Sunday, May 5, 2019

I keep thinking about that awful man getting right up into my face screaming, " he doesn't want a relationship with you." He did that 2 times! I have been pushed around, been the victim of false law, been incarcerated, barely get a chance to speak, yet he has to scream that in my face? He didn't even have anyone with him! He acts like I ever said anything, or made demands! He is bizarre. All I do is sit at home. All I want is to do is find out what happens. I am not insinuating myself on anyone. I figure no truth is ever present, so I don't take what he says for much worth. People like him are pathetic, because he just wants to be mean, which scares me for you. He is so desperate. Why? It seems to me that he is afraid he will lose out on something he expects. I wish you had a bodyguard. Not that little weasel, he is more of a prison guard. He went to janitorial so he could have the run of the place and go anywhere. They are the ones who built the wall to keep you in. It was to give you the idea that they were your protectors, but from who? They made this entire thing up! When have I ever said anything, but wanting to be friends? Is that  intimidating? Do they believe their own lies? They just seem too desperate. They foist their own crooked plans on others. It does make me worry for you. This really IS the Twilight Zone!

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