Russian book of law, but it's not from the USA! I even called the local county library and they checked and called back and said there was no citation and no such law. The law librarians are often JDs and know their stuff. I trust them supremely over Guasco. it is my opinion that Guasco just enjoys lying. He seems to be a natural.

    17). The extension hearing was held without Dr. Lukaszewicz, but Guasco did a stellar performance of "looking at the courtroom door in expectation of client arriving"...looking at his watch....looking at the door, like a dog excitedly waiting for his owner to come to the door after hearing his/her car pull up to the house...Guasco seemed to settle for no client, but suddenly seemed to forget how to spell Dr. Lukaszewicz's name.  It was bizarre to witness, since Guasco was so obsessed with him.

    18). On the court paperwork that requested the extension, Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature was forged and no reason given for the request, plus Guasco used false "evidence" He said I had written 163 emails to Dr. Lukaszewicz just prior to Guasco having me sent to jail and gloated about it. Guasco never shared his evidence, but I knew from the number he said, they were emails that I wrote demanding an explanation of the accusation in the letter the security guard, Emanuel de Guzman wrote to me saying I needed to stop my inappropriate behavior with Dr. Lukaszewicz! It was disturbing, because there was never a moment of impropriety between us. I am proper and so is Dr. Lukaszewicz. He is a very kind and gentlemanly person. It is wrong for anyone to imply anything else. So, through lies, forgery and who knows what else....Guasco got me 2 additional years of restraint for doing nothing wrong. EVER! Mike Guasco brutalized me over and over! I have been humiliated degraded, so ashamed I did not feel I could face my mother! I stayed housebound from fright of Mr. Guasco who at one time muttered that he wished I were dead. Guasco screamed at me and obviously told others to do it too, because who does that otherwise?

    19). Mr. Guasco has been smearing me to others. He has done it to his other current victim, who has been brutalized and the poor man has to take care of his severely brain damaged son. (Remember I said Guasco loves to attack those who can least defend themselves? He went low with the quadriplegic man, but Guasco has sunk to the very bottom by terrorizing and threatening Jeff Lusk and his son Ty.
    Mr. Lusk is the only caregiver to his son. It is a job of dedication and love and Mike Guasco loves to see how high he can make Jeff jump by threatening Jeff with jail....for NO REASON at all! Jeff is terrified to go to jail, because his son would have no one to take care of him! Do you feel as I, that ONLY A MONSTER could inflict such TERROR in a fellow human being who struggles each day to stay alive and fighting? Well I do!

    20). Mr. Guasco knows I survived a rare, virulent cancer that popped up right after my husband drowned in the bay while out sailing. I had to fight a terrible cancer that has a very strong desire to kill. I also have MS lesions that could harm me with stress. It is my contention that Mike Guasco made 5 years of my life A STRESSFUL HELL, so either my MS would severely harm me, or that my cancer would come back. (IDO now, have a breast cancer diagnosis and Guasco is so frightened Dr. Lukaszewica will help me with it, that he has filed a new TRO on me to make sure Dr. Lukaszewicz will not help me. (I guess satisfying his insecure real client is more important than a kind doctor whom I trust implicitly, be allowed to help save me.)
    WELL, it seems Guasco hit the jackpot, because I was recently was diagnosed with BREAST CANCER! STRESS IS A LARGE FACTOR IN DEVELOPING BREAST CANCER! I barely ever had a rest from thinking, writing, or trying to get help with the false restraining order(s) I have witnesses and proof and now, I get to fight cancer. Whoo hoo. 

    21). The original TRO made no sense and was for things that could only have happened 97 days prior to my dropping my doctor as my specialist. Why a TRO? I had not seen, or spoken with him that entire 3 + months. BUT, I DID have a gallbladder surgery that was needed due to an infection, so I asked the ER doctor if I could possibly have Dr. Lukaszewicz observe, because I trust him with my life. My surgeon, Dr. Le, told me told me Dr. Lukaszewicz had been there to observe my surgery. I was so grateful, that I called the phone number that the Patient Relations Manager, Bertha Ponse had given me for Dr. Lukaszewicz's message line and thanked him for observing my surgery. Around a week later. I got a TRO with his name on it complaining about my gifts from over 3 months ago and that I was supposed to have said something risque. Why would Dr. Lukaszewicz, out of concern for my welfare, at my request and on his 1/2 day off from work, do that for me, if he were so annoyed by me? And after keeping my gifts of gratitude, for which I was thanked, suddenly decide to serve me with a TRO, while I was still recovering from surgery? That is because HE WOULDN'T! He is an intelligent, amazing surgeon and human being, who cares about helping people. He is not the type who would even think of a TRO, but insecure, narcissistic, cruel people would.

    22). I should also mention that one night just after my surgery, I called Dr. Lukaszewicz's message line (from Bertha Ponse) and made a rude comment about Dr. Moayeri looking matronly and that she was no different than an auto mechanic. It wasn't like me to say such things, so I called back to apologise and I did, but I believe that call was the final straw that made the narcissist set loose the awful torment of false law against me. (I guess the narcissist can dish it out, but cannot take it! I am sure it is why everyone in this has taken every pot shot of insult they can dig up from their limited imaginations!) It was certainly evident that the message line was a set-up, a trap. It was an entrapment line, no doubt set up by Mr. de Guzman, who was elevated to Kaiser Communications from security guard (payment for the things he did against me). Mr. Guasco used the security guards as his personal henchmen to provide certain anxiety and fear stimulus, so I would react in a such a manner that they could glean some kind of entrapment materials from for future use.  Edward Souza, another former security guard who was rewarded for his lies in court against me, with a janitorial job at Kaiser, so he can snoop freely all around the hospital.... he provided lies that Mr. Guasco turned into a contempt charge against me. Mr. Souza has the mental maturity of an 8 year old mean child. In court he kept turning around and making faces at me, because he was sitting next to "him" and I was a row back as the shamed Defendant. Prior, Sousa, on the phone, said to me, "I don't know why Dr. Lukaszewicz likes you more than me, I have known him longer!" (Yeah, that is the clincher!) He sounded close to being severely demented and grossly immature. He used to follow me around Kaiser and yell at me, if I even sat for a moment to rest; he shooed me off a bench while I waited for a ride home after my surgery.

