Sunday, May 5, 2019

ALL the people involved in the false R.O. should be smart, because the brutal treatment that was done to me, was not ethical, nor legal. I cannot in all good conscious let it happen to anyone else in the future. Maybe if people admit what they did, it would not be as rough, because I am pressing for attempted murder.  My contention is that my friend was threatened into it and was not informed as to the real purpose of it, but if another "someone" hired the attorney and psychiatrist to go after me, not even caring if I were to be harmed from my pre-existing condition, that person could as easily go to prison as the person going on the attack of me. Also, depending on intent, there may be NO statute of limitations. Someone NEEDS to stop the false R.O., because I am going to pursue it fully.

They could drop the R.O. and apologise, or promise never to do it again, I would drop the investigation, unless the DA decides to move forward. Punishment could be life in prison.

1 comment:

  1. I just could not do anything if I knew my friend could be hurt by it.
