Friday, April 1, 2022


 I know you are a romantic. I would love to know you in that way. I was always too kept at a distance, but this struggle has made it so we should be open and honest with everything. I am here for you no matter how you feel about me, but keep in mind I am in love with you and feel a bit fragile now after being so abused along with you. I just want us to be able to know each other as we would have, but now time and events have gone by and I love you and want everything for you and would be honored to take care of you and protect you.

I want you to feel you can tell me anything and feel that I would be reasonable; not someone who flies off the handle. I hope that you will agree with things I do to try and achieve freedom and the ability to live as a real human being w/o fear. You are always my first priority; please trust that, even when you don't understand. You are as my life to me, so I treat every situation with great care and only to help you, nothing else. No hidden agenda. Remember my lie detection? I would gladly do it again for you.

This will be gone after you read it.

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