Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Something about Kenny Rogers came on the TV, so I decided to watch (I did not even know he had died!) He sounded like a lovely person.  (Too bad for his brother to have been named Roy!) Then, a program about Frank Sinatra appeared and since I could not find the remote, I just left it. It became interesting, because it was about Palm Springs too and since my great aunt and uncle had a home there as well as Millbrae, I was reminded of times visiting them. They lived about a block from the golf course, so I used to ride my bike down there and look at the famous people playing (there).  They also had a very glamorous house with a wonderful swimming pool, so it was a paradise for a kid, but we had to be very careful to not disturb their artwork, or the numerous Siamese cats they had. My great uncle's family by marriage, owned a famous sporting goods franchise, so they were friends with Joe DiMaggio, although I never met him. The hospital there had a wing with my great uncle's sister's married family's name, Warsaw. Sadly, I do not like my great uncle's nephew, Zeke Warsaw, because he tried to use a forged will to bump me off the will and take the Millbrae house from me! The mayor of Millbrae at the time, Gottschalk, helped him do it! Then he, Gottschalk, avoided ME because HE was a crook! Odd how I can be dumped on and then hated  because THEY are/were crooks! My uncle's nephew said, "well how would you feel if someone took a million dollars away from YOU? "Well, he DID TRY, I just happened to find out, because my son heard him brag about it while he was on his cell phone at the Millbrae library! I swear, someone was looking out for me with that one! Also, he was planning on prematurely putting his uncle in a nursing home and letting him die there! My son and I were planning to take care of him in his own home; my great aunt reached 100 and died in her own home with my son and I taking care of her, so we took care of him too (mostly my son) but I hate the idea of dumping off family, just because they are not convenient! People are so mercenary!  But, the house was having some big problems with rotting wood, so I mortgaged it up to the eyeballs to fix it, but it became too expensive and had to sell.....the new owners practically razed it to the ground (basically)! All the work and rip-off contractor for nothing! Oh well, quite a lesson; I guess! 

David Warsaw photo

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