Friday, April 22, 2022


 I have been so moved to tears by the brave people who suffer from ALS; it is like a sword of Damocles for any human being; it is a terrible reminder that our lives can be cut short at any time.

I hate that I have allowed bad times to put the breaks on living, but I cannot envision enjoying life while my friend and love of my life is imprisoned and miserable. I hate that I have not made a success of my seeking his freedom. The people causing his pain are in for some of their own. They have gone so far beyond redemption that it is a larger criminal matter and now someone has been spreading a rumor that I was involved with physical harm supposedly with the Plaintiff and I was dropped from the paperwork company because of a rumor, or intentional false information saying the Plaintiff of the R.O. was physically harmed by me! I know "she" likes to pretend that others are responsible for her bad deeds, but she needs to STOP it! It is absurd, because I am trying to help get the Plaintiff AWAY from a bad physical situation! They turn things around and make the good person the "bad guy", so the one doing wrong can pretend in her mind that she is good, when she is not! It seems to be a problem in her family that they REFUSE to believe that their "little darling " can do any wrong, so she turned it into an actual psychological behavior problem. Other people try and escape their abusive situations, so must that happen now. Evergikiant!y moment, every chance, must be used as an opportunity to get away and get help; otherwise, "welcome to the rest of your life" until an injection comes along and you are no longer! Please! CALL THE POLICE, A TAXI, ANYONE! Get away! If they can fuck up my small chance of helping, that tells you that they are vigilant!   RUN!

1 comment:

  1. Dear one, please, let's figure our how to free you, okay? Think and plan. I will help with any of it I can! I will be there to support you! I will speak with her, if necessary! I want to do what will help you. I love you.
