Tuesday, May 28, 2019

This morning, I found a gray feather at my feet, when I took my doggie out. I did ask for a sign...

 If you’ve ever found a grey feather in an unusual place, you may have been left scratching your head and wondering how it got there. Whether you’ve found a feather in your house, car or even your purse, it could be a sign that angels are near. Let’s take a look at the messages your angels are trying to give you…
A period of tranquillity may lie ahead
Have you been going through a tough time? The grey feather might have appeared to reassure you that the road ahead is much more positive. The feather won’t undo the past nor will it erase bad memories, but it could help to ease your pain and suffering.
Whether you’ve lost your job or someone you care about has passed away, the grey feather could be trying to tell you that everything will be okay. It might not seem like it at the moment but you’re a strong person and you will survive this. Make yourself and those you love proud by holding your head up high and carrying on with life as best you can. Eventually you’ll feel like a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you’ll start to feel joy again. Things will get better and these negative thoughts won’t last forever.
Think carefully before making any big decisions
The appearance of a grey feather could indicate that the answer to a big decision isn’t as black and white as you’d hope. Take your time and think carefully before making any bold moves or drastic life changes. Have you been offered a new job? Before accepting the offer, ask yourself whether this is really the position for you. If so, congratulations! If you’re not so sure, keep looking.
If you’re looking for a new place to live, weigh up your options and do plenty of research before snapping somewhere up. Consider everything from the property’s location to its price, decor and even its house number. Take a look at our house number numerology post to find out what your future home’s number could mean for you.
Make peace with those you may have fallen out with
Have you fallen out with a friend, argued with your partner, or not spoken to a relative in years? The mysterious appearance of a grey feather may suggest it’s time to make amends and put your differences aside.
If you know deep down that you can mend a broken relationship, do everything in your power to resolve the conflict, even if you know it’s not your fault. Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and say “let’s fix this.”
Sometimes, big falls outs can be completely out of your hands. If this is the case and you know nothing you do will heal the problem, don’t be too hard on yourself. Sometimes all you can do is wait for the other person to see the error of their ways and hope they come to you.

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Jul 28, 2016 · The appearance of a grey feather could indicate that the answer to a big decision isn't as black and white as you'd ...


Jul 3, 2015 · Blue is also a sign of peace and protection. Grey. Grey feathers can symbolise peace, as well as neutrality. If you see a grey feather in your path, your Angels may be trying to tell you that the answer to a certain situation may not be as straightforward as a yes or no. Read more about grey feathers here.
A feather, especially a white one, can represent that your loved one in spirit is okay, watching over .... Interpreting the Meaning of the Feather Sign ..... Grey and white symbolise hope.

Angels are spiritual beings with an incredibly high and light vibration who serve according to Divine will. Angels are the pure energy of ...

Jul 2, 2018 · Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are ... Interpreting the Meaning of Feather Sign. 4/17 ... Grey Father Meaning.
Learn more about the meaning of finding a feather, feathers in your path ... The spiritual meaning of feathers .... Gray feather meaning.
Feather. 1. Spiritual Meaning. Of course feathers in their most basic of meanings symbolise the ... Gray Feathers are also interesting.
I am often asked about feathers as signs and the meaning of the colour associated with ... Gray feathers are a call to return to peace.
Our angels send us signs to let us know they are listening and working on our prayers and requests. The angels often send us feathers ...


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  1. I know where my feathers have originated from, since I asked for them. I asked B for them. I feel she has relied on me, because she knows how I feel. I will not let her down. I just never understood the seriousness of it until I was attacked. Now I know she can be violent and it terrifies me. I have been reading the Small Claims book and I think we could get you freed first and then go from there. I do feel pressure to get it done asap, but I want to do it right, so it doesn't get rejected. I think I will get it don't by a company who does it all then I take it/go to the SMC Court, meet you and we ditch the r.o. and keep each other safe. I suppose you would need to take time off and also make some sort of deal with the union, or whatever, your business, just don't get back into the same situation. I'd say, you get a good attorney and you could do well.

