Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Watching a show about Gary Shandling. He always made me laugh.
Redemption 1 message |
Haviva von Martinitz <> | Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:35 PM | |
To:,, jwade <>, Richard Decker <>, PD Russ Felker <> | ||
I find it extremely humorous that Kaiser hired attorney, Mike Guasco had to pull out all the stops, just so he could beat up a senior handicapped woman over a false restraining order he devised with the help of many extras in his off, off, Broadway production of, "The Magic Show," because all he has is "smoke and mirrors" instead of law. I have never met a such an officious, little mendacious ball of tumor in somewhat human form, ever before! (Actually, he resembles more, combo tumor, hairball bezoare and Tasmanian looks, demeanor and digestibility!)
In my case, Guasco lied, had signatures of his so-called-client forged, said his "client" was present, when he was not, sneaked a troglodyte attorney, Charlie Smith IV on me as my babysitter, who claimed he was with the Private Defender program, when he was not; he just screamed at me to "SHUT UP!" Guasco "magically" had judges buy his load of crap and turn a blind eye to my irrefutable evidence that should have completely exonerated me, since it showed that it was all a premeditated trap to make me look guilty; in police jargon: entrapment!
Mr. Guasco is a relatively young man, but he seems to have all the "tricks of the trade" all firmly under his belt. From my observations I'd say he is a prodigy in the art of pure unadulterated, B.S. in the tradition of the Mafia. Hard to lose when even the judge is on your side. Guasco was shooting fish in a barrel....just call me trout.
Mr. Guasco is so brave that when I tried to speak with him after the bathroom break/hearing, he grabbed his adorable little (manly) cart and hauled his ass through the long corridor of the court in true Tasmanian devil, break neck speed form. He was brave enough to blindside me and lunge in my face and scream at me, but to have a civil conversation about substantive issues, he turned tail and ran. He made a woman with MS chase him along the lengthy, shiny waxed floors while his cart did a merry tarantella as it bounced and gyrated behind. Fortunately for him he did not drop his load....of false evidence he never bothered to share with me. It was comical. Mr. Guasco was brave and blustery in the courtroom with a judge (Danny Chou) who seemed to enjoy feeding off of Guasco's excremental offerings, but cut me off after saying only a couple of words, and telling me that he "had enough" of me. Really? Was something hanging out of my nose, or something? It certainly could not have been anything I said, because I merely told him that I live far away and rarely leave home. But, he seemed to think that Guasco's bushel of fetid excreta was Mozart's concerto in A major, when to any unbiased listener knew it was more closely resembling monkeys banging dented metal trash can lids together...complete with remnants of cabbage and soiled condoms clinging precariously by a thin gluey thread to the inner portion of the lid.
That is Guasco in a nutshell: a real "class" act. For a sideshow at a carnival, yes, but for an attorney in the courtroom, no; it/he was a disgrace.
I hope he got big money for the false case against me, because one day, some judge will be pissed off by Guasco's smirky, smarmy, shit eating grin face and the feces that dribbles out, and put his ass in jail.....where it belongs!
(Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was married to a BIG time arrested druggie and he was arrested twice.)
High society!
In my case, Guasco lied, had signatures of his so-called-client forged, said his "client" was present, when he was not, sneaked a troglodyte attorney, Charlie Smith IV on me as my babysitter, who claimed he was with the Private Defender program, when he was not; he just screamed at me to "SHUT UP!" Guasco "magically" had judges buy his load of crap and turn a blind eye to my irrefutable evidence that should have completely exonerated me, since it showed that it was all a premeditated trap to make me look guilty; in police jargon: entrapment!
Mr. Guasco is a relatively young man, but he seems to have all the "tricks of the trade" all firmly under his belt. From my observations I'd say he is a prodigy in the art of pure unadulterated, B.S. in the tradition of the Mafia. Hard to lose when even the judge is on your side. Guasco was shooting fish in a barrel....just call me trout.
Mr. Guasco is so brave that when I tried to speak with him after the bathroom break/hearing, he grabbed his adorable little (manly) cart and hauled his ass through the long corridor of the court in true Tasmanian devil, break neck speed form. He was brave enough to blindside me and lunge in my face and scream at me, but to have a civil conversation about substantive issues, he turned tail and ran. He made a woman with MS chase him along the lengthy, shiny waxed floors while his cart did a merry tarantella as it bounced and gyrated behind. Fortunately for him he did not drop his load....of false evidence he never bothered to share with me. It was comical. Mr. Guasco was brave and blustery in the courtroom with a judge (Danny Chou) who seemed to enjoy feeding off of Guasco's excremental offerings, but cut me off after saying only a couple of words, and telling me that he "had enough" of me. Really? Was something hanging out of my nose, or something? It certainly could not have been anything I said, because I merely told him that I live far away and rarely leave home. But, he seemed to think that Guasco's bushel of fetid excreta was Mozart's concerto in A major, when to any unbiased listener knew it was more closely resembling monkeys banging dented metal trash can lids together...complete with remnants of cabbage and soiled condoms clinging precariously by a thin gluey thread to the inner portion of the lid.
That is Guasco in a nutshell: a real "class" act. For a sideshow at a carnival, yes, but for an attorney in the courtroom, no; it/he was a disgrace.
I hope he got big money for the false case against me, because one day, some judge will be pissed off by Guasco's smirky, smarmy, shit eating grin face and the feces that dribbles out, and put his ass in jail.....where it belongs!
(Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was married to a BIG time arrested druggie and he was arrested twice.)
High society!
I think that it is rather humorous that the horrible man sounded so officious and in the right when he first started this faux legal thing, then he deteriorated down the slimy depths of depravity, by having to rig everything in his own favor. That's some great attorney who can beat up a woman with health issues plus use false evidence, force attorneys on her as babysitters, buy off other attorneys, blacklist her so no attorney will let her hire them, buy judges, lie and forge signatures and have everyone scream in her face, so her health issues might kill her.
I feel rather flattered that an attorney was so intimidated by me, that he needed to pull out his bag o'tricks just to win a simple case. I suppose his back-up plan was just to have me tied up and shot. He is such a individual of low character and abilities.
I feel rather flattered that an attorney was so intimidated by me, that he needed to pull out his bag o'tricks just to win a simple case. I suppose his back-up plan was just to have me tied up and shot. He is such a individual of low character and abilities.
I was down because I felt I had to write to fight back, because I don't like fighting. I must do preemptive maneuvers, just in case the threats against me by the horrible man come to fruition. I need to use names to have it cohesive, in context and believable. Everything I say is true, or if conjecture, I make that obvious.
My life, my belongings, are yours. I love you and will always be steadfast and devoted to you.
