Thursday, April 28, 2022


 I hope you have a pleasant evening! In my thoughts and heart!

Love always!πŸŒ‰πŸŒƒ


  1. How are you doing today? I swear, I miss you very much. My biggest worry is your happiness, or not and your treatment. If you have problems, you know....CALL

    I love you and care very much about your safety; do NOT suffer MORE w/o CALLING ME! I want to hear your voice talking to me!

  2. Each day my emotions feel as heavy as an anchor and the pain is unbearable.

  3. Sighing heavily is the way I let out my long held breath. It is pathetic, but sadness is a difficult emotion to live with from day to day; I fight to find ways to get by.

  4. Remember this?

    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

    ~ Maya Angelou

    You always make me feel so happy and alive.

  5. Remember this?

    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

    ~ Maya Angelou

    You always make me feel so happy and alive.

  6. Sometimes I don't want to say too much. I may be down or tired., but I try and keep hope!

  7. I appreciate your upbeat attitude!

  8. I am so tired of missing you! I am also jealous of someone who will find you as wonderful as I and catch your eye back. I would just feel sad, though; I would not hunt them down and try to kill them. Of course that takes a special kind of crazy; like ........! You need to have the freedom to decide who you want. I need repair work, but only adjust a few physical flaws, but I think we would be wonderfully compatible. I adore what you like and I love to snuggle..... With you only) I would love to look for things you would love and do things for you that you might enjoy.....let's just say that making you happy, makes me happy, because I love you and know how much you have suffered.


  9. Healing benefits of breathing the ocean air - Book2Sail › Book2Sail Trending
    Jun 18, 2019 — The benefits of breathing sea air · It stimulates neurotransmitters. · It endorses the production of serotonin. · It helps you fall asleep. · It ...

    The Benefits of Breathing Ocean Air - IndoorDoctor › blog › benefits-breathi...
    It includes the salty sea air by the coast does wonders for the respiratory system. Especially for those with asthma, bronchitis, sinus pressure, and coughing.

  10. I was a patient of a doctor with a very nice, above board relationship and he asked me if I wanted to be his friend in an AMA style relationship. I dropped him as my doctor according to their guidelines and stopped seeing him for over 6 months. I got sick and needed my gall bladder removed.I wanted my Harvard surgeon friend to observe. I was never told if he was going to be there, or not. My primary surgeon told me my friend was there and the nurse by my room told me he came to check on me while I was still out from the anesthesia. I wanted to thank him, so I called the hospital office to find out if there was a phone number I could call to thank my friend in a voice message and she gave me a number and I called to thank him. About a week later, while at home recovering, I was served a TRO that said I gave my doctor gifts he did not want and that I said something romantic to him. I never said anything romantic to him and the gifts were over a period 3-4 years for his kindness and dedicated work toward my health issue.He kept everything and wrote emails of thanks, which I have. The attorney, against me was a contract attorney of the hospital. I found out that he had my doctor's signature forged. And at one one of the court hearings (I was dragged to many) my friend spoke up and looked right me and said, "her gifts to me were very nice and expensive!" They were tasteful and business-like.

  11. . I gave him antique surgery books written by Dr. Treves, doctor to the Elephant Man and a letter written by him and a picture of him. I have been unable to find an attorney, because I believe there is something false written online about me that attorneys read that was put there by the hospital attorney. I asked him if he were some how keeping me from getting an attorney; he just smiled at me. What I soon found out was that my doctor's former domestic partner was using me as a scapegoat and she and the attorney were/are using me as an excuse to keep my doctor as a prisoner in his home and at his work. He has lost his freedom. I saw him at court and he looked increasingly worse. He was thin, bruised and his hair and clothes were messy. No matter what; he always looked at me and smiled. He was asked a question and he growled out his answer like a frightened feral animal. I suppose that his local PD has been regaled w/lies about me. His domestic partner took advantage of my breast cancer possibility by having a radiologist take biopsies and regale me with things that only the former domestic partner would say, like "you take things that belong to other people! You are selfish" She seemed to go on forever and I had never met her before she had me held down and sent me for a mammogram on my bleeding breast and armpit. It was so painful and nearly made me pass out from the pain and blood flooding to the floor. She also had a Serbian psychiatrist get me as a patient who tried to get me to kill myself using mind control. My doctor friend caught on and saved me before I could kill myself. I also found out the psychiatrist and domestic partner were friends. One handwriting expert told me that she was very likely the one who forged my doctor/friend signature. I am a senior widow, cancer survivor with MS and the opposition attorney got a security guard to lie and get me a restraining order. even after my doctor refuted everything, I was given a 5 day jail sentence, serving 3. My MS made me so ill I could barely hold up my head. I am so worried because these people holding my doctor prisoner are ruthless. I am thinking they want his money and property and will forge a will for themselves and will get rid of my friend. I suppose that if I can be freed of the false restraining order, I can help free my doctor from False Imprisonment. He is a wonderful man and helps people and was his local AMA president. The lack of freedon must be terribly hard on him! Please help me; he cannot die; he is a young man and has many, many, years left. The opposition attorney yelled in my face that he could keep me restrained forever! He knows I have an MS brain lesion, could possibly have breast cancer and he still lied to get me another 5 year restraining order! That means I could have gotten 11 years of a restraining order for giving my grateful gifts, he kept, and thanked me for giving him. It is abuse of law, the court and decency and it hurts my health. It is abuse. I beg you to help me if you can. Very Sincerely yours,
    Cheryl Petrovich 707 412 0399 voip line. (no text)
