Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 I could never be mad at you; the only thing that upsets me is that I worry about you and you have set it back and so has my baggage I have been given, has set everything back. It has made my nerves frayed because I get more than disappointed when I cannot help you.

I want to cry every day. I often do. 


  1. I want to go this cemetery w/you if you want. But, what I really want to do is hug you until we both feel healed and start over. You are the love of my life.

  2. I took awhile getting here, because I wanted to finish the email and get it sent. xxo!

  3. All I really care about is seeing you happy and safe. I never thought we would have to live like we we were WWll refugees; it makes me ill to have other people running our lives! But, it shows me how much I would fight for you and how much I love you. I would just like to be in better shape, because you opinion means everything to me. xxxxxxo!

  4. You are the most wonderful person I have ever known. I love you so much!

  5. I am writing up a list of questions for my helper to give the person in charge to ask. I am insisting on having there who I want there. If I must be there with only my helper; I am going to speak up and have my say. I really do not think there is anyone officially there for you, he just attached himself; no contract, right?

  6. my renter brought home 2 splits of bubbly. I drank a part of one, then he poured me another part. It has been so long since I drank; I forgot to drink the second pour. I agonized over you all day long; I even forget to breathe.

  7. I want to hold you tightly and show you how much I care about you.

  8. Something I started writing to my helper and the top people:

    Firstly, I will give an overview:

    I was a widow whose husband drowned in the SF bay near Coyote Point San Mateo, CA, when he went sailing alone. Soon after he died I was diagnosed with a rather rare and virulent cancer, pPNET. I have been lucky to survive quite a long time. I do have MS, but am fortunate to have a mild case, but it seems to be giving me more of a hard time recently. My balance is somewhat off and my eyes are not lining up very well. I believe that this sudden escalation of senseless legal attacks against me has been the impetus of my increased weakened state. I have been the victim of people who colluded to make me give up on my positive results with my doctor and have even gone to such lengths as to hire others to attack me with unquantified results in mind; the sky appeared to be the limit. My careful, skeptical attitude and the help of my caring doctor, Dr. Lukaszewicz, was all that stood between a possible death outcome for me and safety. Dr. Lukaszewicz always seemed to be there when I needed help. He needs to speak of it to the court to show what he knows behind my attacks and the main conspirators, Dr. Moayeri & Mike Guasco and his dealings with them himself.

    I was rather a recluse and basically stayed in my home with rarely a visitor. When my legs began to swell up for no apparent reason, my doctor referred me to Dr. Lukaszewicz, a vascular surgeon who specializes in lymphedema and lipedema therapy. He was very supportive and encouraged me to do well for myself. I responded very well and showed positive signs of rehabilitation.

    The difficult part with Kaiser is that nothing seems private. My emails to my doctor appear to be up for grabs to the individual who has a curiosity to read them. Attorney Michael C. Guasco came to Kaiser to accomplish some what seemed to be nefarious goals for Kaiser which was to rid themselves of patients they would not have ordinarily accepted into their membership, but the new healthcare for America, would not allow them to turn down a member for prior health issues. So, in Mr. Guasco they found an advocate who was willing to accomplish that narrative for them using false restraining orders. I was told by a witness and victim of that sordid plan and I was horrified about the grief that Mr. Guasco inflicted upon people who would normally generate pity in the hearts of average sentient adults. To me, it would require a heart of stone to treat such heartbreaking cases of human fragility with the apparent ruthless coldness of which Mr. Guasco has served upon his targets for eviction from Kaiser. He used that same technique of brutality against me in his quest of ridding Kaiser of me for his own selfish desires, by giving me unwarranted and false restraining orders, time after time. As I came to understand it; Mr. Guasco was allegedly giving me restraining orders at the behest of Dr. Lukaszewicz's former domestic partner, Dr. Noushin Nicole Moayeri, who seems to have a jealous rage for anyone who appears to have a friendly relationship with Dr. Lukaszewicz; she has even hired people to attack me with no holds barred. I have been frightened out of my mind.

    Mr. Guasco has more culpability than even the punishment given to


  9. As you can tell; it is imperative to have Dr. Lukaszewicz testify in court to exonerate me of any guilt, but more importantly to give him a chance to free himself from his imprisonment, & labor trafficking and prevent him from further harm, which could lead his demise. He needs to be treated as someone in a witness protection program. It is a possible LIFE and DEATH situation! Please keep him safe from those apparently desperate people! They have dug themselves way into what appears to be obvious guilt! Dr. Lukaszewicz will enlighten the court and shine the light of truth on the entire legal subject! Dr. Lukaszewicz is a VIP and needs to be treated as such! Please Keep Him Safe!

    The person who is in contempt of court, is NOT Cheryl Petrovich; Dr. Lukaszewicz will reveal those in contempt, in court testimony, In Pro Se. Mr. Guasco forced himself on Dr. Lukaszewicz, stole his identity and FORGED the papers filed with the court in direct contempt of court! It has been over 6 years of lies and torment!

  10. Hi! I hope you have a nice lunch! I am still looking around to get things done. I hate to say it, but I am resentful about what I have gone through and what I still must go through. My life has been Hell. I did nothing to deserve it and suddenly my life id complicated and and looking for loans and all I wanted to do was have a lovely friend. I have been smeared and ground into dust. I cried for over 5 years and must defend myself when there was no reason. I feel as if I have been the victim of a scam. It hurts and I am tired of it. The K attorney is a bad person and should not be any part of a healing organization. You need to have your say, but better this time.

  11. 1 of 214
    phone call

    Haviva von Martinitz
    12:09 PM (18 minutes ago)
    to John

    Hi John,

    I am sorry I missed connecting with you by phone Tuesday, but if you are free at any time during the week; I would be most happy to do so. I am still providing information for the loan company, so when I get paid Tuesday night I will make a deposit into your account; then continue with the rest soon after when loan comes through.

    I must say that Dr. Lukaszewicz's presence at court is imperative. There is evidence that only he can provide and it is important to the outcome of the case. The judge needs to understand the evidence is extremely crucial for my exoneration and for Dr. Lukaszewicz's personal freedoms after being forced into the situation where his identity was used without his permission and his forged signature was used to file restraining orders against me. He needs to explain it, but the person who pretends to be his attorney, who actually forced himself on Dr. Lukaszewicz, should not have any part in it.
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  12. My dearest one I miss out on life without you in mine.