I was reading some of the old emails from that horrible man today, and I am proud to say that I never would remove my friend from my will, nor believe he was involved in harming me. He may have been pushed into some participation, but I don't care; one needs a paycheck and also, being caught between a rock and a hard place is never pleasant. People who have the audacity to manufacture "legal" matters against a person are probably the lowest form of humanity. I will never think badly of him, but I certainly think the other people are disgusting.
The gentleman running my lie detection test, said he wish he had a friend like me. I am completely loyal and devoted.
The gentleman running my lie detection test, said he wish he had a friend like me. I am completely loyal and devoted.
Please send me good thoughts. I know I will feel them. I hope you are okay. Have a lovely day!
I wish a therapist would call and check on me. That used to be nice when they used to call and check. It would make me feel better.
If you were here, I would always let you know how it feels to be so very loved and cared about. I ache to talk with you. We had fun talking. It was my joy.
If you got this over sooner, you could just tell me how you really feel. I would still love you. I would not be upset with you. Time has not taken away my feelings for you; they are permanent, but love wants only your happiness.
If you got this over sooner, you could just tell me how you really feel. I would still love you. I would not be upset with you. Time has not taken away my feelings for you; they are permanent, but love wants only your happiness.
I am just weary. You know how it is when you just feel so beaten down, that everything seems bleak? Too much seems overwhelming.
People carelessly sabotaged and attacked and just left me to pick up the pieces on my own. I did nothing wrong. I hurt so much. I get tired and then sad, with a touch of anger, then I just wait and feel subdued with an undercurrent of sadness. I was attacked from mid 2015. It was a long, drawn out process. Then, a plan was made to make me panic from a false accusation, so I would respond from fear I would be arrested for something I did not do. No one would help me, so I wrote emails to a faux email address (I did not know it was fake) that I suppose was set up as a dummy to collect my phone messages and emails, to be used as future "evidence". It was a trap. "Someone" hired that insane psy to attack me and the evidence points to someone in the field of neurology. Wonder who? I don't wonder, because I know. It was a cruel, narcissistic control freak who did not want to have her world disrupted and decided I should be the scapegoat for her emotional inadequacies. It seems she uses people for her own goals and does not give a second thought to how much harm she causes to others, as long as she is unaffected. The fallout from the false accusation against me stimulated the faux legal stuff, which began with a forged letter (by the "psy") from an attorney. My problem was that I assumed mistakes/misunderstanding caused it all, but it was not so. I never thought any of those professionals would purposely harm someone and lie. Misplaced trust.
None of this has been real, but they got judges to go along with them. They all ignored what I presented as evidence and the attorney lied and said the plaintiff was present, when he was not as well as forging the plaintiff's signature. No one cared. Even the judges ignored my evidence.
I am left to relive the frustration and terror alone. Why are people so evil? They could not handle my little gifts of gratitude to someone they were afraid they would lose, yet they think I should survive such an ordeal that was thrown at me? No. They did not. They fully expected me to die, one way, or another. I fear for anyone who must must be under their control. Those people do not have a sense of remorse, or a conscience. Cold blooded criminals!
They are why I worry.
People carelessly sabotaged and attacked and just left me to pick up the pieces on my own. I did nothing wrong. I hurt so much. I get tired and then sad, with a touch of anger, then I just wait and feel subdued with an undercurrent of sadness. I was attacked from mid 2015. It was a long, drawn out process. Then, a plan was made to make me panic from a false accusation, so I would respond from fear I would be arrested for something I did not do. No one would help me, so I wrote emails to a faux email address (I did not know it was fake) that I suppose was set up as a dummy to collect my phone messages and emails, to be used as future "evidence". It was a trap. "Someone" hired that insane psy to attack me and the evidence points to someone in the field of neurology. Wonder who? I don't wonder, because I know. It was a cruel, narcissistic control freak who did not want to have her world disrupted and decided I should be the scapegoat for her emotional inadequacies. It seems she uses people for her own goals and does not give a second thought to how much harm she causes to others, as long as she is unaffected. The fallout from the false accusation against me stimulated the faux legal stuff, which began with a forged letter (by the "psy") from an attorney. My problem was that I assumed mistakes/misunderstanding caused it all, but it was not so. I never thought any of those professionals would purposely harm someone and lie. Misplaced trust.
None of this has been real, but they got judges to go along with them. They all ignored what I presented as evidence and the attorney lied and said the plaintiff was present, when he was not as well as forging the plaintiff's signature. No one cared. Even the judges ignored my evidence.
I am left to relive the frustration and terror alone. Why are people so evil? They could not handle my little gifts of gratitude to someone they were afraid they would lose, yet they think I should survive such an ordeal that was thrown at me? No. They did not. They fully expected me to die, one way, or another. I fear for anyone who must must be under their control. Those people do not have a sense of remorse, or a conscience. Cold blooded criminals!
They are why I worry.
I have no choice but to fight, since that horrible man said he could keep bad things going forever. I cannot just sit back and allow that. I hope that is understandable. I have no choice. Believe me, I would rather be having a nice life, than dealing with this all of the time. I would rather be taking care of you and making you happy. Tell me what you want me to do and I will follow it, but until then, I must fight! These are cruel, untrustworthy people, who want me dead.
I wish for a positive sign. I am so sad.
I may go get my eyes photographed soon.
I may go get my eyes photographed soon.
I would give you all I have, merely to see you and talk to you again. I don't want to lose you forever, but it seems to be the way things are to go. Please help it to not be so. You have meant everything to me.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
You don't need to be my friend. This was meant to destroy me and any happiness in my life and it seems to have worked. I get no help, nothing. The people who did this wanted me to either die, or lose those who mean the most to me. I think it has been accomplished. They are greedy, selfish vermin. I have love in my heart, they have avarice. I have been good, honest and caring; those words are meaningless to them. My heart is broken. I was holding hope because I do love you so much, but I imagine I was never anyone who was supposed to have lasting happiness in my life. I will die sad and unloved. I don't expect that you ever see this, so it is merely me crying to the universe and my angel. Hopefully we can watch over you together and keep you safe. You were truly the love of my life.
Be very well.
Be very well.
The people who did this to me are selfish, disgusting people who only care about themselves. They have no concern for the lives of others. I am alone, sad and forgotten. I get no words of comfort. They ruined my life and went off and left behind a human being who might as well be dead for all they care.
First thing we as a country need to do, is treat people humanely and compassionately.
Please don't let time apart ruin a friendship. It is what has kept me going.
I am lucky that I get to pray for you under such a beautiful, star filled sky, with crashing waves in the background. It makes me feel a part of everything and everyone that I love.
Have a sweet day! I will be there with my mind, of course!
I only like movies with happy endings....or I turn it off and make up one of my own.
Sometimes , I feel so close to you, that I don't feel any fear; that there is no need for it.
You are safe.
You are safe.
“In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases”
― John Irving, The World According to Garp
Monday, July 29, 2019
Watching a program called, "Charles Dickens' London Works."
