Monday, May 20, 2019

I told the HOA pres that if that threatening man comes around again, I will file a restraining order against him. That pres. seeming to defend that gardener. He was trying to make it sound like my phone call to him was harassment. You just know he is going to use my situation against me. But, it will not be me filing it; it would be my renter.

I wish you would call them and tell them you are an owner and tell them to leave me alone. They already lied and had my cars towed saying they were abandoned, when they knew they were not.

They are total a-holes here. Someone from my situation got to them. You know, the three predators...? (Or more)

I have given many places an earful about the (you know) situation to make sure you are safe. However you think of me, I am going to keep you safe.

I hope the person who needed revenge against me is happy that I have lived through Hell.  Some people are sickos.

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