Saturday, May 25, 2019

Nothing fair, or just, involves cruelty, or not being told the truth, it is the antithesis of what our country is supposed to be about. Why is it allowed where you and I are involved, or potential danger to you? Does anyone care that it is eating away at me? Does no one care that each day I am in such despair that I feel barely alive? That I barely care about being alive? It touches no one. I guess I am nothing. It is how I have been treated for a long time now. The people around you have done this to me for a long time. Why? They must be quite evil. They must want to harm you. No one should do this to other people. Why are they allowed? They don't respect humanity, they must want what you have. I wish you had nothing, so they would leave you alone.
I would sell my home and take care of you, or just have you come live here and take care of you. It would be better than wondering if predators were going to take your identity and then harm you. I have no strings, no conditions, I just want you happy and loved. I felt so close to you. I hope it can happen again. The horrible man said you didn't want anything to do with me. I think he is self-serving, not thinking about you. He is cruel and he is a liar, and so are the people working with him, or someone he is working for to help keep you imprisoned. Why is this allowed? You have a loving home here, with no shackles, just love and concern. I am very worried about you.
 No one carries out plans like these for good intentions. Each day, I struggle not to want to die.

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