We would have so much fun! I only get sad over this, not with you. You are my dream.
I hope you like what I write, or at least know that you are the inspiration for my writing at all. Good, or not so great, you make me want to honor you. What good I may accomplish is because of you.
For some reason, the sadness is hitting me hard today. I don't even want to move.
I suppose what was done to me, was to spare someone else from embarrassment and to help them save face. Must be nice.
I am basically writing my thoughts. It helps me vent my sadness, anger, my pain and my heartache. I have nothing to rely upon but myself, it seems. I have my set-backs and my strong times, but basically, I am someone who is recuperating from a terrible attack. I am doing my best. I tend to brush things off, but when I also worry for someone else, I am worse for wear. I do become despondent, but then pull myself back up again. It is a daily battle.
People who apologise to me, even for terrible things they have done, or had done to me, will usually be forgiven, without another word on the subject. It really depends on certain factors. The biggest factor is if you tell me that is what you want me to do. I will defer to you about almost anything, probably at least 95% of the time.
More than anything, I want to see you. White Flag....TRUCE!
Isn't is absurd?
This has been such a long time.
There is nothing glorious about war and there was nothing glorious about the way either of us were treated in this absurd waste of life....time. This is not the way life should go. People/entities with their own best self-interest concoct these idiotic rules. We are their puppets.
Time is precious. Life is short.
The American Civil War lasted 4 years. WWI was 4 years. The Korean war was just over 3 years. WWII was six.
Isn't is absurd?
This has been such a long time.
There is nothing glorious about war and there was nothing glorious about the way either of us were treated in this absurd waste of life....time. This is not the way life should go. People/entities with their own best self-interest concoct these idiotic rules. We are their puppets.
Time is precious. Life is short.
The American Civil War lasted 4 years. WWI was 4 years. The Korean war was just over 3 years. WWII was six.
Finding Harmony~
Time ticks my way to you
regulated, not syncopated
In the quiet morning hours
a clock intrudes into my
counts the seconds
mocks my sentence
shortens my life
makes survival seem
Time is here
it does exist
I feel it
I hear it
but all I can see is how it changes
I am fading faster than time
My heart beats to the rhythm
i r regular
Time robbed me of you
but promised
to bring you
It races against me
seeks my demise
won't flatter with lies
You are their prize
You are love in
My deep shaky sighs
fill the chilly sea air
with a sonorous tone
of ancient
I'd like to stop time
from its ravaging ways
but I want it to go
Is that possible?
Come back to me
so you will see
that life won't
(c) HVM 2019
I always seem to stay up until nearly 5 a.m. I don't care about the daytime so much right now, because I just want time to go by, but I like that it stays light late. I take care of my few veg plants and am trying (still) to get rid of clothes, etc, that I don't use. It is still cluttered & rugs need cleaning. I used to be better with all of that, but I guess I lost it. It will be back. I just have survival to attend to right now.
My dog has been taking me for more, longer walks lately. She usually makes any excuse to just go close by, but now she wants to go up the hill more often. It's nice. I need it. When we went up tonight I was so in awe of the sky and all the gorgeous stars. I prayed and asked for your safety and happiness and of course, to have my love sent to you.
It was a lovely time, but I am so lonely to see you.
It was a lovely time, but I am so lonely to see you.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
If the wait time is absolutely necessary, so be it, but the people who hurt me, need to be reprimanded.
I miss you and I am lonely. I am so tired of this crap. I am here, I will take care of you, believe me as I believe in you.
I will be here, come when you can, if you want. Forever.
I will be here, come when you can, if you want. Forever.
I hope you will let me show you how much I love you. I want your happiness only.
I hope you will take into consideration everything I have gone through into your thinking of me. I am always trying to keep my head above the confusion and cruel attacks and my emotional state that has been through the mill. Your understanding will see me through. Thinking of seeing you again and prayer has saved me. You have always been there for me and brought me up from difficult times. I am so very grateful.
The only toughness in me, is the toughness I have when I feel that someone I care about is in danger.
All I want is your happiness and safety.
If I could have your affection too, that would be amazing.
If I could have your affection too, that would be amazing.
All I know to do is go by instinct. When I worry, I protect. When I have been attacked, I plan and fight back as well as possible, especially when people with endless resources and determination are pulling out all the financial and abusive stops. They joined in with an innocent idea and took it over and changed the very complexion of it and made it unrecognizable as to the original intent. I had one thing in mind to do with friendship and it was going along, until they decided to make all their absurd plans to stimulate me into action by making false accusations about me and taking an uncharacteristically cruel tone. I know she (MP) wrote as if it had been coming from you to try and get me all worked up thinking you were angry with me. MP is a miserable human being. I know she is trying to help her friend, not you. who will eventually self-destruct. I suppose people have catered to her for a very long time and she likes things to go her way, or no way.
MP and that horrible man are both in it to help her keep you as her financial, etc support. Who ever cares about what happens to you?
I want to be your safe place, one of freedom and care for you. I don't want to use you, I want you to be happy and enjoy the life of your desires; you deserve it.
I cannot emphasize enough how underhanded and criminal was their behavior; it hurt me emotionally and it hurts our system of justice.
MP and that horrible man are both in it to help her keep you as her financial, etc support. Who ever cares about what happens to you?
I want to be your safe place, one of freedom and care for you. I don't want to use you, I want you to be happy and enjoy the life of your desires; you deserve it.
I cannot emphasize enough how underhanded and criminal was their behavior; it hurt me emotionally and it hurts our system of justice.
Time goes by, but my mind has frozen it for me. I am grateful, because you have never left.
But, the ache penetrates every part of me. I am merely surviving.
But, the ache penetrates every part of me. I am merely surviving.
I give people chance after chance, but the people who did this miserable thing are made of a scary lack of concern...even for themselves; they are that narcissistic. It seems like an oxymoron in behavior, or rational thinking. They want what they want, even at the risk of their own safety, it is hard to understand and hard to deal with them. They would rather go down swinging, than feel that they had lost. Unbelievable.
I cannot see my life going on with any amount of happiness without at least seeing you again.
You must understand where I am coming from. I am still shaken up by the cruelty and torn up inside from the pain of missing you.
Each day I struggle with it all. I am confused and so very sad. Some days I can find some hopeful happiness. I communicate with very few people. Debbie has gone through my agony with me, but one cannot bother someone else with too much pain, or it would be too much of a burden. I try not to bother my son with my sadness. He needs to have a happy, fun life. I live vicariously through his nice times and my former nice ones. Knowing you dragged me from the depths of Hell and now I have been pushed back in. Sometimes I feel as if I am just fading away. I have lost my enthusiasm for most anything. So much time has gone by, but believe it, or not, even elusive hope still manages to glow somewhere in the bleak darkness of sadness.