    1. I was not saying my angel attacking me; I believe it is a mutual enemy who does that and she is dangerous. My angel is all love and only helps. She has not been around lately, because I have not been relying upon her for my comfort as much, so she may enjoy her existence with her kind faced love who is with her,. Lovely people may die, but their energy stays forever. I have been fortunate to have found her help to keep me from the brink of despair. I depend on those who are with us as my comfort and joy. I am sorry if that seems weak, but I admit; I am weak; I am loving, caring and it hits me too, but I come back strong after I recharge. Nothing will make me give up on someone I love. Nothing, not even an attacker who is a coward and hurts those they keep defenseless to their attacks. When that happens, there are no holds barred, because it has risen to the level of defense and survival and no one faults a person who is merely trying to survive the attacks of bullies who have the advantage. That is when retaliation is necessary and wanted, or at least escape by any means! All will be understood and forgiven. Most humans cannot go on unaffected w/o support forever. People need love and healing. Monsters must be forced to change and stop their abuse; normal people cannot survive it forever without being psychologically affected. Save yourself, just as I continue to do too. I just break down on occasion, but your kindness makes me strong. If you loved me; it would be stronger and stronger, but unlike others; I do not force anything. True love comes on its own. I love you. It will not leave.

    2. I am slow and queasy right now. Where are you? I would love to see you.

  2. You know that I am with you all of the way. I will do anything to keep you safe.

  3. I would love to have the right to take care of you and tell other people to F.O. and leave you alone. I love you forever and if you will trust me, I will give my life to you forever until I die and then......I hate seeing people hurt you. I want to keep you safe, because I think together we could have a lovely life together. It is up to you, I will do whatever you want, but I never wanted to feel so close to anyone like this before. You make me want to get out on the road and run to save you. I am truly devoted to you. Forever. The thought of you being hurt ever could destroy me.

  4. I want to know you and love you for the rest of my life. That could be long, or short, but it will be forever in the invisible world. Help me free you.

  5. I want to be your legal partner, so I can tell people to stop bothering you. I will say what you want, but not ever let them hurt you. I want the right to keep you safe and happy and not have them take advantage of you. You always kept me safe; I want that for you. You will always know I love you; it will never be a question.

  6. Every way. There is no way I don't want you.You are the most exciting person I have ever known, or seen. In every way possible.

  7. I want to know all about you. I want to understand you intimately, your deepest desires;what makes you happiest and pure joy. I know you have a lot of untapped beauty and magical qualities[ even though, you have enough beauty for many people. I admire you and revere you and yet have only had small sips of you. I want more.....please?

  8. After being in love with you, no one else could ever come close to you, so why even try?
    I am finished.

  9. I wait to see you. It is all I can get. Thank you for being sweet. I love you forever and am always relieved if you are okay. Hang tough, I am going to do my best.Please give me a prayer for strength. I need you behind me at all times.You are all that matters to me. I love you in all ways, but any way that you desire. I will always be there for you.

  10. Please let me come get you and keep you safe. I am always so terribly worried about you; please help me help you. Please. I love you forever.

  11. You could be my best friend or love of my life.
    I would love to be around you in any capacity.

  12. I want to take care of you and love you.

  13. Your phenomenal beauty leaves me aching for more.

  14. Will you give me a healing thought? I love you! Thank you!

  15. Let's stay a team, okay? I was born to serve you. I feel it. Help me.

  16. I listened to your voice; it gave me strength. I slept most of the day to try and heal from my stupid illness. It could take a month.

  17. B loves you and that is forever.

  18. I wish I had known her. I want to visit her grave and let her know I appreciated her lovely help to keep me from complete despair. Talking to her each night was my strength and salvation. Thank you both.

