Friday, April 22, 2022


Automne Cimetière Père Lachaise

I want to find again, the warm poetic person who spoke of Prague and the young people seeking redemption...
the one who loved the old cemeteries, and the beauty of the dead poets, and the wise one who lives still...

Do you know where he went? I'd love to talk with him again. If you see him, could you tell him to please call me? His friend misses him dearly.

Maybe I will run into him on the Charles Bridge, between the vengeful, angry ghosts, or at the Pere la Chaise cemetery in Paris, while having a chat with Oscar Wilde, as a Chopin nocturne lulls restless spirits back into a relaxed peacefulness.

He was so unique and beautiful in his quiet way, and his seeking, and enchanted spirit. I do hope he is okay. I worry so much about him. I hope he isn't gone forever. Not just for me, but more importantly, for himself.


(c) HVM 2018


  1. I guess it will remain just a dream, unless something is done to seek your freedom. What is the point of all your work and education, just to live as a prisoner? That would make me so angry. Life is short and you are being robbed of it and cannot get it back.

  2. I love you, but please get on board with saving yourself! I will do anything in my power to help! Please! I am not getting any younger! I want to help you!