    23). I swear, Kaiser South San Francisco is a complete psychotic Hell hole! (Although, some of the other Kaisers who have been told by Guasco, or the narcissist that I am a ruthless jezabel who is obsessed so much with Dr. Lukaszewicz that I am trying to pry him away from such a "wonderful" environment with which he has been provided that I am the "bad guy" so they don't mind saying rude things to me, or treating me roughly. I moved over 120 miles away and never go to SSF Kaiser. If I did, I am sure that heat seeking missiles would be launched in my direction.

    24). I would do anything for Dr. Lukaszewicz to keep him safe and be supportive, but that is EXACTLY what upsets them, because they want to keep him under their thumb and use him for whatever they need, except what every human being enjoys: respect, comfort, loyalty, a kind word, a hug and true love, the basics.
    The crew of Guasco, Petrovic, Moayeri, have had him humiliate himself, degraded him, made him behave in a manner that is insulting to his integrity! Did they care how this obscenity affected him? Doubt it! He is a kind, sensitive person, of COURSE seeing his patient suffer has to hurt him! It is like those vultures are tormenting him to death! That is insane to allow it! Who could EVER claim to care about someone and treat them like a pile of garbage?! Why do they care about him, why do you think? It is money! If they cared about him, they would not have put him through this terrible, tormenting LIE!

    25). I have been horribly worried to death that such callous people, who forge his signature (also known as identity theft) put lies in his mouth all under duress and probably threat! He broke away and told the truth in court; that should have exonerated me, but the judge ignored him and falsely put me in jail! Because Dr. Lukaszewicz told the truth in court, Guasco could not risk bringing him back to court again. Guasco had Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature forged (expert verified) on extension papers for the court. and said he had been present, but he was not ever there in court. My adult son was with me and wrote a statement saying no plaintiff had ever been present.

    26). Nothing was true about ANY of this 5 year torment marathon! Mr. Guasco, his real client, Dr. Moayeri, Marija Petrovic (the forger and gaslighter, etc) and their helpers are CRIMINALS and attempted MURDERERS! NEVER was concern. or compassion from any of them EVER shown to me! They KNEW what they were doing to me was ILLEGAL! I may not a surgeon, but I am a decent person and from what I have endured, Guasco and that group ARE NOT!

    27). Who would be upset by my gifts to Dr. Lukaszewicz, especially if he may have made complementary comments about them? Perhaps someone at home? A person who also was a doctor and had use of the free legal services as a benefit, perhaps? Mr. Guasco knows. He also knows that most of the pieces to this puzzle do not make sense, but his gravitas as an attorney seems to give him a free pass where veracity is concerned, so he takes advantage of it and uses mendacity in its place. There were lies and forgeries in court documents he filed with the court in my case (mine were rife with them, I have witnesses and expert verified reports to prove it).

    28). Mr. Guasco uses TROs as his weapon of choice as a preemptive strike against innocent Kaiser patients he feels are a drain on Kaiser's finances, or might have a valid reason to file a lawsuit against Kaiser. He uses the names of Kaiser employees as "Plaintiff" in the documents and then has actors representing them in court, turning on the waterworks and anger in their performance. The innocent Kaiser patient is blindsided and dragged through the court system and has to face the indignities of being known to all as a person who is known as a crazed stalker, or other such humiliating monikers. Of course after Guasco managed to give his innocent opponent a restraining order, the innocent patient would drop any idea of a lawsuit against Kaiser, because it would merely look like they were retaliating for the TRO. I know such a victim and he was railroaded by Mr. Guasco. Interestingly, that innocent victim happened to know the person who Mr. Guasco had put on their name on the TRO as Plaintiff and also knew that the person claiming to be the Plaintiff was not the person who was present in court. Mr. Guasco takes supreme advantage of his gravitas and abuses the court with his exceptional flair for mendacity. 

    29). The report said I became "obsessively infatuated" I think that a strange sentence coming from a person who made up the entire restraining order. I say Mr. Guasco is obsessed with the money his real client will pay him to "get rid" of me. Dr. Lukaszewicz looked out for me and I for him. That is all. I care deeply about him.

    30). The report also said that I was doing something like stalking of Dr. Lukaszewicz by reporting my concerns about Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety. I had reason for my worry. I had been treated so roughly, that I was worried for the way he might be treated too. I told a police officer in his town I had reason to worry about his safety. I said it kept eating away at me. He said, "Better to be safe than sorry." I was saying I did not know his address, but he said they already knew. It is a small boutique town, the police know everything and everyone. He said to me, is there a powerful woman who lives there? I wasn't really sure what he meant, but I said, "yes." He said, "I know who it is."  Not long after he said that, he said, "you know, men aren't the only abusers....women are abusers too." It seemed like he knew something I did not know, but kind of suspected. Then I wondered if Guasco were trying to suppress some kind of unflattering information. Leave it to a crook like Guasco to take sincere concern for someone and put his own ugly spin on it. I acted upon advice of a police officer. He had said that he would put Dr. Lukaszewicz's home on an extra watch, but I believe Guasco got to them and and that offered kindness was pulled from existence. I did not get my jollies trying to protect Dr. Lukaszewicz from those who treat a person like collateral damage. I have never been around such cold blooded heartless individuals before. They are vile. I can only do in reaction to what I have witnessed. I know Marija Petrovic tried to kill me and Dr. Lukaszewicz saved me. He has done many kind things for me and if he should ever desire my help, nothing would stop me from providing it.

    31). It seems so demented to give a TRO to someone who gave her doctor some gifts of thanks 97 days prior! Why would a judge approve such a innocuous, certainly abusive thing? It makes me think that with all the forgeries, might the judge's signature on the absurd TRO also be forged? As I mentioned, I believe Judge Chou's signature could also be a forgery. It needs to be checked. He probably did not want his name on Guasco's law breaking extension.

