Thursday, January 20, 2022


 Happy Lunchtime! (THE PAGE CAME BACK!)

My eyeballs are still jittering around, but overall doing better, but have not gotten up and done much.So much causes dizziness, it is a real search to figutr it out. I used to be prone to inner ear infections, which would cause miserable dizziness. Dramamine is a miracle worker; I was lucky my renter has some.

I decided I want to get lunch tomorrow from the restaurant in the complex; they have great salmon fish and chips, and their burgers are marvelous (I have had one twice) I can tell when the beef has come to the end of its sell by date, though. I do so little of interest, that food becomes important. I usually wait all day to eat, so maybe I put too much importance on it. I used to have a more well rounded existence, even alone. For awhile there though, with the start-up company, I went out so often, it became tedious. I had a lot of parties to attend and angel investor meetings in SF. At least those were the ways I was able to hob and nob with people like Gavin Newsom, Dianne Feinstein, Mark Barrenechea, Jerry Brown etc. There is also Martunies gay piano bar where an occasional celebrity, or drag queen, would pop in like Joely Fisher and Broadway actors. It was fun, but after awhile it get too much. Now, I have gotten just the exact opposite and am always home, thinking of one special person ans wishing I could come up with a good plan.

After seeing that some companies you part "company" with still ravage my monetary account; I know why I have come up short; I mean, I understand that times are hard, but it is worse for the individual, yet they still feel freel to dip into the accounts of the "little guys". They have no shame. Of course, we know of worse people.....



  1. I miss you so much that I get frustrated. This man who claims to think I hold his life in my hands, says he will help you.He claims to "know people" that makes me wonder. I He says he is a surgeon with the UN in Syria. I just don't understand. I keep wishing it was my friend. I never heard so much romantic talk outside a coveted rom com. Of course I am cynical. If you said those things to me; it would be everything to me.

  2. I will always be there for you, even if you don't love me, but I imagine you need to be around nice people for at least awhile. In court, please, be honest and brave. Let me know if I should send a ride. We need to figure it out.I adore you.

  3. Please, it would be so much easier if it was just a "hit and run", because who would penalize a person for saying, "I do not want this person to be under this law and never did." "I have no problem with her." It is wrong to put someone else's name on law against another person! That is taking away a person's civil rights! "She" thinks you are her property; she needs to be divested of the belief that people can own another person! it cannot be allowed to go on. You have a lot of life to live; you need to do it with people who don't want to make you their punching bag!

  4. I need to know if I get anything wrong, which is why this communication was stopped; which is the at the heart of Fascism.

  5. You could promise to never do anything legal against them; just want to have some free time to be on vacation to relax alone. Then, do what you want.

  6. I would love to love you, or just take care of you and be like a very close friend, who is more like family; what I know is I don't ever want to take advantage of you. I want to have the legal right to tell bad people to F'off! It is up to you, but I want to be your support. You are very loved!

