Saturday, January 1, 2022


This is from an article on Quora online, which is about narcissists :

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Why do narcissists discard children?

Not so sure that they all do this. At least not physically anyway. Mentally of course, they discard everyone.

The diagnosed one I knew hasn’t physically discarded his children…at least not yet. Not sure he ever will. He needs them, after all. To make him look and even feel, good…and normal.

He believes that he is father of the year and he seems to need to believe that.

He is also working out his horrible past through his children. I swear that is why he wanted children. To prove something about himself to everyone who knows him.

As destructive as he had been to them psychologically by involving them in his own various problems etc, I cant imagine him ever freeing them from his disordered grip.

He won’t. They will be the ones who will have to ditch him…if that ever happens. They are likely brainwashed into thinking that he loves them and that their family is not dysfunctional. They don’t know any different so far.

His children were paramount to his image of being a great guy. Discarding them would never do. It wouldn’t look good to others. He was very smart that way. He knew exactly how to play the victim of a man who seemingly ‘lost’ his family to a ‘bad and nonappreciative’ wife leaving him, when in reality he caused the demise all by himself.

He was also well aware that children are veritably trapped with their parents, which he wielded like a knife. Their entrapment was a real bonus to him. He won’t let that go. No way.

He used the children for many self serving things…so that he himself could appear normal and ‘good’, to forever stay in their mother’s life and harass her, and also to garner other family members as enablers in the erroneous belief that family was everything to him.

He mostly used his children as pawns to torture their mother, his ex wife. He delighted in the fact that she couldn’t get rid of him because they have children together.

He wanted to turn them against her, so he won’t discard them as long as he can do that.

He seemed to believe that any one who is a parent, is a great person…yet on the other hand…according to him, he was the only good parent there ever was.

He is not respectful of any other parents (including his ex wife or anyone else for that matter). Only he as a parent matters as a parent. Everyone else is not as good as he is at it.

Weird, as usual.


  1. Funny they think the father is the dysfunctional one. (Sad, really)

  2. I think you have a lot of love to give and you have been the one to provide it to your children; otherwise they would have been without. You are a blessing. You need love, just like anyone. I will love you forever. Please do not lose hope; you will get your freedom. She needs mental help. You need a life. I need to love. My heart told me it is you, but I just want to make you feel special and cared about. I will not take what is hers, or put her in jail, but she needs to leave you alone and not hurt you, or me. I want to enhance life, not take advantage, but she cannot hurt anyone. I would be as close to you as you want, or need; your friend forever. I love you and want you to have sweet times and only happiness.

  3. Call me if you ever need help.

  4. Have a lovely day! You live in my heart and mind!

  5. Thank you for your thoughtful sweetness! I love you!

  6. I appreciate for all you do, when you are able! You are so kind and sweet! It must be so difficult to be around cruel people so much! We will make life a new kind of happy place, not mean and nasty! No one should have to live like that! Especially a wonderful one like you! Hugs!

    1. I have been so tired and I beg your indulgence! I was notified that I was no longer going to be working with the same company as I was, but found someone better and more professionally qualified! It is better, but I was still upset by the sudden change!

  7. Please accept my hugs and apologies; it will mean extra time; please hang-in there! It truly threw me off and upset me!

  8. Sweet one, I need to know that if I set things up, you will be there. I am breaking my back and with worry, wanting to figure out how to help you, but I need to know there will be cooperation.

  9. Can you let me know you will cooperate?

  10. I need to rest. I was up all night last night and am tired tonight. I worry too much to relax to sleep.

    IS there a time we can plan for you to leave?

  11. Just get me a date and time and I will provide a ride, and protection, if needed. Thank you.

  12. I love you more than I could ever express, but I cannot keep the sole weight of your safety on my shoulders. It is hurting me so much and is harming my health. You MUST HELP ME! I will help you too! If you are killed by them, I will die. They cannot be trusted much longer! BE BRAVE AND HELP STAY ALIVE! I LOVE YOU FOREVER!


  14. You know I will never give up on you. I have faith, but you must throw an absolute fit and seem sick and escape when you have the chance and run and get a ride and I will pick you up. Please get away before they harm you! I have to wait a bit before I can start up again, my refund needs to help pay, otherwise may 3 for pay. I am already started looking for protection for you, but the time and logistics must be worked out. I will get rest and start a new onslaught. I may come up with a new reason to take you to ct. It could be something that is completely bogus. Just go along. Please! You are loved into forever!