Each day I struggle with it all. I am confused and so very sad. Some days I can find some hopeful happiness. I communicate with very few people. Debbie has gone through my agony with me, but one cannot bother someone else with too much pain, or it would be too much of a burden. I try not to bother my son with my sadness. He needs to have a happy, fun life. I live vicariously through his nice times and my former nice ones. Knowing you dragged me from the depths of Hell and now I have been pushed back in. Sometimes I feel as if I am just fading away. I have lost my enthusiasm for most anything. So much time has gone by, but believe it, or not, even elusive hope still manages to glow somewhere in the bleak darkness of sadness.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
I miss you so much. I am never giving up. You have a special place in my heart. I hope and pray to see you.
I wish you would get a hold of my friend Debbie B on FB. She is the one I was having a conversation with on FB tonight.
added info.
11:23 AM (3 hours ago)
| ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Inspectors, etc;
It has become clear that what
to me with the false restraining
order, was
that when it was noticed that
I had a
completely above board, friendly
with Dr. Lukaszewicz, Marija
was brought to Kaiser SSF,
(end of May,
2015) she had the mission of
intimidating me
so much that I would no longer
want to be
his patient. She had staff at
Kaiser SSF
treat me badly and tell me various
things to
make it seem like the people there
hated me.
She even got doctors to
participate as well
as nurses and technicians of
departments. I believe that some
even left
that Kaiser because they did not
like their
role in it. I basically know who
The security guards were used as
co-conspirators and instigators
(and even
looked into my medical record, as
per the
testimony of Edward Souza,
then security
guard, now in Janitorial). Those
two guards
were rewarded with permanent
jobs at
Kaiser, instead of their contracted
with a security company. They
harassed me
and played key roles in setting
up situations
to make me upset/fearful and cause
me to react. Marija M. Petrovic made
the plans and
they (and others) carried them out.
I was
treated harshly for no reason and
endured a
"whisper campaign" by most of the
staff around Dr. Lukaszewicz.
to me with the false restraining
order, was
that when it was noticed that
I had a
completely above board, friendly
with Dr. Lukaszewicz, Marija
was brought to Kaiser SSF,
(end of May,
2015) she had the mission of
intimidating me
so much that I would no longer
want to be
his patient. She had staff at
Kaiser SSF
treat me badly and tell me various
things to
make it seem like the people there
hated me.
She even got doctors to
participate as well
as nurses and technicians of
departments. I believe that some
even left
that Kaiser because they did not
like their
role in it. I basically know who
The security guards were used as
co-conspirators and instigators
(and even
looked into my medical record, as
per the
testimony of Edward Souza,
then security
guard, now in Janitorial). Those
two guards
were rewarded with permanent
jobs at
Kaiser, instead of their contracted
with a security company. They
harassed me
and played key roles in setting
up situations
to make me upset/fearful and cause
me to react. Marija M. Petrovic made
the plans and
they (and others) carried them out.
I was
treated harshly for no reason and
endured a
"whisper campaign" by most of the
staff around Dr. Lukaszewicz.
I believe that Marija M. Petrovic
is well known to Dr. Lukaszewicz
and his domestic partner, Dr. Moayeri,
she had previously had an office on
the 3rd floor of the SSF
medical bldg. Marija Petrovic's
brother,Marko, works at Kaiser in
an area of Neurology, which is also
Dr. Moayeri's field,but she as a
neurosurgeon and he in some
kind of rehabilitation. I believe
that they perhaps worked at the
same Kaiser facilities at the same
Marko has worked in both
Southern CA, as well as San Francisco,
as had Dr. Moayeri. I believe that it was
suggested to incorporate Marija M.
Petrovic to come back to Kaiser
Northern CA, and work at the Daly City
psychiatric facility,
which is a quick trip back to the South
San Francisco Kaiser, so she could set
her plans against me into motion.
I am sure she used threats and
intimidation to make Kaiser
employees to participate. It was all
completely covert and I was deemed
enemy by those working at the
South San
Francisco facility, but it was also
at Dr. Lukaszewicz's San Rafael
office too.
The bad treatment and whisper
were utilized by staff there also.
is well known to Dr. Lukaszewicz
and his domestic partner, Dr. Moayeri,
she had previously had an office on
the 3rd floor of the SSF
medical bldg. Marija Petrovic's
brother,Marko, works at Kaiser in
an area of Neurology, which is also
Dr. Moayeri's field,but she as a
neurosurgeon and he in some
kind of rehabilitation. I believe
that they perhaps worked at the
same Kaiser facilities at the same
Marko has worked in both
Southern CA, as well as San Francisco,
as had Dr. Moayeri. I believe that it was
suggested to incorporate Marija M.
Petrovic to come back to Kaiser
Northern CA, and work at the Daly City
psychiatric facility,
which is a quick trip back to the South
San Francisco Kaiser, so she could set
her plans against me into motion.
I am sure she used threats and
intimidation to make Kaiser
employees to participate. It was all
completely covert and I was deemed
enemy by those working at the
South San
Francisco facility, but it was also
at Dr. Lukaszewicz's San Rafael
office too.
The bad treatment and whisper
were utilized by staff there also.
I was yelled at, intimidated and
told to "go find other friends" and
had people sneer
at me about the clothes I wore.
Prior to Marija M. Petrovic's arrival
back at Kaiser
from Comprehensive Psychiatric
the people who worked at Kaiser
SSF were
congenial. People said odd things to
me about Dr. Lukaszewicz and messed
up tests I had
done, even an MRI and jabbing
needles in my
arm so hard, that my arm felt
electric shocks
and my hand went numb. Doctors
in the ER
treated me badly and accused
me of being
there to acquire drugs.
told to "go find other friends" and
had people sneer
at me about the clothes I wore.
Prior to Marija M. Petrovic's arrival
back at Kaiser
from Comprehensive Psychiatric
the people who worked at Kaiser
SSF were
congenial. People said odd things to
me about Dr. Lukaszewicz and messed
up tests I had
done, even an MRI and jabbing
needles in my
arm so hard, that my arm felt
electric shocks
and my hand went numb. Doctors
in the ER
treated me badly and accused
me of being
there to acquire drugs.