  • 32). There can be no contempt with a false restraining order. According to section 166, it is only the violation of an order "lawfully issued" that is punishable as contempt. In the case of quasi-criminal contempt as well, "[a]n order of contempt cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid." (In re Misener (1985) 38 Cal. 3d 543, 558 [213 Cal. Rptr. 569, 698 P.2d 637]; see also Crawford v. Workers' Comp. Appeals Bd. (1989) 213 [12 Cal. 4th 817] Cal.App.3d 156, 169 [259 Cal. Rptr. 414]; Watsonville Canning & Frozen Food Co. v. Superior Court (1986) 178 Cal. App. 3d 1242, 1246 [224 Cal. Rptr. 303].)

    33). I said to someone, the time is getting near the end of the extension; watch Guasco pull something desperate. The Kaiser breast cancer diagnoses, which had its very troubling moments that do not make sense (even still), could be a contender. I just do not know, but what I DO know, if that is ANYTHING AT ALL harms doctor Lukaszewicz, I will demand a complete investigation, with the top 3 suspects getting first to be investigated as the prime suspects. AND if forgery is in the mix, it needs to be seriously looked at by several experts.

    34). Dr. Lukaszewicz always looked after me, I will always return the dedication.

    35). But really, 5 years, of time, money, theatrics, willing judges, threats, jail, taunting, on and on....! Really? Now, I get to battle cancer! This should be headline news.....and it will.

    35). Mr. Guasco, et al have broken several serious laws. They all need to be punished. I and Dr. Lukaszewicz included, have been severely harmed by the people who did it in order to seek their own gain and obstructed freedom of normal life. Mr. Guasco even had a wall erected around Dr. Lukaszewicz's office, so a person would need to be "buzzed" in by a receptionist. I believe it was done not only to keep people out, but to make Dr. Lukaszewicz feel he was in danger. It was a lot of expense that Mr. Guasco went to, to make a "gift giver" look like a serial killer and not a grateful patient. Mr. Guasco wanted to impress his real client, Dr. Moayeri. It seems that Mr. Guasco has been very lavish with Kaiser's money.

  • 36). Mr. Guasco has also invaded my personal life in many ways, especially with my HOA, but including working with Dave Pine on airport noise being disrupted and Sgt. Pettit on traffic.

    37). I had never been arrested, before Judge Novak ignored Dr. Lukaszewicz's testimony that should have cleared me.

    38). I moved far away from the area out of fear of being falsely accused by Mike Guasco again. Five years of Hell, for me so he could keep a jealous woman happy. It is outrageous. Those people who did this to me and to Dr. Lukaszewicz are criminals. He should not be afraid to speak up, like he did in court, but I can see how it might be difficult since his job and home life could be disrupted, but the people who planned and carried out this crime had a long time to think about what they did and could have reversed it, but they did not. They expected to get away with it and go scot free.

    39). Each time they forged Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature, his identity was stolen! This has been a reprehensible and egregious crime! And now, my life could be at risk.

  • 40). If Dr. Lukaszewicz were so important to Dr. Moayeri, why not speak with him, not break the law? Why not be nice, not terrorizing? YOU, Dr. Moayeri, sound like the problem, not he! You seem like someone ANYONE would want to leave! Have you got a record with the PD for abusing Dr. Lukaszewicz? Is that what you are trying to hide? You had Dr. Moon, I had never met before, terrorize me when I went in to get breast biopsies! She waved a large needle in front of my face as she taunted me with cruel, false things to say about me! She had me held down and viciously, roughly took out chunks of my breast as she called me self-centered, selfish, that I took things that belonged to others, that I had no emotion, that I did not care who I hurt! She she sent me off to have a mammogram, while I had blood dripping down my arm and it was clamped down so hard, the pain was excruciating and blood flowed to the floor and formed a large puddle. The MS made me dizzy and nearly fell to the floor, but a tech caught me.

  • 41). Now, just as my R.O. ended, Guasco filed a TRO against me for what he thought I might do based on past experience. What past experience? Guasco lied, forged and who know what else, to garner a false, TRO, restraining order, extension and now ANOTHER TRO, FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG? Guasco knew I wanted to ask Dr. Lukaszewicz if he would observe my breast cancer surgery. I had every right, there was nothing legal to stop me! I left 3 messages, because some parts were garbled and I wanted to repeat the information, but not all of it. Mr. Guasco, claimed I left 5. I did not. I request that he play them to prove what he claims with date stamps, not transcripts, the actual original audio. There is nothing illegal about leaving VM messages. I was never told I could not. Guasco made up everything prior, so there is no past history with me. I need help and there is no one I trust more with my life, than Dr. Lukaszewicz.

  • 42). Dr. Moayeri has no idea how to treat someone she is fighting so hard to keep! Trust them! Be caring! Don't be abusive! Her behavior makes her come off like a monster! I think she IS A MONSTER! I don't appreciate my life being used as her play toy, scapegoat! She hired 2 hitmen to harm me! She belongs in PRISON along with Mr. Guasco and Marija Petrovic and Dr. Moon and her other helpers! Her stressful situation against me made my MS worse and might very well have caused BREAST CANCER! She committed attempted murder and put the name on the paperwork of the innocent man she would have allowed to be blamed for it all!! She claims to want him, but she put him in legal jeopardy, and humiliation! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE HIM! SHE IS VILE AND DISGUSTING!!

  • Thank you.

  • What I have written herein, is my honest, truthful statement to the Court.

  • Best,


  • Cheryl Petrovich

  • 650 490 6550

  • P.O. Box 120

  • Gualala, CA  95445

Haviva von Martinitz <>

Letter to DA refuting (absurd) police report.
4 messages

Haviva von Martinitz <>Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 4:23 AM
Bcc: Linda Roxanne Bryer <>, debbiebeilstein <>, Daniel Petrovich <>

Re: Discovery Refuting Police report


  • RE: case 19-1477                                                                    03/31/2020

  • "Suspect" response to the inaccuracies and lies in the Police Report.