  19. With you, I find magic and sweetness in life, where as there would be none. You make me want to attain anything positive for myself and for others especially for you.
    I know you have been through Hell and need understanding and caring. I hope you will trust me enough to show you that I want to be a companion and friend; not a predator. I felt close enough to you to trust you even when indications said I should not. I needed a strong wake-up call to get to that point. I truly think my miracle was at the hospital when the Persian Jesus gave me his caring attention and got a ride for me with what seemed to be his dying breath. That had to be my angel looking out for me, because she knew I was in bad physical and mostly mental shape. I never seriously never considered ending my life until that court day. It was sincerely, the top of the terrible days I had experienced since my husband drowned. The pain was horrible, but it was a lesson. I must keep my faith and love, no matter what happens to me to try and shake me from it. We have both been through horrible treatment and need to be there for each other to stop it from going on. Do what you feel is best, but help me, help you. Please. Then, we can decide what to do from there; just know the bond is forever. Whenever you need; I will be there.

  20. I was unable to sleep much. My brain has been too busy and my recent infected foot was throbbing like mad. It hurt so much! I took 3 aspirin and the pain seems to have faded. The pharmacist is calling @10 am. I am unsure why. Probably blood sugar. I hope your day is good. I hate missing you. Please be safe........run!

  21. I wish I could get more testing done, so I can relax about breast cancer.

  22. Watching the Depp/Heard trial w/commentary; it is complicated. Wow, if my friend went to court on abuse; he would blow the jury away with the abuse done to him.

  23. I need to figure out how to copy and paste using this device, or get my computer going, but I am filed!

  24. You make my heart too happy to beat!

  25. I sure love you, but I can only pray you even like me. I would help you with my last breath!

  26. I want to just be thrilled by knowing you again!

  27. I loved every bit of getting to know you.

  28. I My friend/renter said you may ask for him if you still need a get away car, should I die, or I cannot respond for some reason. He holds you in high regard.

  29. Please be safe. I am so anxious to see you well and happy.

  30. Brief Synopsis: A motion to transfer a state court case from one courthouse to another, often in another county, is based upon an argument that a “fair and impartial trial cannot be held in the county” usually due to news coverage and/or the popularity and prominence of the defendant.

  31. I would do it for other reasons. I am working on it.

  32. You need to be honest about what you want to do and strive toward it. If we stick together, we should not have a problem. We know we want the best for each other. A few bumpy spots can be overcome.

  33. You need to be honest about what you want to do and strive toward it. If we stick together, we should not have a problem. We know we want the best for each other. A few bumpy spots can be overcome.

  34. Never could bigger criminals try to act so righteous as those two.They are heinous!

  35. The signature of yours may be easily used on your wanted papers; just when you want them processed as you wish. The servers are waiting to go for you; it is probably a good time.