After I asked Dr. Lukaszewicz,
through the
ER doc to observe my gallbladder
surgery and he did so, I was
delivered a TRO
to my home in Millbrae. Michael
C. Guasco,
Kaiser attorney through their
hired law firm, Buty & Curliano
was the attorney "for" Dr.
in a restraining order against
me. It made no sense to me. One
week AFTER
I asked Dr. Lukaszewicz attended
my surgery
at MY request, he suddenly
decided to hit me
with a TRO with complaints that
could ONLY have come
97 days PRIOR? He supposedly
gave me a
restraining order for giving him
gifts, for which
he thanked me and kept and for
some supposed
suggestive remarks I was to have
made. Why
wait until after coming to my
surgery, which was a
personal act of kindness toward
me, would he want
to eradicate that kindness, by
making my life hell?
through the
ER doc to observe my gallbladder
surgery and he did so, I was
delivered a TRO
to my home in Millbrae. Michael
C. Guasco,
Kaiser attorney through their
hired law firm, Buty & Curliano
was the attorney "for" Dr.
in a restraining order against
me. It made no sense to me. One
week AFTER
I asked Dr. Lukaszewicz attended
my surgery
at MY request, he suddenly
decided to hit me
with a TRO with complaints that
could ONLY have come
97 days PRIOR? He supposedly
gave me a
restraining order for giving him
gifts, for which
he thanked me and kept and for
some supposed
suggestive remarks I was to have
made. Why
wait until after coming to my
surgery, which was a
personal act of kindness toward
me, would he want
to eradicate that kindness, by
making my life hell?
Well, after I dropped
Dr. Lukaszewicz as my doctor,
to begin on a path to becoming
friends, I was told I could
not see him. No time frame had
been set, no
guidelines, nothing. It had been
over 3 months since
seeing him. Some requirements
of becoming friends
with your doctor are as little as
3-6 months, or perhaps a year.
Anyway, I never saw him at my
surgery, but I was told he had
been there. I was
so grateful he had observed my
surgery, because I
was frightened and I trusted him
with my life
(I still do).
Dr. Lukaszewicz as my doctor,
to begin on a path to becoming
friends, I was told I could
not see him. No time frame had
been set, no
guidelines, nothing. It had been
over 3 months since
seeing him. Some requirements
of becoming friends
with your doctor are as little as
3-6 months, or perhaps a year.
Anyway, I never saw him at my
surgery, but I was told he had
been there. I was
so grateful he had observed my
surgery, because I
was frightened and I trusted him
with my life
(I still do).
If anything, I believe that
Dr. Lukaszewicz was
told that I should have a
restraining order done,
so that I would not be able to
weaken and come and try to see him.
But the many forgeries in the court
documents and the lies, his not going
to court sessions,etc, were a pretty
clear indication that it was not
Dr. Lukaszewicz's idea. My opinion is
that it was
actually Dr. Lukaszewicz who was
being punished for coming to my
surgery, because he is a very
caring, dedicated person. I believe
that Mr. Guasco gave me the
restraining order on behalf of a
"shadow" client, who was worried
about the fact that Dr. Lukaszewicz
defied an order and came to
my surgery and was fearful of
what those
implications meant. Neither Kaiser,
nor the shadow
client wanted their names on the
TRO, so they roped in
Dr. Lukaszewicz and put his
name on it. Mr. Guasco frequently
uses Kaiser staff to
participate in his restraining order
schemes against
innocent patients, for whatever
purpose he needs to
weaken, or smear his opponent.
He appears to use that tactic
routinely to put a bad image of
the victim in the mind of the court
and to narrow down the attorneys
who would take the case. In fact,
it became apparent that my name
was used against me in such a
manner, so that I could not find an
attorney to help me. I sincerely
believe that I was blacklisted.
It appears that Mr. Guasco cuts
off as many avenues available to
his opposition as possible,with
smear tactics. I believe that it
is the only way Mr. Guasco wins,
with lies, bribery, intimidation
and tampering with expert
witnesses. He most likely uses
Kaiser's deep pockets to open
certain doors and close certain
others.....all ILLEGAL behavior.
Mr. Guasco has a reputation for
his tactics that proceeds him.
People in the legal world are
getting wise to his maneuvers
and are shutting them down.
What I have noticed is that Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic
are a cruel,cold-blooded team,
who have no concern what-so-
ever for the welfare of their
victims. They knew of my having
been a cancer survivor with MS
and a possibly dangerous lesion on
my brain, yet they pulled out most
of the stops and had me brutalized,
humiliated, terrorized and
denigrated, by having a judge go
radically off on me, throw me in jail,
thrust an attorney on me and pay
off another....just to keep me quiet
and ineffectively/inadequately
represented.....all under
Dr. Lukaszewicz's name.
They were so COWARDLY!
Dr. Lukaszewicz was
told that I should have a
restraining order done,
so that I would not be able to
weaken and come and try to see him.
But the many forgeries in the court
documents and the lies, his not going
to court sessions,etc, were a pretty
clear indication that it was not
Dr. Lukaszewicz's idea. My opinion is
that it was
actually Dr. Lukaszewicz who was
being punished for coming to my
surgery, because he is a very
caring, dedicated person. I believe
that Mr. Guasco gave me the
restraining order on behalf of a
"shadow" client, who was worried
about the fact that Dr. Lukaszewicz
defied an order and came to
my surgery and was fearful of
what those
implications meant. Neither Kaiser,
nor the shadow
client wanted their names on the
TRO, so they roped in
Dr. Lukaszewicz and put his
name on it. Mr. Guasco frequently
uses Kaiser staff to
participate in his restraining order
schemes against
innocent patients, for whatever
purpose he needs to
weaken, or smear his opponent.
He appears to use that tactic
routinely to put a bad image of
the victim in the mind of the court
and to narrow down the attorneys
who would take the case. In fact,
it became apparent that my name
was used against me in such a
manner, so that I could not find an
attorney to help me. I sincerely
believe that I was blacklisted.
It appears that Mr. Guasco cuts
off as many avenues available to
his opposition as possible,with
smear tactics. I believe that it
is the only way Mr. Guasco wins,
with lies, bribery, intimidation
and tampering with expert
witnesses. He most likely uses
Kaiser's deep pockets to open
certain doors and close certain
others.....all ILLEGAL behavior.
Mr. Guasco has a reputation for
his tactics that proceeds him.
People in the legal world are
getting wise to his maneuvers
and are shutting them down.
What I have noticed is that Mr. Guasco and Marija M. Petrovic
are a cruel,cold-blooded team,
who have no concern what-so-
ever for the welfare of their
victims. They knew of my having
been a cancer survivor with MS
and a possibly dangerous lesion on
my brain, yet they pulled out most
of the stops and had me brutalized,
humiliated, terrorized and
denigrated, by having a judge go
radically off on me, throw me in jail,
thrust an attorney on me and pay
off another....just to keep me quiet
and ineffectively/inadequately
represented.....all under
Dr. Lukaszewicz's name.
They were so COWARDLY!
My witness heard Edward Souza say
that Marija M.Petrovic was brought
back to Kaiser for the purpose of,
"Getting rid of you as Dr.
Lukaszewicz's patient." It was all a
set-up to brutalize me to the point
of giving in and dropping Dr.
Lukaszewicz as my doctor. She and
Guasco and the rest, masterminded
the entire "case"against me.
I believe they expected me to die.
As I mentioned prior, Marija M.