  • The police report was taken, supposedly at Kaiser SSF by Officer Evans using a body cam for the phone call recording, but I am not certain about if it shows the person doing the complaint, or their voice, or just the alleged phone call. From the information Officer Evans has in this report, he could not have been speaking with Dr. Lukaszewicz. Also, the DL information could have been taken prior, for the restraining order, job, etc, but obviously the picture was not shown, because my suspicion is that Kaiser attorney Mike Guasco was behind it and he looks nothing like Dr. Lukaszewicz! Too much of the report is just weird and confused and it sounds like all Mike Guasco, the attorney for Kaiser, but there is no way that Dr. Lukaszewicz had anything to do with that confused, insult ridden mess.


  • I cannot speculate about Officer Evan's participation in it, but it is a false report. I left Officer Evans several emails after he called me, because it was a serious charge and with the short voicemail message capability that he has, I could leave, it necessitated numerous messages to be left to clear up the situation and give my side. I did, refute it very well, but I was ignored and not given any credience for my explanation, just a negative reporting of it, which was seriously lacking in veracity. Why cannot an innocent victim's side of a false police report be also considered? That brings up questionable character of the officer and favoritism and why. This report was obviously contrived and written and handed to Officer Evans. Dr. Lukaszewicz's name is spelled wrong throughout the report, even though it is spelled correctly in the DL information. It does not scream out to an observer, that a MENSA candidate wrote it.

  • My former father-in-law was a Lt. with the LAPD and he was honest and fair and I admired him for being an example of a true police officer. Now, I am seriously reconsidering that view of the police and it is disheartening. This entire travesty against me, has revealed the seamy side of the professions I had trusted and admired. I know we are all weak to some degree, but when it comes to hurting innocent people, morality and ethics should kick in. Guess not. 

    For one thing my doctor would have never used the term "obese" for me, since he knows my weight is a medical condition I have, called lipedema/lymphedema which is caused by vascular insufficiency induced by a year of experimental, strong chemo I endured for a year, right after my husband drowned while out sailing. Dr. Lukaszewicz had even said he wished "obese" could be removed from being used in medical descriptions. It is pure Guasco to slide in insults about me whenever possible.

    My doctor/patient relationship did NOT END in 2014. I dropped Dr. Lukaszewicz as my specialist on 10/9/2015. Dr. Lukaszewicz would know dates in regard to my time as his patient. Also, there was no "end" to my treatment, it is an ongoing medical condition. There is no cure at this time, only management. Dr. Lukaszewicz knows that. He would also know from hospital records, that I have not lived at 1 Millbrae circle, Millbrae, CA 94030, for about 3.5 years. I also mentioned it in court that I moved to Mendocino County. It is my contention that it was done purposely, so that I would not get the paperwork from the DA's office before a warrant would be issued for me and if I were stopped while driving, I would be arrested and my car impounded. I can only imagine the glee it would create in Kaiser Attorney, Mike C. Guasco, who is actually co-author of the false restraining order against me along with former Kaiser Psy. Marija M. Petrovic, who gaslighted me and called me with abusive, humiliating comments and made plans to create stress, confusion and possibly my demise. She was the "brains" behind the whole thing, except it was easy to refute nearly everything she did, but when people want to believe someone and that someone also has pretty deep Kaiser pockets to do the important "influencing", a surfeit of helpers will "magically" appear. It also buys fierce loyalty.  Marija M. Petrovic put 5 false diagnoses in my chart, laughed about it and then had my online account closed down. All she ever did in my four visits with her was ask about Dr. Lukaszewicz. She also said that he was mentally ill. One cannot get much more unethical than that! Also, she is full of it. I know she was saying it to make me afraid. Actually, it made me feel like he was being maligned like me and I felt bad for him. Anyway, I don't run away from people I like merely because they might have an issue. Who IS perfect? Real psychiatrists do not behave like a trained spy, as she seemed to expansively exhibit. She also asked me when I was going to Prague so she could go with me. It was unprofessional behavior and completely out of bounds.

    Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic were/are a team: she forges signatures, makes plans against the innocent victim(s) and tries to get them to kill themselves using mind control methods, which is a pretty common technique in Marija Petrovic's native Serbia. Mr. Guasco files false, forged documents with the court. That is abuse of court. The Court is like an attorney's extended family, Guasco treats it like a drug addict who steals from his own family to get money for his next "fix."

    BTW, Guasco has been arrested 2 times (that we know about) and was married to a drug dealer who was arrested so many times, it would give the strongest person severe carpal tunnel scrolling through all of the arrests. She also forged doctor's signatures on prescriptions. It seems like Mr. Guasco was used to associating with real "class" people. I am sure he was amongst his peers, perhaps it was a family business.

    It is amusing that Mr. Guasco points the finger at innocent victims of his and smugly says his creepy "tag line" "You did this to yourself!" and then lies to judges, uses forged signatures and basically takes a dump on the law and the system of justice and certainly appears to think he is justified in doing it. I am sure his Kaiser deep pock of "influence" cash is a big help to clear the way for him. He abuses many innocent people. An attorney in Orange County, John W. Busman told me about Guasco hurting an innocent man with a false TRO.....a quadriplegic man! Any question as to how low Gausco can go? THAT should resolve it for you! He said that poor man spat at a nurse! That is the only lie he could manufacture in such a situation! The man was probably a drain on Kaiser's finances and since money comes before people, it would appear, Guasco went after him to eliminate him from the financial drain on Kaiser by serving him with a false restraining order to create a reason for ejecting the innocent man from the system. Well, Guasco seems to pick on the ill, the weak, the financially tapped patients, you know, the ones who can't easily fight back? From what I have observed and have studied in law, worked in a county law library and worked as a paralegal in a law office, Mike Guasco seems to only win a case, if he uses "smoke and mirrors" and dirty tricks. I have only seen him lie to judges and whoever was in earshot.  He forced an attorney on me by having him claim he was with the Bar Assn. Private Defender Program, but he was not. Infact, I did not qualify, because it was a Civil matter and they only provide attorneys for criminal cases. The attorney, Charles Smith IV, screamed at me 2 inches from my face (a la Guasco) and did nothing to help me. What he did was to help me get sentenced to 5 days in jail. He also cleared the courtroom so Judge Novak could add to the abuse with her words of abject cruelty, disdain, degradation and torment, that I had hives all over my face the next day. It did not matter to her that Dr. Lukaszewicz, from the witness stand, said to the judge, me and the onlookers, "the gifts she gave me were very nice and they were expensive." I was not going to give the most intelligent, supportive and kind person I ever knew, pieces of crap! He saved my life! I feel I still owe him!