  15. Maybe, the next time I can visit you; I will be with B, but I hope it is sooner....

  16. I could never harm you; how does she find it so easy? It is because she is evil and crazy........

  17. I will go to sleep with your face in my mind's eye and pray that what I do to help you, will actually help.

  18. I can't even stand to not write something to you each day.

    I cannot stand to not know if you are okay.
    You are loved.

  19. How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist (9 Steps)
    How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist (9 Steps)


    Amidst the hardest things common to humans, one thing that stands out is leaving a narcissistic relationship. This can be draining to one mental and emotional health. A Narcissist is an individual that has a Narcissistic personality disorder, which connotes this person has a personality trait of attention-seeking, excessively looking unto others for their self-esteem regulation, excess pride in oneself, impaired empathy meaningless relationships.

    The worst part of these traits is that they are not controlled or subdued through the use of drugs or individual development; these traits are stable over time. A Narcissist would always want to receive positive feedback about themselves, manipulating others just to coerce self-admiration from them. They will always reflect a type of habitual interpersonal self-esteem regulation.

    Narcissists solely depend on the people they drain financially, psychologically, and emotionally. They always need someone to manipulate to fulfill their urge and continue the circle of displaying themselves as better, exceptional, smarter, and stronger than any other person. One factor that hinges people from breaking free is, that a narcissist will not want to leave the relationship, especially if they aren’t done with abusing you emotionally and psychologically.

    Already you would be exhausted from the continuous battles, the love bombing, and manipulation that ending the narcissistic relationship becomes very difficult. Yet, it is still possible even though it doesn’t seem like it, as far as you believe in yourself and mount firm boundaries and tell yourself the reason you need to walk away.

    If you have been searching for a way to leave the abusive, narcissistic relationship, you are in luck. I will walk you through the steps you can follow to make sure you get out of a narcissistic relationship.

    Continue reading on the next page


    Sharing is caring!

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  20. Are you okay? You need to do anything possible to escape!

  21. I love you , but I am not sure that matters, not to me, but to.......him. I will always be there for him.

  22. I did not include the 9 steps! I will do that!

  23. I have not found the nine steps! Sorry! I'll keep looking.

  24. Are you okay?
    I love you, sweet one!

  25. All I seem to be able to say now, is that I love you and I live for you. I worry so much. I am tired and need to sleep; that gives a person a poor outlook. I will rest and bounce back. I need to stay in good health and outlook for you; you make me care.

  26. Thank you for making me feel wanted and looked over; feels like how you always were for me. I felt so special and cared about. It added fuel to the fire in my heart for my love for you.

  27. You know how to make someone feel loved; I would do the same for you; my promise to you.

  28. I trust you with my life and safety! I will do the SAME for YOU!

  29. I trust you with my life and safety! I will do the SAME for YOU!


    1. Haviva/Cheryl Petrovich
      Kaiser Perm is letting Dr Greg Lukaszewicz be held captive by a crazy surgeon & her hack Kaiser contract attorney & me given a series of false,forged restraining orders to keep me from helping him!THAT's what having unlimited funds can do;EVIL! Investigate!

    2. I just think of you all of the time, because I love you so very much! To me, your problems are MY problems too!

    3. I hope you had a lovely dinner with no problems. I am always thinking that it is more than "cool" where you are and could even be nasty, but at times detent exists. I will not forgive
      cruelty. I am sure revelations are not wanted. I think it is behind most all the drama. No matter how it is all resolved; you deserve beauty and lots of love in your life.
      I have a lot of it for you, but it is you call.

      is your call.


  31. I am not always sure how to post narc stuff w/o posting it in a more visible spot.

  32. Working on my paperwork next week. Be well....and safe! Sending love.

  33. There is a county meeting coming up and I am planning on writing an eye opening letter to them.

  34. It would be great if my friend could corroborate what I say as being fact, but I may be able to shame the system and get it done that way..

  35. Where would a person rather be served, home, or work? Think about it.

  36. I gave them your home address, but I may be able to change it, I need to fix a couple things. I will call in the AM. East coast time.

  37. All of this is tearing me up. What else can I do? I feel weak. I always thought of you as being able to rescue me and making everything better. I had no idea monsters would be involved......

  38. Thank you my dear one! You are so very sweet!

  39. How could I not love you? You have been so kind to me and you are beautiful in so many ways!

  40. I got so lonely to talk; I sometimes answer strangers I don't even like!
