Friday, May 24, 2019

Talking to you was the best thing in my life. I think I would have given anything to keep doing it.
I still would.
I hope nothing has soured it. It hasn't for me anyway.
When I automatically smile thinking about it, I know it hasn't. It feels like suddenly getting a mental hug, or when everything converges and all feels right with the world, no matter the actual reality of it.
 From the weird, cruel things people have said to me, they don't know me and they don't know you, yet they force their lack of understanding in as if they did.
If people can make sweet and caring into ugly, then it says a lot more about them than it does about me, or about you.
Why are the feelings of other adults anyone else's business anyway?
How would they like it to be told how to feel, or who to enjoy?
They wouldn't.
It is one aspect that confused me the most about this thing, why grown people could not make their own decisions; why people felt the right to tell you what to do, like they owned you.
It scared me for your safety. It is such a foreign concept to me, that it still does frighten me for you. Maybe those are the "responsibilities", more than the obvious ones in a person's life.
Whatever it is, I know that I would risk anything and defy anyone to keep you safe.

If they don't understand why I love you, then they don't know love and probably never will.
They can turn me into the most despised pariah and beat me until I die, but I am the lucky one.

I got to know real love. I got to know you.

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