    Judge Novak ignored his statement, which should have turned the entire thing on its ear and been dropped.....but no, I was sentenced to five days in jail, served 3, but was so nervous, my MS kicked in and I became so dizzy and nauseated, I could barely walk, especially with all the chains I had on "decorating" my body. The way I was treated on the way to the woman's facility and at the facility, was cruel and demeaning and I had a cell that was filthy and had dried blood on the floor. It was cold and other people screamed and pounded on the glass until it seemed to reach middle earth. It was really upsetting! One inmate, kept flushing the toilet at least 18 times per session (yeah, I was bored enough to count). So I called a Deputy Sheriff over and said to him, "somebody needs to stop the toilet flusher, we are in a drought!"  Surprisingly, it stopped.

    This entire matter makes no sense, but it makes sense if the actual Plaintiff were revealed as an insecure, selfish, narcissist who shares a home with Dr. Lukaszewicz. Then, yes, it makes sense, especially after Dr. Lukaszewicz voluntarally came to my surgery at my request to make certain all was proper and safe! That must have made the narcissist's blood boil! I got a TRO about a week after I called to thank him on a message line that was given to me by Bertha Ponse, Pt. Relations manager, along with then Security Guard, Emanuel de Guzman who would tell me things that were going on against me, like Mr Guasco's partner in the false restraining order plan, Marija M. Petrovic, a supposed psychiatrist who was most likely hired back to Kaiser by the doctor/surgeon sharing the same home as Dr. Lukaszewicz: Dr. N. N. Moayeri. Dr. Moayeri has several relatives connected with Kaiser, so she obviously has a lot of "pull" with Kaiser and their law firm. So if Guasco put Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on a false TRO against me, she knew that he would not only be caught between "a rock and a hard place" he could risk losing his job, etc if he caused a fuss, BUT, the forgeries seem to indicate very clearly, his protest against it. So, forgeries, nullify a restraining order and it is a serious crime. Hiring a "hitman", Marija M. Petrovic, is a very serious crime and I do not know if there were limitations to the abuse I was to endure, but since Marija Petrovic tried to get me to kill myself using her cruel phone calls and mental manipulation, it sounds unlikely.

    Also, Marija M. Petrovic was known to both Dr. Moayeri and Dr. Lukaszewicz. She worked on the same floor (3rd) as Dr. Lukaszewicz a few years back (probably to keep a watchful eye on him for Dr. Moayeri, who seems to feel human ownership is still a thing....someone should inform her that slavery was abolished long ago.) and Dr. Moayeri worked at several of the same Kaiser hospitals as Marija Petrovic's brother Marko and they all work in one form of neurology, or another. Not a stretch to figure they know each other. Marija Petrovic left her job at Comprehensive Psychiatric Services, because they said, "she was offered a job at Kaiser, so she could not turn it down." That was when she came back to Kaiser (May, 2015) and began her brutalization of me for her buddy and managed to get me as a reluctant patient through a confluence of circumstances....

    Something that I found odd was that I was funneled as her patient in early June, 2015, but after I found out that Dr. Lukaszewicz's mother passed away there at Kaiser in June, I mentioned it to people at Kaiser and suddenly Marija Petrovic changed her hire date to August of 2015 at various venues. She forgot I had been her patient in June, so it really made me wonder why she did that. I call her a "hitman" because she makes plans to make people look guilty of something, but could I have been more right than I thought? Now, I see that Marija Petrovic's hire dates are all over the place. Then she had my online Kaiser account shut down, using another doctor's name (Kao) and he doesn't want to "rock the boat" so I am still left with no online account, but she is gone. The closer it got to the extended R.O. and with me still alive, I am guessing she took off for Florida because it got too "hot" for her here. She left her family behind! She has 5 medical licenses! Interesting. She behaves like a spy, so my guess is, she IS a spy! I think she could be impersonating another psy in Virginia. I hope she is caught and booted back to Serbia, with no possibility of return, or she is put in prison for life.

    This entire false restraining order appears to be punishment for Dr. Lukaszewicz for expressing free will and kindness. It is also a damning statement of the Kaiser system allowing terrible abuse of not only innocent patients, but a serious abuse of their OWN doctors and twisting morality to follow and allow the opinion of a person who does not appear to have good judgment or morality herself. People are still allowed free will in this country, but perhaps it is lost on someone not born here, I don't know.  As far as I know, it is against the law to file a false restraining order and also hire someone to abuse and torment someone. Psy. Marija M. Petrovic was hired to get rid of me as confessed by security guard, Edward Souza, with my witness hearing him say so. He wrote a statement.
    Kaiser has been kept fully apprised! I included them in on daming, horrific issues through email to CEO Bernard Tyson and exec VP Mark Zemelman, etc. They did not respond to them, but Guasco said, "stop contacting them!" "Oh yes, lord and master, I bow down to you!" I would only bow down to "His Scum Baggieness" and future prison prom queen, if I fell and hit the floor and he happened to be standing there in front of me! I have never been in the presence of a person before, who seemed to have no apparent redeeming qualities, unless they were being put on for show! I am telling that sincerely. I watched him stand right in front of Judge Chou and saw the lies roll right out of his maw as easily as water flows to the falls.

