Monday, January 24, 2022


 Many times I only have a half sandwich for my food for the day, but my activity is scaled back, so I assume that is my problem. 

If anyone gets upset at anyone for their reading material, why don't they just put a hood over the head? They enjoy controlling every other aspect of someone else's life, surprised they don't go all the way.

I like taking over the power equally and having everyone having a say. After all, it isn't like you don't have some financial investment in everything. She feels "top dog" since she is still doing her original job.  I suppose she frrls like she can boss others around. She could do that to a degree, but not be harmful. I worry that anger builds up and it could result in you being harmed. You need an R.O. for your protection, rather than giving one to someone who gave gifts out of admiration and thanks.

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