Petrovic piled on the false
diagnoses in my chart, so if I died
by my own hand,or made to look
like it.
that Marija M.Petrovic was brought
back to Kaiser for the purpose of,
"Getting rid of you as Dr.
Lukaszewicz's patient." It was all a
set-up to brutalize me to the point
of giving in and dropping Dr.
Lukaszewicz as my doctor. She and
Guasco and the rest, masterminded
the entire "case"against me.
I believe they expected me to die.
As I mentioned prior, Marija M.
Petrovic piled on the false
diagnoses in my chart, so if I died
by my own hand,or made to look
like it.
This was an expensive, elaborate,
time consuming plan. It was
NOT a part of a normal waiting period.
Why would anyone get so actively
involved? Waiting to become a friend
of a doctor, should be a nice
thing, not open season to
brutalize them!
time consuming plan. It was
NOT a part of a normal waiting period.
Why would anyone get so actively
involved? Waiting to become a friend
of a doctor, should be a nice
thing, not open season to
brutalize them!
This has gone on entirely too long,
it is criminal and it needs to be
investigated with all conspirators
put in jail. It is a serious and
dangerous game they played
(and are still). Guasco and
Petrovic abused
the court and the innocent people
involved. They also abused and
took advantage Kaiser and their
employees. It has been a
reprehensible and heinous
matter! Leaving it uninvestigated,
is tantamount to encouraging
crime, perpetuating it and corruption
and allowing their terrible
effects to be the ruin of true
justice and law itself.
it is criminal and it needs to be
investigated with all conspirators
put in jail. It is a serious and
dangerous game they played
(and are still). Guasco and
Petrovic abused
the court and the innocent people
involved. They also abused and
took advantage Kaiser and their
employees. It has been a
reprehensible and heinous
matter! Leaving it uninvestigated,
is tantamount to encouraging
crime, perpetuating it and corruption
and allowing their terrible
effects to be the ruin of true
justice and law itself.
The innocent parties in this,
myself and Dr. Lukaszewicz need to
have the travesty stopped
now. It is NOT right, nor decent to
allow it to keep going. Any kind of
agreement made to have it last
longer has been invalidated by the
aspect of brutality!
The criminals who devised and
wanted this plan to work, should not
prevail with their wishes.
myself and Dr. Lukaszewicz need to
have the travesty stopped
now. It is NOT right, nor decent to
allow it to keep going. Any kind of
agreement made to have it last
longer has been invalidated by the
aspect of brutality!
The criminals who devised and
wanted this plan to work, should not
prevail with their wishes.
It is a slap in the face of the very
foundation of law that keeps this
country from chaos. None of the
people involved in perpetrating this
should go free.
foundation of law that keeps this
country from chaos. None of the
people involved in perpetrating this
should go free.
Dr. Lukaszawicz and I, are the
only two people in this who are
innocent and need to be given
only two people in this who are
innocent and need to be given
It is a crime to make it last any
I will answer any questions and
take lie detection,but this needs
to end. It has harmed me, and my
take lie detection,but this needs
to end. It has harmed me, and my

Cheryl Petrovich
I miss you. I can't sleep.
This has been so difficult.
I want to hug you so much. I get so anxious. It has worn me down a bit. The thought of seeing you again keeps me going. The emotional pain is a big struggle.
I love you.
This has been so difficult.
I want to hug you so much. I get so anxious. It has worn me down a bit. The thought of seeing you again keeps me going. The emotional pain is a big struggle.
I love you.
If that horrible man hadn't decided to say untrue and cruel things, I would have just waited. I was so worried about you too.
Friday, July 26, 2019
I took my dog for a walk and stood in amazement at the beautiful sky with every silver star greeting me. I prayed out loud for you. Instead of praying for you I wish I could be there in person for you and keep you safe, happy and loved. It is all I would want to be doing.
I am making banana bread, with some oatmeal in it. I used Stevia and honey. I would have used raisins, but they are all gone. Each time I ask my renter if he would pick some up, he forgets. I end up getting them from Thrive Market online. This place is isolated, so I do not find all the things I can usually get from most grocery stores. There is a Co-op, a bit north of here, so maybe sometime I will venture out and go there. I used to shop at a great Co-op when I lived in Sunnyvale; they had so many organic foods, it was Heaven. Either I shopped there, or at the health food store about 2 blocks away.
The banana bread was so great!
I never use measuring cups, or spoons, so it is always a crap shoot, but eyeballing banana bread is pretty easy.
I wish I could talk to you. I am in a giggly mood for some reason. I used up a good portion of sad last night and giggling sneaked in. You were so fun to talk to; you always said interesting and humorous things.
I love you so much.
I never use measuring cups, or spoons, so it is always a crap shoot, but eyeballing banana bread is pretty easy.
I wish I could talk to you. I am in a giggly mood for some reason. I used up a good portion of sad last night and giggling sneaked in. You were so fun to talk to; you always said interesting and humorous things.
I love you so much.
It is interesting, I was speaking to someone (college recruiter) about taking remote/online classes and I suddenly felt nervous and just began saying any absurd thing that flew out of my mouth. I feel so embarrassed, but now it seems funny.
(I did write an apology email....)
I kind of want to see if my brain can still handle the rigors of collage classes. I know I used to be fairly intelligent. I took a test and was asked if I wanted to join Mensa, but they did not mention my score! I could not afford the dues at the time, so I declined. It would have been nice to know the score. I imagine my brain has dried up significantly since then..... :-)
(I did write an apology email....)
I kind of want to see if my brain can still handle the rigors of collage classes. I know I used to be fairly intelligent. I took a test and was asked if I wanted to join Mensa, but they did not mention my score! I could not afford the dues at the time, so I declined. It would have been nice to know the score. I imagine my brain has dried up significantly since then..... :-)
If they just drop the thing, I will stay away. No one has to worry about me. The person who didn't do anything, wrong is treated like a monster and the actual monsters are treated like gold.
Yes, it IS the "Twilight Zone!" (I remember you talking about it from all that time ago) Those two and their crew have turned that place into a nightmare. They really look at you as their big prize. If it were from caring, I would not be worried, but those people would not know love, or caring, if it kicked them in the face. :-)
You are Loved by me.
I don't feel well, but I will be okay, I guess. I am not sure how long. I will be great when this is over and I could see you.....if you want anyway, even if for just a visit. I have been so unbearably sad. I even forgot to pray last night. The heart irregularity had me feeling strange, but better now, except for a headache. I always panic and want to make sure to say good-bye to you. You know I do not live a normal life. For some reason, I exiled myself; I basically shut down from the sadness and shock of it all. I know if I had been treated kindly, I would not have reacted so badly, but their intention was to harm and destroy. It is covert, insidious, professional destruction inflicted. I live far away, but carry the aftershocks and scars. But, I am someone who always bounces back. I just hit very low points at times. I am so surprised that those people are not in jail (prison). It is where they belong. Karma is not running on a very fast schedule
(Too busy in D.C., I guess....!)
