Saturday, April 2, 2022



No. Narcs do not forget, and they do not forgive. They will say that they forgive you but they won't.

Two things will happen.

They will use it internally as a reason to do some really bad shit to the victim.

It will be the reason they decide to cheat on you.

It will be a reason they abuse you.

No slight goes unpunished with the Narc.

The next is that Narcs are notorious for “setting aside" and using those grievances against the victim months and years down the road.

Again, no slight goes unpunished. EVER.

Wonderful articles:

7 Things to Expect When the Narcissist Knows You Have Figured Them Out

11 Surprising Things Narcissists Can’t Stand (Makes Them Miserable)

8 Phrases to Shut Down Narcissists/Toxic People

5 Things Narcissists Hate That Normal People Love

11 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist


  1. I have enough love for you to risk the reaction of a narcissist. It could easily be deadly. It is why you need to escape and then get help. I would be there by your side, or help you get away.
    I love you.

  2. A person like that scares the crap outta' me. I will, however, stand up to her, even with more wrath directed at me. She does not fool around, I have seen her dedication to revenge. I wonder what made her that way? All I know is that you need protection, SOON!

  3. Even a fairly local drive with you would be so fantastic!

  4. Please make certain the officer knows you wanted the officer to keep things civil at home; that you have been held captive. They need to know you wanted and needed it, since she has been abusive to you.

  5. I am actually shaking with wondering/worrying how it will go. I will let you know how things go with the paperwork people. I will make it like I am merely looking for the truth. Please back me, so you can be free. Maybe take the officer with you, to keep you safe from them, not me; make that clear. Darling one; I am only helping you; YOU ALL I CARE ABOUT! You are the one I love! Understand that!
    In my thoughts and my heart!

  6. If it is a taxi you need and have no money, tell the driver I will pay him/her when we meet at the courthouse. I will give a generous tip. I am looking forward to having this all take place next month, so I can be refreshed financially and won't feel crippled. I want to take good care of you and see what you want. With your backing; I can face anything! You are loved!

  7. Please don't take anything I write harshly; there is method behind any madness; okay, sweetie?

  8. Please just back what I say, okay? I'm trying to help you. You know that.
