Saturday, April 23, 2022


 Please ask your kids.........please, I know they would.


  1. Wouldn't They? They MUST love you and if knowing the truth, would want to protect you! OR if they were also abused by her are too afraid of her to do anything as I think you are too. I hate her for hurting you and them ; if she did hurt them. You need to leave! How could she do that to her beautiful loved ones? She won't stop!

  2. I will do anything for you to be free! I love you and will take care of you and keep you safe!

  3. You need to speak of the abuse as testimony it will solidify charges against her!

  4. I cannot imagine them not wanting to help you, or at least taking you for a ride somewhere I could be and meet you and figure things out.

  5. Would/could that happen? Am I correct saying you are treated as a prisoner? Could you be stopped from going to the ct? I know it would be devastating for both, unless you say you are going to give it to me, like before. I would try not to fall apart, but you would not do that when it came down to it. You need to free us both. I will say something like I never understood it and wanted clarification, because it never made sense.

    I was thinking of asking for moderation, but the monetary requirement, if anyone stops you from coming. I think about it all of the time, but always hope you will rescue me and just escape and help me. You were forced, they lied to the court, it was forged, it was never valid. you cannot get in trouble for going against something invalid.....but they can.........for lying to the court! They won't want the truth to come out!

  6. Let's take care of each other, okay? If you will have me, I want to have care of you. I would have done it all this wasted time. I would want to hug and snuggle with you, if you would be so very nice.

  7. You are the only one I care about.