    It also appears that Judge Chou's signature was forged. It looked like Marija M. Petrovic's normal signature. I have no way of getting his signature verified by an expert, but it should be done. I worked for the Federal Reserve Bank as both a currency sorter and special investigation for the Treasury Department. I notice things like similarities and differences, so just as a counterfeit bill jumps out at me, so do signatures that are either different than the other, or when there are similarities.

    Since it is a terrible/illegal idea to hit an innocent person with a restraining order under someone else's name (who did not want it) Mr. Guasco was WRONG to have an ILLEGAL idea come to fruition! He should have said to his REAl  free of charge client (but no doubt has gotten a big bonus and will get a bigger one after I am dead) "we cannot do what you suggest, because it is illegal, so let's try a meeting of interested parties, so you can air out your grievances and hope to find common ground" (and then have her visit a licensed therapist to work out control issues and uncontrolled narcissism). People do not own other people any longer. Slavery, you know....? Not good. It's a bad thing.

    Dr. Lukaszewicz would also know that I gave him gifts DURING our doctor/patient relationship, not after. They were for my gratitude for his dedication to helping me and for being supportive of me, when other doctors would treat me badly for my weight issues. They did not understand them as being medically related. Dr. Lukaszewicz is a caring person and did not like to see me bullied, or misunderstood, since it hurt my feelings and he knew the other doctors were wrong. He took on some extra responsibilities for me and I was grateful, so I showed him my gratitude with a few gifts from areas I knew interested him. I gave them to him directly and he thanked me for them. At one point he was uncertain as to if he could accept them, but it did not seem to be a problem because I heard nothing further about it, until Kaiser Attorney Mike C. Guasco made it a problem, by filing a TRO with Dr. Lukaszewicz's name on it as plaintiff. Why would Dr. Lukaszewicz have a problem with a few gifts? He did not. Then you have to wonder, who would care? Who would be so desperate? My answer is Dr. Moayeri.  If the gifts didn't matter to Dr. Lukaszewicz, who else would spend all the time, money, effort, cruelty and making plans? Think it could be an insecure partner, who might feel she could lose his income, if he decided he no longer wanted to be treated like a prisoner any longer? No longer having people spy on his patient visits, or tell him what he could, or could not do? I suppose she cried crocodile tears to Kaiser, so they gave their stamp of approval on Guasco's illegal plans against me.

    Five years I have suffered this terrible abuse. It has been worrying, terrifying and horribly frustrating. I cried each day, several times per day for well over 3 years. I have worked on shutting down on some crying outbursts, but they will strike me at unexpected times. I've stayed at home and leave only to go to a medical appt. and the insane court sessions, where either I had no representation, or an attorney that was under Guasco's thumb, but they all screamed at me. Guasco enjoyed getting up in my face and yelling, "HE DOESN'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU" over and over and tell me that HE (Guasco) could keep the restraining order going FOREVER! He lied to judge Chou and said he could use the same evidence over and over to keep me restrained forever! He said it was called Collins....I did not catch the rest. Judge Chou looked like he was pretending to be interested. Guasco must have been looking in a Russian book of law, but it's not from the USA! I even called the local county library and they checked and called back and said there was no citation and no such law. The law librarians are often JDs and know their stuff. I trust them supremely over Guasco. it is my opinion that Guasco just enjoys lying. He seems to be a natural.

    The extension hearing was held without Dr. Lukaszewicz, but Guasco did a stellar performance of "looking at the courtroom door in expectation of client arriving"...looking at his watch....looking at the door, like a dog excitedly waiting for his owner to come to the door after hearing his/her car pull up to the house...Guasco seemed to settle for no client, but suddenly seemed to forget how to spell Dr. Lukaszewicz's name.  It was bizarre to witness, since Guasco was so obsessed with him.

    On the court paperwork that requested the extension, Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature was forged and no reason given for the request, plus Guasco used false "evidence" He said I had written 163 emails to Dr. Lukaszewicz just prior to Guasco having me sent to jail and gloated about it. Guasco never shared his evidence, but I knew from the number he said, they were emails that I wrote demanding an explanation of the accusation in the letter the security guard, Emanuel de Guzman wrote to me saying I needed to stop my inappropriate behavior with Dr. Lukaszewicz! It was disturbing, because there was never a moment of impropriety between us. I am proper and so is Dr. Lukaszewicz. He is a very kind and gentlemanly person. It is wrong for anyone to imply anything else. So, through lies, forgery and who knows what else....Guasco got me 2 additional years of restraint for doing nothing wrong. EVER! Mike Guasco brutalized me over and over! I have been humiliated degraded, so ashamed I did not feel I could face my mother! I stayed housebound from fright of Mr. Guasco who at one time muttered that he wished I were dead. Guasco screamed at me and obviously told others to do it too, because who does that otherwise?

    Mr. Guasco has been smearing me to others. He has done it to his other current victim, who has been brutalized and the poor man has to take care of his severely brain damaged son. (Remember I said Guasco loves to attack those who can least defend themselves? He went low with the quadriplegic man, but Guasco has sunk to the very bottom by terrorizing and threatening Jeff Lusk and his son Ty.
    Mr. Lusk is the only caregiver to his son. It is a job of dedication and love and Mike Guasco loves to see how high he can make Jeff jump by threatening Jeff with jail....for NO REASON at all! Jeff is terrified to go to jail, because his son would have no one to take care of him! Do you feel as I, that ONLY A MONSTER could inflict such TERROR in a fellow human being who struggles each day to stay alive and fighting? Well I do!

    Mr. Guasco knows I survived a rare, virulent cancer that popped up right after my husband drowned in the bay while out sailing. I had to fight a terrible cancer that has a very strong desire to kill. I also have MS lesions that could harm me with stress. It is my contention that Mike Guasco made 5 years of my life A STRESSFUL HELL, so either my MS would severely harm me, or that my cancer would come back.
    WELL, it seems Guasco hit the jackpot, because I was recently was diagnosed with BREAST CANCER! STRESS IS A LARGE FACTOR IN DEVELOPING BREAST CANCER! I barely ever had a rest from thinking, writing, or trying to get help with the false restraining order(s) I have witnesses and proof and now, I get to fight cancer. Whoo hoo. 