Have a restful and lovely weekend! Take good care of yourself! Look north and say hi to me sometime. I will hear you and feel the kindness. I always knew when you were there for me.
Yes, it IS the "Twilight Zone!" (I remember you talking about it from all that time ago) Those two and their crew have turned that place into a nightmare. They really look at you as their big prize. If it were from caring, I would not be worried, but those people would not know love, or caring, if it kicked them in the face. :-)
You are Loved by me.
I don't feel well, but I will be okay, I guess. I am not sure how long. I will be great when this is over and I could see you.....if you want anyway, even if for just a visit. I have been so unbearably sad. I even forgot to pray last night. The heart irregularity had me feeling strange, but better now, except for a headache. I always panic and want to make sure to say good-bye to you. You know I do not live a normal life. For some reason, I exiled myself; I basically shut down from the sadness and shock of it all. I know if I had been treated kindly, I would not have reacted so badly, but their intention was to harm and destroy. It is covert, insidious, professional destruction inflicted. I live far away, but carry the aftershocks and scars. But, I am someone who always bounces back. I just hit very low points at times. I am so surprised that those people are not in jail (prison). It is where they belong. Karma is not running on a very fast schedule
(Too busy in D.C., I guess....!)
Have a restful and lovely weekend! Take good care of yourself! Look north and say hi to me sometime. I will hear you and feel the kindness. I always knew when you were there for me.
No one should ever be treated the way I was. It was evil and wrong.
I guess it was all just a joke on me. I don't know what to do.
I hope you have a lovely day and enjoyable weekend. I guess everything has crashed down on me and the confusion has hit me hard. It really was dirty of them to treat me like I was an enemy POW. What gives them the right to terrorize me, treat me like dirt and leave me to suffer with the pain. It just seems like no one cares. I have suffered more than anyone could know. It should have ended any kind of agreement.
I love you, but who allowed the torture to go on? It wasn't cute, or funny, it was torture! All I can say is that it was illegal, brutal and I was just left on my own to deal with the effects afterward. Life is hell each day. I hate my life.
I love you, but who allowed the torture to go on? It wasn't cute, or funny, it was torture! All I can say is that it was illegal, brutal and I was just left on my own to deal with the effects afterward. Life is hell each day. I hate my life.
I know my health has had some set-backs from the torment I received by that attorney, the crazy psy and their mean crew. I wish I could have tests done to see if I have gotten worse. I don't want anyone else to treat me, I would die first.
I hope that if I am about to die, that you will come and say good-bye to me.
I don't feel well. If I die, know that you were always loved by me.
I think I do have some kind of heart thing, irregular heart beat. It is making me feel light headed.
I am having such a difficult time. I get so sad.
I have gone through such intense and frightening psychological attacks, it had to have affected me at least somewhat.
I have gone through such intense and frightening psychological attacks, it had to have affected me at least somewhat.
I just meant that even though you and I have been through Hell and I love you more than I ever knew was possible, everything is in your hands. I can only hope you will care for me back. Just please let me know you. You are so very special to me, you are what I think of as my soul mate. Hope that doesn't sound weird.
I get myself all wound up talking to myself and worrying. Anyway, please see me again. I make a better impression in person; this is basically therapy.
I love your smile.
I get myself all wound up talking to myself and worrying. Anyway, please see me again. I make a better impression in person; this is basically therapy.
I love your smile.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
You had a nice inflection in your voice when you said you didn't want to be my friend. I guess I forgot that when I emailed to you.
You are so smart, "Mr. Luddite!" You have tricks up your sleeve....! I would so much love a rose...... ;-)
I would be so happy to take care of you. I wish you were
You are so smart, "Mr. Luddite!" You have tricks up your sleeve....! I would so much love a rose...... ;-)
I would be so happy to take care of you. I wish you were
Really, I have no expectations of, or from you. I just want to know you for the rest of my life. I have never said that to anyone else before.
Maybe you think I will blab on about all of this "thing" for a long time, but I won't. As I said, those people mean nothing to me and if I am able to see you again, they will have no place in my life at ALL; they would only tarnish and degrade it. I basically raise a fuss to keep you safe.
Knowing you again, is my lovely dream.
Maybe you think I will blab on about all of this "thing" for a long time, but I won't. As I said, those people mean nothing to me and if I am able to see you again, they will have no place in my life at ALL; they would only tarnish and degrade it. I basically raise a fuss to keep you safe.
Knowing you again, is my lovely dream.
You have been on my mind for a very long time. My mind has enjoyed it and it loves you.....very much.
My emotions have been at war....with each other! I have no idea how I could last another year!
It seems absurd that I can't see you. Why should criminals be in charge?
To see your sweet face again
they wanted 5 years for me to wait
they wanted me to die in the process
they wanted me to forget the gentleness
of your spirit, the kindness of your heart
and the beauty of your soul
You could never be forgotten by me.
they wanted 5 years for me to wait
they wanted me to die in the process
they wanted me to forget the gentleness
of your spirit, the kindness of your heart
and the beauty of your soul
You could never be forgotten by me.
What it all comes down to is.....time and trust, waiting and hope and faith.
I have gotten by with them so far, but a lack of patience, fairness and my own weakness and doubts about my own importance to anyone, make it excruciating.
I look at the time remaining and it seems like an endless dark tunnel and anxiety floods in, as was intended; that horrible man's words of making it last forever assist in making a tough situation worse. Only desperate, evil people who know what mental harm those words could inflict, use that kind of tactic. (Psychological espionage)
They did such horrible, dirty things!
Why can't it end earlier?
I have gotten by with them so far, but a lack of patience, fairness and my own weakness and doubts about my own importance to anyone, make it excruciating.
I look at the time remaining and it seems like an endless dark tunnel and anxiety floods in, as was intended; that horrible man's words of making it last forever assist in making a tough situation worse. Only desperate, evil people who know what mental harm those words could inflict, use that kind of tactic. (Psychological espionage)
They did such horrible, dirty things!
Why can't it end earlier?
If only I could know why this "legal" thing cannot be ended early, I would wait patiently; not struggle like someone being smothered to death with a pillow. (That disturbing image supplied by a recent HBO series.)
I just want to be near you when I can and take care of you, if you allow. You are deeply embedded in my heart and live in my soul.
I just want to be near you when I can and take care of you, if you allow. You are deeply embedded in my heart and live in my soul.
Have a lovely lunch. I will be thinking of you, but you know that.....
Have a lovely lunch. I will be thinking of you, but you know that.....
Obviously, my desire to become friends, was just the opening they desired to begin the attack on me. I unwittingly opened the door for them.