  36. Badge Image This incident has been reported to the
    Redwood City Police Department
    and is pending approval Redwood City Police Department
    1301 Maple Street
    Redwood City, CA 94063-2766
    General Information
    Incident Type Crime Tip
    Tracking Number T22001091
    Report Date 09/18/2022 04:39 PM
    clear img
    Reporting Person Information
    Name Levine, Michael
    Home Address 38936 Cypress Way, Gualala, CA 95445, US
    Home Phone 707-412-0399
    Email HavivaVonMartinitz@gmail.com
    Employer Name Self
    Work Address NA-, , US
    Work Phone 707-412-0399
    Race White
    Sex Male
    DOB 03/27/2022
    Driver License No NA
    Licensing State CA
    clear img
    Incident Information
    Incident Location 400 COUNTY CENTER, REDWOOD CITY, CA
    Incident Time (start) 06/18/2021 04:10 PM
    Incident Time (end) 09/18/2022 04:10 PM
    clear img
    Incident Description I am a witness for Cheryl Petrovich. Cheryl Has been a victim of a predatory attorney, Michael C. Guasco and his client, Dr. Noushin Moayeri, MD, who has been hiding under the name of Dr. Gregory C. Lukaszewicz , MD and holding him as a prisoner and labor trafficking him between 3 Mountain Wood Lane, Hillsborough, CA 94010 & Kaiser So. SF 3rd floor surgery,locking him in with cameras watching his every move by guards. She and Mike Guasco take him home again & lock him in again.A Hillsborough PD officer said in a round about way, that Dr. Noushin Nicole Moayeri is Dr. Lukaszewicz's abuser; it is true. Dr. Lukaszewicz indicated that Dr. Moayeri took it upon herself to do surgery w/o his consent.Mr. Guasco covers for her by blaming Cheryl Petrovich & giving her false restraining orders & false contempt charges! Now, she is facing another contempt charge that could give her a felony & 3 years in jail! She did nothing but give her doctor a few gifts of gratitude for his excellent treatment/work. He liked them,kept them and thanked her for them . Dr. Moayeri saw an excuse for keeping Dr. Lukaszewicz prisoner & with threats & harm & using Cheryl Petrovich as scapegoat & to keep her from rescuing him by giving her false restraining orders! They are both abusing the court & Cheryl, a 68 year old woman w/MS and a breast cancer diagnosis! They are CRIMINALS! Cheryl could go to jail & they could KILL DR. LUKASZEWICZ! HE IS DESPONDENT, Cheryl is also despondent! PLEASE ARREST ATTORNEY MIKE C. GUASCO and Dr. NOUSHIN NICOLE MOAYERI @ KAISER RW CITY! They are hurting people and have NO REMORSE!

  37. I am getting all my paperwork "ducks" in a row. I had forgotten about this avenue of help, but at least it is a succinct description and went to the PD, so who lies to the PD, except criminals? That is not me! I am no liar and no criminal! I love and help!

  38. Your Online Police Report T22001091 Has Been Approved

    Sep 18, 2022, 4:39 PM (15 hours ago)
    to HavivaVonMartinitz

    Your online report has been approved and the permanent case
    number is T22001091.

    Please note in the attached report that sensitive information has
    been replaced with *** in order to maintain privacy in emails.

    On November 4, 2008, the People of the State of California approved Proposition 9, the Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008: Marsy’s Law. This measure amended the California Constitution to provide additional rights to victims. To learn more about your rights, please visit http://ag.ca.gov/victimservices/pdf/marsys_card.pdf

    Thank you for using our online reporting system and please e-mail
    us with any suggestions you have for improving our system.

    Online Officer
    Redwood City Police Department
    The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.

  39. Sometimes I am so sad and angry I could cry and scream.

  40. Those monsters have me so twisted up with simple, but false legality, the only thing they leave are options that are harsh, sudden and intense. One cannot be complacent. They do not care about feelings, or caring; they want money and property and terror. The money they have, clouds up any reason and kindness, or legality. The best opportunity was wasted by going along with them. I do not know what threat was used, but it had to have been bad to betray a friend who only wanted the best in life for their friend. It has become a land of fascism and restraint.

  41. I would put in my resignation. I would be difficult, not easy. People in those situations become their own worst enemy. She most have one evil heart. It cannot be a one sided street. Unity is the only way to victory. Betrayal was like putting a flat tire in an otherwise sound vehicle; it may be sound, but it won't go anywhere. It crippled the the mind of the one who should have been left strong.

  42. "This wold was never meant for one as beautiful as you......" "Vincent."

    1. I swear, I look at what I have written so many times before I actually post it, but then I look at it later and there is a typo! Sorry! Hugs!

  43. Never stop looking for an opportunity and so will I. Keep a strong mind. Never betray again.

  44. This is my prayer; your happiness and safety are always the first concern and joy. You deserve happiness and relief from predators.

  45. I am trying very hard, but I come to dead ends. I am freaking out!

  46. I got sleep and have a better outlook. Be well, dear one.

  47. I pray for a reasonable minds among those involved! Life should be better than this!