    The TRO made no sense and was for things that could only have happened 97 days prior to my dropping my doctor as my specialist. Why a TRO? I had not seen, or spoken with him that entire 3 + months. BUT, I DID have a gallbladder surgery that was needed due to an infection, so I asked the ER doctor if I could possibly have Dr. Lukaszewicz observe, because I trust him with my life. My surgeon, Dr. Le, told me told me Dr. Lukaszewicz had been there to observe my surgery. I was so grateful, that I called the phone number that the Patient Relations Manager, Bertha Ponse had given me for Dr. Lukaszewicz's message line and thanked him for observing my surgery. Around a week later. I got a TRO with his name on it complaining about my gifts from over 3 months ago and that I was supposed to have said something risque. Why would Dr. Lukaszewicz, out of concern for my welfare, at my request and on his 1/2 day off from work, do that for me, if he were so annoyed by me? And after keeping my gifts of gratitude, for which I was thanked, suddenly decide to serve me with a TRO, while I was still recovering from surgery? That is because HE WOULDN'T! He is an intelligent, amazing surgeon and human being, who cares about helping people. He is not the type who would even think of a TRO, but insecure, narcissistic, cruel people would.

    I should also mention that one night just after my surgery, I called Dr. Lukaszewicz's message line (from Bertha Ponse) and made a rude comment about Dr. Moayeri looking matronly and that she was no different than an auto mechanic. It wasn't like me to say such things, so I called back to apologise and I did, but I believe that call was the final straw that made the narcissist set loose the awful torment of false law against me. (I guess the narcissist can dish it out, but cannot take it! I am sure it is why everyone in this has taken every pot shot of insult they can dig up from their limited imaginations!) It was certainly evident that the message line was a set-up, a trap. It was an entrapment line, no doubt set up by Mr. de Guzman, who was elevated to Kaiser Communications from security guard (payment for the things he did against me). Mr. Guasco used the security guards as his personal henchmen to provide certain anxiety and fear stimulus, so I would react in a such a manner that they could glean some kind of entrapment materials from for future use.  Edward Souza, another former security guard who was rewarded for his lies in court against me, with a janitorial job at Kaiser, so he can snoop freely all around the hospital.... he provided lies that Mr. Guasco turned into a contempt charge against me. Mr. Souza has the mental maturity of an 8 year old mean child. In court he kept turning around and making faces at me, because he was sitting next to "him" and I was a row back as the shamed Defendant. Prior, Sousa, on the phone, said to me, "I don't know why Dr. Lukaszewicz likes you more than me, I have known him longer!" (Yeah, that is the clincher!) He sounded close to being severely demented and grossly immature. He used to follow me around Kaiser and yell at me, if I even sat for a moment to rest; he shooed me off a bench while I waited for a ride home after my surgery.

    I swear, Kaiser South San Francisco is a complete psychotic Hell hole! (Although, some of the other Kaisers who have been told by Guasco, or the narcissist that I am a ruthless jezabel who is obsessed so much with Dr. Lukaszewicz that I am trying to pry him away from such a "wonderful" environment with which he has been provided that I am the "bad guy" so they don't mind saying rude things to me, or treating me roughly. I moved over 120 miles away and never go to SSF Kaiser. If I did, I am sure that heat seeking missiles would be launched in my direction.

    I would do anything for Dr. Lukaszewicz to keep him safe and be supportive, but that is EXACTLY what upsets them, because they want to keep him under their thumb and use him for whatever they need, except what every human being enjoys: respect, comfort, loyalty, a kind word, a hug and true love, the basics.
    The crew of Guasco, Petrovic, Moayeri, have had him humiliate himself, degraded him, made him behave in a manner that is insulting to his integrity! Did they care how this obscenity affected him? Doubt it! He is a kind, sensitive person, of COURSE seeing his patient suffer has to hurt him! It is like those vultures are tormenting him to death! That is insane to allow it! Who could EVER claim to care about someone and treat them like a pile of garbage?! Why do they care about him, why do you think? It is money! If they cared about him, they would not have put him through this terrible, tormenting LIE!

    I have been horribly worried to death that such callous people, who forge his signature (also known as identity theft) put lies in his mouth all under duress and probably threat! He broke away and told the truth in court; that should have exonerated me, but the judge ignored him and falsely put me in jail! Because Dr. Lukaszewicz told the truth in court, Guasco could not risk bringing him back to court again. Guasco had Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature forged (expert verified) on extension papers for the court. and said he had been present, but he was not ever there in court. My adult son was with me and wrote a statement saying no plaintiff had ever been present.

    Nothing was true about ANY of this 5 year torment marathon! Mr. Guasco, his real client, Dr. Moayeri, Marija Petrovic (the forger and gaslighter, etc) and their helpers are CRIMINALS and attempted MURDERERS! NEVER was concern. or compassion from any of them EVER shown to me! They KNEW what they were doing to me was ILLEGAL! I may not a surgeon, but I am a decent person and from what I have endured, Guasco and that group ARE NOT!

    Who would be upset by my gifts to Dr. Lukaszewicz, especially if he may have made complementary comments about them? Perhaps someone at home? A person who also was a doctor and had use of the free legal services as a benefit, perhaps? Mr. Guasco knows. He also knows that most of the pieces to this puzzle do not make sense, but his gravitas as an attorney seems to give him a free pass where veracity is concerned, so he takes advantage of it and uses mendacity in its place. There were lies and forgeries in court documents he filed with the court in my case (mine were rife with them, I have witnesses and expert verified reports to prove it).