10:11 AM (1 minute ago)
| ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear ***, etc:
I would have thought this merely a
waiting period to become a friend
of a doctor,
had not it become so cruel,
expensive and mendacious, by
interested parties. If I cause
with my inquiries from out of despair
fright; they have only themselves
to blame
for their desperation and keeping me
in the
dark. Those cruel additions of theirs
to the
situation, speak volumes about their
not-so-innocuous plans, which were
convoluted and elaborately created.
They meant harm to me, or more than
to my doctor, using my situation as
a cover
for themselves for even more deadly
insidious deeds against my doctor.
There is
no other answer than those and they
both criminal. Should I be happy, calm
pleasant in the face of those who pull
all stops to make my life and my
miserable and in danger? I do not
that even a saint would do such a thing;
would strive to protect others in the
very least.
waiting period to become a friend
of a doctor,
had not it become so cruel,
expensive and mendacious, by
interested parties. If I cause
with my inquiries from out of despair
fright; they have only themselves
to blame
for their desperation and keeping me
in the
dark. Those cruel additions of theirs
to the
situation, speak volumes about their
not-so-innocuous plans, which were
convoluted and elaborately created.
They meant harm to me, or more than
to my doctor, using my situation as
a cover
for themselves for even more deadly
insidious deeds against my doctor.
There is
no other answer than those and they
both criminal. Should I be happy, calm
pleasant in the face of those who pull
all stops to make my life and my
miserable and in danger? I do not
that even a saint would do such a thing;
would strive to protect others in the
very least.
I had the audacity to be grateful and
the kindness and conversation with a
and a ton of bricks was thrown in
my face as a result, by those hired
thugs! I was blamed
for what was done to me by those
professional criminals dressed in
clothing, in retaliation. How is that
decent,civil, or legal? Of course I am
going to do everything in my own
defense and the defense of the
People who strike out to harm from
the shadows cannot be trusted,
nor should be given kindness and
understanding; they had plenty of
time and opportunity to change
and discontinue the cruelty. They
meant no kindness by their
actions; they meant nothing less
than my eradication and probably
predatory desires for my doctor,
which would not end well for
him either. That cannot be ignored,
nor given a pass. I did nothing wrong,
yet I was scorned, denigrated and
reviled....and jailed
and it seems like my doctor was
treated no better than a prisoner
under false pretenses.
...lying and saying that I was a danger
to him.
That could not be further from the
truth; I would risk my life to
save/help him. They are using me
as a scapegoat and deflecting on to
me their own intentions for him. They
also insinuated themselves into other
facets of my life and created more
torment for me, in addition to the
main issue. They wanted my life
miserable and then gone. So far,
I have disappointed them.
the kindness and conversation with a
and a ton of bricks was thrown in
my face as a result, by those hired
thugs! I was blamed
for what was done to me by those
professional criminals dressed in
clothing, in retaliation. How is that
decent,civil, or legal? Of course I am
going to do everything in my own
defense and the defense of the
People who strike out to harm from
the shadows cannot be trusted,
nor should be given kindness and
understanding; they had plenty of
time and opportunity to change
and discontinue the cruelty. They
meant no kindness by their
actions; they meant nothing less
than my eradication and probably
predatory desires for my doctor,
which would not end well for
him either. That cannot be ignored,
nor given a pass. I did nothing wrong,
yet I was scorned, denigrated and
reviled....and jailed
and it seems like my doctor was
treated no better than a prisoner
under false pretenses.
...lying and saying that I was a danger
to him.
That could not be further from the
truth; I would risk my life to
save/help him. They are using me
as a scapegoat and deflecting on to
me their own intentions for him. They
also insinuated themselves into other
facets of my life and created more
torment for me, in addition to the
main issue. They wanted my life
miserable and then gone. So far,
I have disappointed them.
That is not what any waiting period to
become a friend of a doctor has ever
been described as being, nor as long.
Terror is never a reasonable component
to anything,much less for something
that is supposed to be a pleasant
endeavor with a positive, nice
become a friend of a doctor has ever
been described as being, nor as long.
Terror is never a reasonable component
to anything,much less for something
that is supposed to be a pleasant
endeavor with a positive, nice
This is not a fantasy, real life game
version of GOT, but those involved seem
to think of it that way, but from the
start decided that they should have all
the advantages,weaponry, etc, but
leave me with nothing at all with which
to defend myself. COWARDS!
Yet, I am still standing, much to their
version of GOT, but those involved seem
to think of it that way, but from the
start decided that they should have all
the advantages,weaponry, etc, but
leave me with nothing at all with which
to defend myself. COWARDS!
Yet, I am still standing, much to their
It was merely supposed to have been an
execution of an innocent person by
wealthy, powerful cowards, who think
their desires are more important than
those of anyone else. The sad part is
that their desires are greedy and
selfish and dangerous; not a scintilla
of love, concern, or kindness for anyone
else from them, not even for the one
they pretended to protect.
execution of an innocent person by
wealthy, powerful cowards, who think
their desires are more important than
those of anyone else. The sad part is
that their desires are greedy and
selfish and dangerous; not a scintilla
of love, concern, or kindness for anyone
else from them, not even for the one
they pretended to protect.
They point the finger of revulsion for
my genuine feelings of caring, while
they break
every law created and spit on morality and
decorum, yet I am one who had the garbage
pile of their creative, evil minds heaped upon
me and blamed me for everything the lies of
their twisted minds invented.
my genuine feelings of caring, while
they break
every law created and spit on morality and
decorum, yet I am one who had the garbage
pile of their creative, evil minds heaped upon
me and blamed me for everything the lies of
their twisted minds invented.
It has been a living nightmare.
It should never be allowed to be repeated.
My story WILL get out and those who did
not help, or perpetuated it will be the ones
reviled. There is NEVER an excuse for
ignoring the serious plight of a woman in
fragile health and advancing years, who is
being tortured and beaten up by
professionals! AND the missing point in this
all, is that I may merely be a scapegoat/
distraction/collateral damage to the actual
person in possible danger: my doctor.
not help, or perpetuated it will be the ones
reviled. There is NEVER an excuse for
ignoring the serious plight of a woman in
fragile health and advancing years, who is
being tortured and beaten up by
professionals! AND the missing point in this
all, is that I may merely be a scapegoat/
person in possible danger: my doctor.
Their plans have a very mercurial aspect to
them, so that they could withstand any
necessary change, which means very
devious and expert people in covert methods
were involved. From what I have experienced
from them, is that they are not only devious,
cold-blooded, but immensely determined to
attain their foul objective.
them, so that they could withstand any
necessary change, which means very
devious and expert people in covert methods
were involved. From what I have experienced
from them, is that they are not only devious,
cold-blooded, but immensely determined to
attain their foul objective.
Those people did terrible things to an
innocent person (people). That is a crime
in my book; how
about yours?
innocent person (people). That is a crime
in my book; how
about yours?
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