    Mr. Guasco uses TROs as his weapon of choice as a preemptive strike against innocent Kaiser patients he feels are a drain on Kaiser's finances, or might have a valid reason to file a lawsuit against Kaiser. He uses the names of Kaiser employees as "Plaintiff" in the documents and then has actors representing them in court, turning on the waterworks and anger in their performance. The innocent Kaiser patient is blindsided and dragged through the court system and has to face the indignities of being known to all as a person who is known as a crazed stalker, or other such humiliating monikers. Of course after Guasco managed to give his innocent opponent a restraining order, the innocent patient would drop any idea of a lawsuit against Kaiser, because it would merely look like they were retaliating for the TRO. I know such a victim and he was railroaded by Mr. Guasco. Interestingly, that innocent victim happened to know the person who Mr. Guasco had put on their name on the TRO as Plaintiff and also knew that the person claiming to be the Plaintiff was not the person who was present in court. Mr. Guasco takes supreme advantage of his gravitas and abuses the court with his exceptional flair for mendacity. 

    The report said I became "obsessively infatuated" I think that a strange sentence coming from a person who made up the entire restraining order. I say Mr. Guasco is obsessed with the money his real client will pay him to "get rid" of me. Dr. Lukaszewicz looked out for me and I for him. That is all. I care deeply about him.

    The report also said that I was doing something like stalking of Dr. Lukaszewicz by reporting my concerns about Dr. Lukaszewicz's safety. I had reason for my worry. I had been treated so roughly, that I was worried for the way he might be treated too. I told a police officer in his town I had reason to worry about his safety. I said it kept eating away at me. He said, "Better to be safe than sorry." I was saying I did not know his address, but he said they already knew. It is a small boutique town, the police know everything and everyone. He said to me, is there a powerful woman who lives there? I wasn't really sure what he meant, but I said, "yes." He said, "I know who it is."  Not long after he said that, he said, "you know, men aren't the only abusers....women are abusers too." It seemed like he knew something I did not know, but kind of suspected. Then I wondered if Guasco were trying to suppress some kind of unflattering information. Leave it to a crook like Guasco to take sincere concern for someone and put his own ugly spin on it. I acted upon advice of a police officer. He had said that he would put Dr. Lukaszewicz's home on an extra watch, but I believe Guasco got to them and and that offered kindness was pulled from existence. I did not get my jollies trying to protect Dr. Lukaszewicz from those who treat a person like collateral damage. I have never been around such cold blooded heartless individuals before. They are vile. I can only do in reaction to what I have witnessed. I know Marija Petrovic tried to kill me and Dr. Lukaszewicz saved me. He has done many kind things for me and if he should ever desire my help, nothing would stop me from providing it.

    It seems so demented to give a TRO to someone who gave her doctor some gifts of thanks 97 days prior! Why would a judge approve such a innocuous, certainly abusive thing? It makes me think that with all the forgeries, might the judge's signature on the absurd TRO also be forged? As I mentioned, I believe Judge Chou's signature could also be a forgery. It needs to be checked. He probably did not want his name on Guasco's law breaking extension.

  • There can be no contempt with a false restraining order. According to section 166, it is only the violation of an order "lawfully issued" that is punishable as contempt. In the case of quasi-criminal contempt as well, "[a]n order of contempt cannot stand if the underlying order is invalid." (In re Misener (1985) 38 Cal. 3d 543, 558 [213 Cal. Rptr. 569, 698 P.2d 637]; see also Crawford v. Workers' Comp. Appeals Bd. (1989) 213 [12 Cal. 4th 817] Cal.App.3d 156, 169 [259 Cal. Rptr. 414]; Watsonville Canning & Frozen Food Co. v. Superior Court (1986) 178 Cal. App. 3d 1242, 1246 [224 Cal. Rptr. 303].)

    I said to someone, the time is getting near the end of the extension; watch Guasco pull something desperate. The Kaiser breast cancer diagnoses, which had its very troubling moments that do not make sense (even still), could be a contender. I just do not know, but what I DO know, if that is ANYTHING AT ALL harms doctor Lukaszewicz, I will demand a complete investigation, with the top 3 suspects getting first to be investigated as the prime suspects. AND if forgery is in the mix, it needs to be seriously looked at by several experts.

    Dr. Lukaszewicz always looked after me, I will always return the dedication.

    But really, 5 years, of time, money, theatrics, willing judges, threats, jail, taunting, on and on....! Really? Now, I get to battle cancer! This should be headline news.....and it will.

    Mr. Guasco, et al have broken several serious laws. They all need to be punished. I and Dr. Lukaszewicz included, have been severely harmed by the people who did it in order to seek their own gain and obstructed freedom of normal life. Mr. Guasco even had a wall erected around Dr. Lukaszewicz's office, so a person would need to be "buzzed" in by a receptionist. I believe it was done not only to keep people out, but to make Dr. Lukaszewicz feel he was in danger. It was a lot of expense that Mr. Guasco went to, to make a "gift giver" look like a serial killer and not a grateful patient. Mr. Guasco wanted to impress his real client, Dr. Moayeri. It seems that Mr. Guasco has been very lavish with Kaiser's money.
    Mr. Guasco has also invaded my personal life in many ways, especially with my HOA, but including working with Dave Pine on airport noise being disrupted and Sgt. Pettit on traffic.

    I had never been arrested, before Judge Novak ignored Dr. Lukaszewicz's testimony that cleared me.

    I moved far away from the area out of fear of being falsely accused by Mike Guasco again. Five years of Hell, for me so he could keep a jealous woman happy. It is outrageous. Those people who did this to me and to Dr. Lukaszewicz are criminals. He should not be afraid to speak up, like he did in court, but I can see how it might be difficult since his job and home life could be disrupted, but the people who planned and carried out this crime had a long time to think about what they did and could have reversed it, but they did not. They expected to get away with it and go scot free.

    Each time they forged Dr. Lukaszewicz's signature, his identity was stolen! This has been a reprehensible and egregious crime! And now, my life could be at risk.
    Thank you.

  • Best,


  • Cheryl Petrovich

  • 650 490 6550

  • P.O. Box 120

  • Gualala, CA  95445


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